Reddit daemon and web server for Hootsuite challenge *
Run mongod * ./mongodb_start.sh
Run Reddit daemon: * python -m reddit_daemon.daemon
Run web server: * python -m web_server.web_server
Test the web server: * curl "" curl "" curl "" curl ""
For subreddits, searching in the database is case-sensitive, while for the keyword, searching in the database is case-insensitive. Also, for the keyword, matching does not happen on the whole word (i.e. if keyword=class and a submission/comment contains the word "superclass", then the respective submission/comment is returned).
Run unittests * python -m unittest discover -v
Run Docker composer * sudo docker-compose up --build
Check that the containers are up and running * sudo docker ps -a
Kill all running containers * sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q)