These instructions assume you
- Have git tools installed in Eclipse Mars (These should be included by default).
- Have the Gradle Buildship tools installed into Eclipse Mars.
If the sample git repository hasn't been cloned yet, use git tools integrated into the IDE:
- Open the Git repositories view
- Window -> Show View -> Other
- Type "git" in the filter box, and select Git Repositories
- Copy Git repo url by finding the textbox under "HTTPS clone URL" at the top of this page, and select Copy to clipboard
- In the Git repositories view, select the hyperlink
Clone a Git repository
- The git repo url should already be filled in. Select Next -> Next -> Finish
- The "acmeair" repo should appear in the view
- In the Git Repository view, expand the acmeair repo to see the "Working Directory" folder
- Right-click on this folder, and select Copy path to Clipboard
- Select menu File -> Import -> Gradle -> Gradle Project
- In the Project root directory folder textbox, Paste in the repository directory.
- Click Next twice
- Seven projects should be listed in the Gradle project structure click Finish
- This will create 7 projects in Eclipse: acmeair, acmeair-as, acmeair-bs, acmeair-cs, acmeair-fs, acmeair-mainapp, acmeair-services, acmeair-services-mongo, acmeair-webapp
- Go to the Gradle Tasks view in Eclipse and navigate to the acmeair project
- Double click on the eclipse task to generate all the Eclipse files
- In the Enterprise Explorer view in Eclipse right click on the seven projects mentioned in step 7 and click refresh
⭐ Note: If you did not use Eclipse to clone the git repository, follow from step 3, but navigate to the cloned repository directory rather than pasting its name in step 4.
- Go to the Gradle Tasks view in Eclipse and navigate to the acmeair project
- Double click: build.
This will download prerequisite jars and build four wars:
- acmeair-as/build/libs/acmeair-as-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-bs/build/libs/acmeair-bs-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-cs/build/libs/acmeair-cs-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-fs/build/libs/acmeair-fs-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-mainapp/build/libs/acmeair-webapp-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-webapp/build/libs/acmeair-webapp-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
set JAVA_HOME=C:\work\java\ibm-java-sdk-7.1-win-i386
export JAVA_HOME=~/work/java/ibm-java-sdk-7.1-i386
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
- Git for access to the source code ( for windows)
- Gradle for building the project (http://
- Ensure git and gradle are in your path
$ git clone
This sample can be built using Gradle.
$ gradle build
This will download prerequisite jars and build four wars:
- acmeair-as/build/libs/acmeair-as-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-bs/build/libs/acmeair-bs-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-cs/build/libs/acmeair-cs-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-fs/build/libs/acmeair-fs-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-mainapp/build/libs/acmeair-webapp-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- acmeair-webapp/build/libs/acmeair-webapp-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war