[Build the code base] (./
Install Docker and stared Docker daemon on your local machine
Install Cloud Foundry & IBM Containers Plugin
Setup Compose Mongo DB & create acmeair database
Retrieve & save these information from Compose Mongo DB
hostname,"port", "db", "username", "password”
Create a string:
"url": "mongodb://username:password@hostname:port/db" e.g. mongodb://
On cf cli, run following commands to create Compose Mongo DB service on Bluemix:
Use CF command to create DB: cf cups mongoCompose -p "url"
At the URL prompt, enter above URL that was created: url>mongodb://
Mongo DB CF Bridge App:
On Bluemix UI, go to dashboard
Under “Cloud Foundry App”, click CREATE APP > WEB > SDK for Node.js > Continue > Enter “MongoBridge” as an app name > FINISH
Click “Overview” from left navigator for “MongoBridge” app > Click “Bind a Service” > Select “mongoCompose” that you have created > ADD
Note: memory quota can be 64 MB
From Service Discovery Bluemix UI, get the following information:
Go to Service Discovery > From the left navigation, go to Service Credentials > Get auth_token and url
For the ServiceProxyTenant, on the cf cli, assign public IP address with the following:
cf ic ip request
cf ic ip bind ServiceProxyTenant
From the Bluemix UI, go to ServiceProxyTenant container, then record public IP address and port number
e.g. Public IP :, port number :6379
On local docker server, Go to the root directory of acmeair
Update the values at the top of and then invoke it.
Create the images for each service with the following commands:
docker build -f ./acmeair-mainapp/Dockerfile_BlueMix_main -t acmeair_java_mainservice . docker build -f ./acmeair-as/Dockerfile_BlueMix_as -t acmeair_java_authservice . docker build -f ./acmeair-bs/Dockerfile_BlueMix_bs -t acmeair_java_bookingservice . docker build -f ./acmeair-cs/Dockerfile_BlueMix_cs -t acmeair_java_customerservice . docker build -f ./acmeair-fs/Dockerfile_BlueMix_fs -t acmeair_java_flightservice .
Tag the image with Bluemix Registry name with the following command:
docker tag
Examples: My namespace is wasperf. docker tag -f acmeair_java_mainservice:latest docker tag -f acmeair_java_authservice:latest docker tag -f acmeair_java_bookingservice:latest docker tag -f acmeair_java_customerservice:latest docker tag -f acmeair_java_flightservice:latest
Push the image to Bluemix with the following command:
docker push
Examples: My namespace is wasperf. docker push docker push docker push docker push docker push
Deploy the Container Image with following command (use Service Discovery - SD - auth_token and URL retrieved from prerequisite):
cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP= -e SERVICE_NAME= -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=<auth_token> --name
Examples: cf ic run -e SERVICE_NAME=main -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name main_java_1 cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP=MongoBridge -e SERVICE_NAME=auth -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name auth_java_1 cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP=MongoBridge -e SERVICE_NAME=auth -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name booking_java_1 cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP=MongoBridge -e SERVICE_NAME=auth -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name customer_java_1 cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP=MongoBridge -e SERVICE_NAME=auth -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name flight_java_1
NOTE: These service name MUST be used (hardcoded in the app to recognize each unique services):
Authentication Service : auth
Customer Service : customer
Flight Service : flight
Booking Service : booking
Useful command for debugging : The following command can be used to logon container shell:
cf ic exec -it bash
e.g. cf ic exec -it auth_2 bash
Wait for couple minutes AFTER all services are running (There is 1 minute sleep time in the app to wait for all initialization including networking)
Go to Service Discovery to see all services are discovered
Go to Service Proxy to see all services are registered
Go to each container services log to see if there is heartbeat recorded and StatusCode is 200:
e.g. {"log":"HEARTBEAT RESPONSE : {\"statusCode\":200,\.....}
Logon to the Service ProxyTenant:
cf ic exec -it ServiceProxyTenant bash cd /etc/nginx vi nginx.conf
Add the following to each upstream section:
keepalive 30;
Add the following to each location section:
proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection "";
Reload nginx
nginx -s reload
You will have to update this if any services are added or subtracted.