The following is a set of instructions to run Amundsen on AWS Elastic Container Service. The current configuration is very basic but it is working. It is a migration of the docker-amundsen.yml to run on AWS ECS.
The first step is to install ECS CLI, please follow the instructions from AWS documentation
# in ~/<your-path-to-cloned-repo>/amundsenfrontendlibrary/docs/instalation-aws-ecs
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxx
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxx
$ export AWS_PROFILE=profilename
For the purpose of this instruction we used the tutorial on AWS documentation
Enter the cloned directory:
cd amundsen/docs/installation-aws-ecs
# in ~/<your-path-to-cloned-repo>/amundsenfrontendlibrary/docs/instalation-aws-ecs
$ ecs-cli configure --cluster amundsen --region us-west-2 --default-launch-type EC2 --config-name amundsen
# in ~/<your-path-to-cloned-repo>/amundsen/docs/installation-aws-ecs
$ ecs-cli configure profile --access-key $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret-key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --profile-name amundsen
# in ~/<your-path-to-cloned-repo>/amundsen/docs/installation-aws-ecs
$ ecs-cli up --keypair JoaoCorreia --extra-user-data --capability-iam --size 1 --instance-type t2.large --cluster-config amundsen --verbose --force --aws-profile $AWS_PROFILE
# in ~/<your-path-to-cloned-repo>/amundsen/docs/installation-aws-ecs
$ ecs-cli compose --cluster-config amundsen --file docker-ecs-amundsen.yml up --create-log-groups
You can use the ECS CLI to see what tasks are running.
$ ecs-cli ps
Edit the Security Group to allow traffic to your IP, you should be able to see the frontend, elasticsearch and neo4j by visiting the URLs:
- Configuration sent to services not working properly (amunsen.db vs graph.db)
- Create a persistent volume for graph/metadata storage. See this
- Refactor the VPC and default security group permissions