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+.. _axi_adc_trigger:
+AXI ADC Trigger
+.. hdl-component-diagram::
+The :git-hdl:`AXI ADC Trigger ` IP core implements
+triggering for the ADC path and also controls two I/O triggering pins.
+More about the generic framework interfacing ADCs can be read here at :ref:`axi_adc`.
+- AXI Lite control/status interface
+- Analog triggers, two channels
+ - Greater than a limit
+ - Lower than a limit
+ - Passing through the limit, high
+ - Passing through the limit, low
+- Digital triggers, two trigger pins
+ - Low
+ - High
+ - Any edge
+ - Rising edge
+ - Falling edge
+- Mixing analog and digital triggers
+- Instrument trigger (from Logic Analyzer)
+- Controls two IO trigger pins
+.. list-table::
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Name
+ - Description
+ * - :git-hdl:`library/axi_adc_trigger/axi_adc_trigger.v`
+ - Verilog source for the peripheral.
+Block Diagram
+.. image:: block_diagram.svg
+ :alt: AXI ADC Trigger block diagram
+ :align: center
+- **Channel trigger**
+ - Channel A
+ - Amplitude limit - LIMIT_A (0x0014) - Defines the threshold level for
+ the ADC trigger
+ - Function - TRIGGER_FUNCTION_A (0x0018) - Lower, higher than limit;
+ pass-through limit
+ - Hysteresis - TRIGGER_FUNCTION_A (0x001c) - "+-" value. Used for the
+ pass-through functions
+ - Channel B
+ - Amplitude limit - LIMIT_A (0x0024) - Defines the threshold level for
+ the ADC trigger
+ - Function - TRIGGER_FUNCTION_A (0x0028) - Lower, higher than limit;
+ pass-through limit
+ - Hysteresis - TRIGGER_FUNCTION_A (0x002c) - "+-" value. Used for the
+ pass-through functions
+- **External trigger**
+ - Pin 0 (Ti)
+ Configurations - CONFIG_TRIGGER_I (0x004) allows for:
+ - falling edge (bit 8)
+ - rising edge (bit 6)
+ - any edge (bit 4)
+ - high level (bit 2)
+ - low level (bit 0)
+ - Pin 1 (To)
+ Configurations - CONFIG_TRIGGER_I (0x004) allows for:
+ - falling edge (bit 9)
+ - rising edge (bit 7)
+ - any edge (bit 5)
+ - high level (bit 3)
+ - low level (bit 1)
+.. important::
+ In the case of :adi:`M2K `, the trigger pins (Ti and To) are
+ chosen one for input and one for output. This is for the ease of
+ configuring a daisy-chain of :adi:`M2Ks `.
+ Both pins can be configured as input or output using the IO_SELECTION
+ register (0x000c).
+- **Channel A MUX** - TRIGGER_MUX_A(0x0020) - Selects between a combination
+ of ADC trigger and the external trigger
+- **Channel B MUX** - TRIGGER_MUX_B(0x0030) - Selects between a combination
+ of ADC trigger and the external trigger
+- **Output MUX** - TRIGGER_OUT_CONTROL(0x0034) - Selects a combination
+ between the channel A and/or B MUX's and the input of the instrument trigger
+- **Holdoff counter** (32 bit) - TRIGGER_HOLDOFF(0x0048) - Controls the
+ trigger out silent period after an event.
+- **Delay counter** (32 bit) - TRIGGER_DELAY(0x0040) - Controls the trigger
+ delay
+- **External trigger control**
+ * IO_SELECTION(0x000c) - Controls the direction of the external trigger pins,
+ and the source (for each pin configured as output)
+ * TRIGGER_OUT_HOLD_PINS(0x004c) - Controls the hold period after a
+ transition to a new logic level.
+Configuration Parameters
+.. hdl-parameters::
+.. hdl-interfaces::
+ * - clk
+ - Clock input
+ * - trigger_in
+ - Instrument trigger input
+ * - trigger_i
+ - External trigger input
+ * - trigger_o
+ - Trigger output
+ * - trigger_t
+ - Trigger T signal, controlling if pin is input or output
+ * - data_a
+ - Analog data for channel A
+ * - data_b
+ - Analog data for channel B
+ * - data_valid_a
+ - Data valid signal for channel A
+ * - data_valid_b
+ - Data valid signal for channel B
+ * - data_a_trig
+ - Data with trigger embedded as most significant bit, channel A
+ * - data_b_trig
+ - Data with trigger embedded as most significant bit, channel B
+ * - data_valid_a_trig
+ - Data valid for channel A
+ * - data_valid_b_trig
+ - Data valid for channel B
+ * - trigger_out
+ - Trigger out of the adc_trigger delayed by 4 clock cycles plus the
+ trigger delay mechanism used with the variable FIFO for history (data
+ before trigger)
+ * - trigger_out_la
+ - Trigger out of the adc_trigger delayed by 2 clock cycles, minimum
+ delay possible for instrument trigger
+ * - fifo_depth
+ - Controls the dynamic depth of the history FIFO
+ * - s_axi
+ - Standard AXI Slave Memory Map interface
+Detailed Description
+The AXI ADC Trigger core implements triggering for the ADC path. The trigger is
+generated based on two external trigger pins, a triggering signal from the logic
+analyzer and the ADC channels.
+The external trigger pins are controlled by the core and can be both input or
+output. For external triggering, they must be set to inputs (independently).
+The analog triggering is based on comparison with a limit. The data format must
+be in 2's complement and the maximum number of bits of the analog channel is 15.
+The trigger can be transmitted independent or embedded in the output word, at
+bit 15. When embedded, the triggers must be extracted and data must be
+reconstructed, before forwarding the data to the DMA.
+The :ref:`util_extract` IP core can be used for this purpose. Embedding the
+trigger in the data allows for additional IPs with unknown pipeline length
+to be introduced in the path.
+If a history for data before the trigger is needed, a :ref:`util_var_fifo`
+should be used.
+The FIFO depth is controlled using the trigger_offset bus of this IP.
+Register Map
+.. hdl-regmap::
+* :git-hdl:`library/axi_adc_trigger`
+* :git-linux:`/`
diff --git a/docs/regmap/adi_regmap_axi_adc_trigger.txt b/docs/regmap/adi_regmap_axi_adc_trigger.txt
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+AXI ADC Trigger (axi_adc_trigger)
+Version Register
+[31:0] 0x00030000
+Version number
+Scratch Register
+[31:0] 0x00000000
+Scratch register
+Control TRIGGER_O Value
+[1] 0x00000000
+Set TRIGGER_O_1 value
+[0] 0x00000000
+Set TRIGGER_O_0 value
+Control Trigger Pins Direction
+[7:5] 0x00000000
+Select output trigger pin 1 (To PIN):
+3: TRIGGER_OUT (axi_adc_trigger) 4: TRIGGER_IN (Logic analyzer)
+[4:2] 0x00000000
+Select output trigger pin 0 (Ti PIN):
+3: TRIGGER_OUT (axi_adc_trigger) 4: TRIGGER_IN (Logic analyzer)
+[1] 0x00000000
+Drives the TRIGGER_T[1](To) pin.
+[0] 0x00000000
+Drives the TRIGGER_T[0](Ti) pin.
+Configure Digital Triggering
+[9:8] 0x00000000
+Enable falling edge triggering for TRIGGER[0] or TRIGGER[1] pin.
+[7:6] 0x00000000
+Enable rising edge triggering for TRIGGER[0] or TRIGGER[1] pin.
+[5:4] 0x00000000
+Enable any edge triggering for TRIGGER[0] or TRIGGER[1] pin.
+[3:2] 0x00000000
+Enable high level triggering for TRIGGER[0] or TRIGGER[1] pin.
+[1:0] 0x00000000
+Enable low level triggering for TRIGGER[0] or TRIGGER[1] pin.
+Analog Trigger Level for Channel
+[15:0] 0x00000000
+Analog trigger level for channel A. 2's complement.
+Analog Triggering Function
+[1:0] 0x00000000
+Analog triggering function for channel A:
+0: Lower than limit
+1: higher than limit
+2: pass through high limit
+3: passthrough low limit
+Analog Trigger Hysteresis for Channel
+[31:0] 0x00000000
+Used for the passthrough functions.
+Trigger Selection for Path
+[3:0] 0x00000000
+Selects trigger a mode:
+0: Always on
+1: Digital triggering, based on trigger[0]
+2: ADC triggering, based on channel A
+3: Reserved
+4: Digital triggering OR ADC triggering
+5: Digital triggering AND ADC triggering
+6: Digital triggering XOR ADC triggering
+7: Option 4 negated
+8: Option 5 negated
+9: Option 6 negated
+Analog Trigger Level for Channel
+[15:0] 0x00000000
+Analog trigger level for channel B. 2's complement.
+Analog Triggering Function
+[1:0] 0x00000000
+Analog triggering function for channel B:
+0: Lower than limit
+1: higher than limit
+2: pass through high limit
+3: passthrough low limit
+Analog Trigger Hysteresis for Channel
+[31:0] 0x00000000
+Used for the passthrough functions.
+Trigger Selection for Path
+[3:0] 0x00000000
+Selects trigger a mode:
+0: Always on
+1: Digital triggering, based on trigger[0]
+2: ADC triggering, based on channel B
+3: Reserved
+4: Digital triggering OR ADC triggering
+5: Digital triggering AND ADC triggering
+6: Digital triggering XOR ADC triggering
+7: Option 4 negated
+8: Option 5 negated
+9: Option 6 negated
+Selection Multiplexer and embedded trigger selection
+[16] 0x00000000
+When set the bit 15 of the out channel data will be the trigger.
+This allows to keep the data in sync with the trigger in future data processing,
+before feeding the data to the DMA.
+When set a util_extract module is required in the system.
+[3:0] 0x00000000
+Final Trigger Selection Multiplexer.
+Selects trigger a mode:
+0: Trigger A
+1: Trigger B
+2: Trigger A OR Trigger B
+3: Trigger A AND Trigger B
+4: Trigger A XOR Trigger B
+5: Trigger LA
+6: Trigger A OR Trigger LA
+7: Trigger B OR Trigger LA
+8: Trigger A OR Trigger B OR Trigger LA
+Controls the Dynamic Depth of the History FIFO
+[31:0] 0x00000000
+Controls the depth of the history FIFO. Should be less than the maximum FIFO depth.
+If set to 0, the FIFO is bypassed.
+Indicates Triggering Status
+[1] 0x00000000
+Indicates if the trigger has been triggered since the last time this register has been
+Control the Trigger Delay
+[31:0] 0x00000000
+Delays the start of data capture with TRIGGER_DELAY number of samples after the trigger.
+Controls Streaming Mode
+[0] 0x00000000
+If the streaming bit is set, after the trigger condition is met data will be continuously
+captured by the DMA. The streaming bit must be set to 0 to reset triggering.
+Controls hold off time
+[31:0] 0x00000000
+Defines the time interval, after a trigger event, where the next trigger events will be
+ignored, until the end of the interval. The time interval is set by counter. Down-counting
+on the ADC clock(100MHz). The value written in the register is loaded in the counter at a
+trigger event.
+Controls external trigger hold time
+[1] 0x00000000
+Defines a time period, in which the external trigger pins, configured as outputs, will hold
+the new logic level after a transition. The down-counter, counting on ADC clock, is loaded
+with the value written in the register after a new transition of the source trigger signal,
+if the counter is inactive.