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Time Series Forecast

This examples was presented in the OpenFaaS blog: "Functions for data science with R templates for OpenFaaS"

Exponential smoothing is a forecasting method.

We will create a function that pulls JSON data from public COVID-19 data API, fits exponential smoothing model and returns the forecast results as JSON.

You will learn how to consume data from external APIs, fit exponential smoothing model, and forecast, use the request body, URL parameters, or dynamic routing. We'll also learn about API annotation and HTTP statuses.

You'll need the prerequisites listed here.

Create a new function using a template

Create a new function called r-covid.

faas-cli new --lang rstats-base-plumber r-covid

Customize the function

Edit the ./r-covid/DESCRIPTION file:

Package: OpenFaaStR
Version: 0.0.1

Change the ./r-covid/handler.R file:


covid_forecast <- function(region, cases="confirmed", window=14) {
    ## check arguments
    cases <- match.arg(cases, c("confirmed", "deaths"))
    window <- round(window)
    if (window < 1)
        stop("window must be > 0")
    ## API endpoint for region in global data set
    ## available values:
    u <- paste0("", region)
    x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(u) # will throw error if region is not found
    ## time series: daily new cases
    y <- pmax(0, diff(x$rawdata[[cases]]))
    ## last date
    l <- as.Date(x$rawdata$date[length(x$rawdata$date)])
    ## fit ETS
    m <- ets(y)
    ## forecaset based on model and window
    f <- forecast(m, h=window)
    ## process forecast
    p <- cbind(Date=seq(l+1, l+window, 1),
    p[p < 0] <- 0

#* @post /
function(req) {
  x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste(req$postBody))
  if (is.null(x$cases))
    x$cases <- "confirmed"
  if (is.null(x$window))
    x$window <- 14
  covid_forecast(x$region, x$cases, x$window)

Note: if we want to make some of the arguments optional, we need to evaluating if those are NULL or not and set appropriate defaults (see how using URL parameters would simplify this below). We expect the properties to be arrays, therefore we did not specify the serializer and thus we use the default (boxed JSON) serializer of Plumber.

Edit the r-covid.yml file as required, see configuration options.

Build, push, deploy the function

faas-cli up is a shorthand for automating faas-cli build, faas-cli push, and faas-cli deploy.

faas-cli up -f r-covid.yml


The key-value pairs we have to pass are as follows:

  • region: a region slug value for the API endpoint in global data set (see available values),
  • cases: one of "confirmed" or "deaths",
  • windows: a positive integer giving the forecast horizon in days.

Test the Docker image locally after docker run -p 5000:8080 $OPENFAAS_PREFIX/r-covid:

curl http://localhost:5000/ -H \
  "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
  '{"region": "canada-combined", "cases": "confirmed", "window": 4}'

Test the deployed instance:

curl $OPENFAAS_URL/function/r-covid -H \
  "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
  '{"region": "canada-combined", "cases": "confirmed", "window": 4}'

The output should include the 4-day forecast including 80% and 95% forecast intervals (the exact results change daily):

  "Date": ["2021-01-16", "2021-01-17", "2021-01-18", "2021-01-19"],
  "Point Forecast": [7954.9403, 7995.8122, 8036.6842, 8077.5561],
  "Lo 80": [6782.2353, 6815.0554, 6847.1382, 6878.4625],
  "Hi 80": [9127.6454, 9176.569, 9226.2301, 9276.6497],
  "Lo 95": [6161.4427, 6190.0005, 6217.4306, 6243.7007],
  "Hi 95": [9748.4379, 9801.6239, 9855.9377, 9911.4114]

Use URL parameters

Edit the ./r-covid/handler.R file:


covid_forecast <- function(region, cases="confirmed", window=14) {
    ## check arguments
    cases <- match.arg(cases, c("confirmed", "deaths"))
    window <- round(window)
    if (window < 1)
        stop("window must be > 0")
    ## API endpoint for region in global data set
    ## available values:
    u <- paste0("", region)
    x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(u) # will throw error if region is not found
    ## time series: daily new cases
    y <- pmax(0, diff(x$rawdata[[cases]]))
    ## last date
    l <- as.Date(x$rawdata$date[length(x$rawdata$date)])
    ## fit ETS
    m <- ets(y)
    ## forecaset based on model and window
    f <- forecast(m, h=window)
    ## process forecast
    p <- cbind(Date=seq(l+1, l+window, 1),
    p[p < 0] <- 0

#* @get /
function(region, cases, window) {
  if (missing(cases))
    cases <- "confirmed"
  if (missing(window))
    window <- 14
  covid_forecast(region, cases, as.numeric(window))

This will use a parameter from the URL instead of parsing the request body. Specifying default values as part of the handle function arguments simplifies making some URL parameters optional (need to treat missing parameters as missing()). However, URL form encoded parameters will be of character type, thus checking type and making appropriate type conversions is necessary.

Note: we have changed the function argument (from req to the arguments of the covid_forecast function) and the HTTP request method from @post to @get.

Build, push, deploy the function:

faas-cli up -f r-covid.yml

Test the Docker image locally after docker run -p 5000:8080 $OPENFAAS_PREFIX/r-covid:

curl -X GET -G \
  localhost:5000 \
  -d region=canada-combined \
  -d cases=confirmed \
  -d window=4

Test the deployed instance:

curl -X GET -G \
  $OPENFAAS_URL/function/r-covid \
  -d region=canada-combined

The output should still be same as above.

Note: only the region parameter is mandatory, the the other two defaults to cases="confirmed" and window=14. OPENFAAS_URL/function/r-covid?region=us will be the same as OPENFAAS_URL/function/r-covid?region=us&window=14.

Use dynamic routing

Edit the ./r-covid/handler.R file. Note: we also include better error handling. stop() messages only show up in logs. HTTP response status code and message will be displayed by the browser and aid troubleshooting on the client side. We also use more annotations to aid the OpenAPI info returned on the /__docs__/ endpoint (see below). Dynamic routing for Plumber is explained here.


covid_forecast <- function(region, cases="confirmed", window=14) {
    ## check arguments
    cases <- match.arg(cases, c("confirmed", "deaths"))
    window <- round(window)
    if (window < 1) 
      stop("window must be > 0")
    ## API endpoint for region in global data set
    ## available values:
    u <- paste0("", region)
    x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(u) # will throw error if region is not found
    ## time series: daily new cases
    y <- pmax(0, diff(x$rawdata[[cases]]))
    ## last date
    l <- as.Date(x$rawdata$date[length(x$rawdata$date)])
    ## fit ETS
    m <- ets(y)
    ## forecaset based on model and window
    f <- forecast(m, h=window)
    ## process forecast
    p <- cbind(Date=seq(l+1, l+window, 1),
    p[p < 0] <- 0

#* @param region:string region name
#* @param cases:string cases (confirmed or deaths)
#* @param window:integer forecasting horizon in days
#* @get /<region>/<cases>/<window>
function(region, cases, window, res) {
  if (missing(cases))
    cases <- "confirmed"
  if (missing(window))
    window <- 14
  out <- try(covid_forecast(region, cases, as.numeric(window)))
  if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
    res$status <- 400 # Bad Request

Build, push, deploy the function:

faas-cli up -f r-covid.yml

Test the Docker image locally after docker run -p 5000:8080 $OPENFAAS_PREFIX/r-covid, then visit http://localhost:5000/us/deaths/4

Test the deployed instance: OPENFAAS_URL/function/r-covid/us/deaths/4.

Check out and explore the OpenAPI documentation at OPENFAAS_URL/function/r-covid/__docs__.

Note: all parameters are required with dynamic routing.

Use r-minimal base image

Using the r-minimal base image to build the forecasting function halves the image size.

The handler is the same, this is how the DESCRIPTION file looks like:

Package: OpenFaaStR
Version: 0.0.1