[Please provide a brief summary of your pull request. If it is a fix for a bug, please briefly describe the problem and the solution. If relevant:
- Reference the related GitHub issue; e.g. "Fixes #333".
- Add screenshots, flowcharts, etc.]
[List any requirements that must be met for both internal and external API changes.]
I have completed the following:
- Received approval from both the frontend and backend teams for these change(s).
- Updated the public / private API documentation to reflect these changes.
[Briefly outline the QA steps you have undertaken, including whether testing was done locally, on a review app and/or on staging.]
[List any requirements that must be met and config changes that must be made before merging in this pull request.]
I have completed the following:
- Notified users / customers about the changes.
- Notified other teams about any possible downtime.
- Considered API limits if we're pulling / pushing large amounts of data to / from a third party API.
- Successfully run all data migrations locally (with and without data) and in a review app / on staging.
[List any requirements that must be met and config changes that must be made when deploying.]
I have completed the following:
- Turned on Maintenance Mode.
- Cleared the CDN cache.
[List any requirements that must be met and config changes that must be made after merging in this pull request.]
I have completed the following:
- Confirmed with other teams that downtime has been completed.
I have completed the following:
- Added appropriate comments to my code where the code is not easily understood.
- Updated the relevant documentation.
- Added tests to cover the proposed changes (and if not, explained why).