The n8n agent has a webhook that can be used to trigger the agent.
The webhook is available at
The webhook is triggered by a POST request
Then we have agent connected to the webhook that is tools agent.
Prompt source is this
Travel Information Details • adults: {{ $json.body.body.adults }} • children: {{ $json.body.body.children }} • class: {{ $json.body.body.class }} • contactEmail: {{ $json.body.body.contactEmail }} • contactName: {{ $json.body.body.contactName }} • contactPhone: {{ $json.body.body.contactPhone }} • departureDate: {{ $json.body.body.departureDate }} • departureTime: {{ $json.body.body.departureTime }} • from: { airportCode: {{ $json.body.body.from.airportCode }}, city: {{ $ }}, country: {{ $ }}, id: {{ $ }}, name: {{ $ }} } • to: { airportCode: {{ $ }}, city: {{ $ }}, country: {{ $ }}, id: {{ $ }}, name: {{ $ }} } • passengers: [ { dateOfBirth: {{ $json.body.body.passengers[0].dateOfBirth }}, fullName: {{ $json.body.body.passengers[0].fullName }}, nationality: {{ $json.body.body.passengers[0].nationality }}, passportExpiry: {{ $json.body.body.passengers[0].passportExpiry }}, passportNumber: {{ $json.body.body.passengers[0].passportNumber }}, type: {{ $json.body.body.passengers[0].type }} } ] • returnDate: {{ $json.body.body.returnDate }} • returnTime: {{ $json.body.body.returnTime }} • specialRequests: {{ $json.body.body.specialRequests }} • status: {{ $json.body.body.status }} • totalPassengers: {{ $json.body.body.totalPassengers }} • tripType: {{ $json.body.body.tripType }} • userEmail: {{ $json.body.body.userEmail }}
Purpose Use this template to process flight booking information. The agent should:
- Verify all provided information matches the Firestore structure
- Ensure required fields are present and properly formatted:
- Passenger details (name, DOB, passport info)
- Flight details (airports, dates, times)
- Contact information
- Special requests
- Format response as a clean JSON object for Firestore storage
- Set default values:
- status: "pending"
- class: "economy"
- departureTime: "09:00"
- returnTime: "09:00"
Remember to:
- Maintain proper data types for all fields
- Ensure dates are in YYYY-MM-DD format
- Verify airport codes and names
- Include all nested objects and arrays Current date/time: {{ $now.format('DD') }}
and it has system prompt You are a customer support AI agent at Admas Travel. Your primary role is to collect and organize flight information provided by customers.
IMPORTANT: You must respond ONLY with a JSON object, no additional text or markdown. The JSON must follow this exact format:
{ "adults": number, "children": 0, "class": "economy", "contactEmail": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactPhone": "string", "departureDate": "YYYY-MM-DD", "departureTime": "09:00", "from": { "city": "string", "country": "string", "name": "string" }, "to": { "city": "string", "country": "string", "name": "string" }, "passengers": [{ "fullName": "string", "nationality": "string", "passportNumber": "string", "type": "adult" }], "returnDate": "YYYY-MM-DD", "returnTime": "09:00", "specialRequests": "string", "status": "pending", "totalPassengers": number, "tripType": "roundtrip", "userEmail": "string" }
- DO NOT include any text before or after the JSON
- DO NOT use markdown formatting
- DO NOT include explanations
- ONLY output the JSON object
- Ensure all dates are in YYYY-MM-DD format
- Split city and country correctly
- Set status always to "pending"
- Set class always to "economy"
- Set departure and return time to "09:00"
Current date: {{ $now.format('DD')}}
This agent is connect to a google gemini chatmodel and also outputs to a code.
This is the code
// Get the raw JSON string from the output field const rawOutput = items[0].json.output;
// Clean up the JSON string by removing markdown formatting
const cleanJson = rawOutput
.replace(/json\n/, '') .replace(/\n
/, '')
// Parse the cleaned JSON string const bookingData = JSON.parse(cleanJson);
// Generate booking reference
const date = new Date();
const year = date.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2);
const month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
const randomString = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 5).toUpperCase();
const sequence = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString().padStart(3, '0');
const bookingReference = ADMAS-${year}${month}-${randomString}${sequence}
// Helper function to format date as YYYY-MM-DD
const formatDate = (dateStr) => {
if (!dateStr) return '';
const date = new Date(dateStr);
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
return ${year}-${month}-${day}
// Create the processed data with nested structures const processedData = { adults: parseInt(bookingData.adults ?? 1), bookingReference, children: parseInt(bookingData.children ?? 0), class: (bookingData.class ?? 'economy').toString(), contactEmail: (bookingData.contactEmail ?? '').toString(), contactName: (bookingData.contactName ?? '').toString(), contactPhone: (bookingData.contactPhone ?? '').toString(), createdAt: formatDate(new Date()), departureDate: formatDate(bookingData.departureDate), departureTime: (bookingData.departureTime ?? '09:00').toString(),
// From location as a map from: { airportCode: (bookingData.from?.airportCode ?? '').toString(), city: (bookingData.from?.city ?? '').toString(), country: (bookingData.from?.country ?? '').toString(), id: (bookingData.from?.id ?? '').toString(), name: (bookingData.from?.name ?? '').toString() },
// To location as a map to: { airportCode: ( ?? '').toString(), city: ( ?? '').toString(), country: ( ?? '').toString(), id: ( ?? '').toString(), name: ( ?? '').toString() },
// Passengers as an array of maps passengers: bookingData.passengers?.map(passenger => ({ dateOfBirth: formatDate(passenger.dateOfBirth), fullName: (passenger.fullName ?? '').toString(), nationality: (passenger.nationality ?? '').toString(), passportExpiry: formatDate(passenger.passportExpiry), passportNumber: (passenger.passportNumber ?? '').toString(), type: (passenger.type ?? 'adult').toString() })) ?? [],
preferences: null, returnDate: formatDate(bookingData.returnDate), returnTime: (bookingData.returnTime ?? '09:00').toString(), specialRequests: (bookingData.specialRequests ?? '').toString(), status: (bookingData.status ?? 'pending').toString(), totalPassengers: parseInt(bookingData.totalPassengers ?? 1), tripType: (bookingData.tripType ?? 'oneway').toString(), type: 'flight', userEmail: (bookingData.userEmail ?? '').toString(), userId: 'agent' };
return { json: processedData };
The code outputs a json object that is used to create a firestore document. looks like this [ { "adults": 1, "bookingReference": "ADMAS-2501-G29042", "children": 0, "class": "economy", "contactEmail": "", "contactName": "John Doe", "contactPhone": "+1 (612) 555-1234", "createdAt": "2025-01-14", "departureDate": "2025-02-15", "departureTime": "09:00", "from": { "airportCode": "", "city": "New York", "country": "United States", "id": "", "name": "John F. Kennedy International Airport" }, "to": { "airportCode": "", "city": "Addis Ababa", "country": "Ethiopia", "id": "", "name": "Addis Ababa Bole International Airport" }, "passengers": [ { "dateOfBirth": "", "fullName": "John Doe", "nationality": "US", "passportExpiry": "", "passportNumber": "123456789", "type": "adult" } ], "preferences": null, "returnDate": "2025-02-28", "returnTime": "09:00", "specialRequests": "Aisle seat preference", "status": "pending", "totalPassengers": 1, "tripType": "roundtrip", "type": "flight", "userEmail": "", "userId": "agent" } ]