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Acmeair Java on Bluemix Containers


[Build the code base] (./

Install Docker and stared Docker daemon on your local machine

Install Cloud Foundry & IBM Containers Plugin

Setup Compose Mongo DB & create acmeair database

  • Retrieve & save these information from Compose Mongo DB

    hostname,"port", "db", "username", "password”

    Create a string:

    "url": "mongodb://username:password@hostname:port/db" e.g. mongodb://

  • On cf cli, run following commands to create Compose Mongo DB service on Bluemix:

    Use CF command to create DB: cf cups mongoCompose -p "url"

    At the URL prompt, enter above URL that was created: url>mongodb://

  • Mongo DB CF Bridge App:

    On Bluemix UI, go to dashboard

    Under “Cloud Foundry App”, click CREATE APP > WEB > SDK for Node.js > Continue > Enter “MongoBridge” as an app name > FINISH

    Click “Overview” from left navigator for “MongoBridge” app > Click “Bind a Service” > Select “mongoCompose” that you have created > ADD

Note: memory quota can be 64 MB

Setup Service Discovery

Setup Service Proxy

  • From Service Discovery Bluemix UI, get the following information:

    Go to Service Discovery > From the left navigation, go to Service Credentials > Get auth_token and url

  • For the ServiceProxyTenant, on the cf cli, assign public IP address with the following:

    cf ic ip request

    cf ic ip bind ServiceProxyTenant

From the Bluemix UI, go to ServiceProxyTenant container, then record public IP address and port number

e.g. Public IP :, port number :6379

Create each services in IBM Container service

On local docker server, Go to the root directory of acmeair

Option 1 - Automated

Update the values at the top of and then invoke it.

Option 2 - Manual

  • Create the images for each service with the following commands:

    docker build -f ./acmeair-mainapp/Dockerfile_BlueMix_main -t acmeair_java_mainservice . docker build -f ./acmeair-as/Dockerfile_BlueMix_as -t acmeair_java_authservice . docker build -f ./acmeair-bs/Dockerfile_BlueMix_bs -t acmeair_java_bookingservice . docker build -f ./acmeair-cs/Dockerfile_BlueMix_cs -t acmeair_java_customerservice . docker build -f ./acmeair-fs/Dockerfile_BlueMix_fs -t acmeair_java_flightservice .

  • Tag the image with Bluemix Registry name with the following command:

    docker tag

    Examples: My namespace is wasperf. docker tag -f acmeair_java_mainservice:latest docker tag -f acmeair_java_authservice:latest docker tag -f acmeair_java_bookingservice:latest docker tag -f acmeair_java_customerservice:latest docker tag -f acmeair_java_flightservice:latest

  • Push the image to Bluemix with the following command:

    docker push

    Examples: My namespace is wasperf. docker push docker push docker push docker push docker push

  • Deploy the Container Image with following command (use Service Discovery - SD - auth_token and URL retrieved from prerequisite):

    cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP= -e SERVICE_NAME= -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=<auth_token> --name

    Examples: cf ic run -e SERVICE_NAME=main -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name main_java_1 cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP=MongoBridge -e SERVICE_NAME=auth -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name auth_java_1 cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP=MongoBridge -e SERVICE_NAME=auth -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name booking_java_1 cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP=MongoBridge -e SERVICE_NAME=auth -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name customer_java_1 cf ic run -e CCS_BIND_APP=MongoBridge -e SERVICE_NAME=auth -e SD_URL= -e SD_TOKEN=1m3rliolucbampleoq36am82bdfv0othuruoefe6enop27ab7cnp --name flight_java_1

NOTE: These service name MUST be used (hardcoded in the app to recognize each unique services):

Authentication Service : auth
Customer Service : customer
Flight Service : flight
Booking Service : booking
  • Useful command for debugging : The following command can be used to logon container shell:

    cf ic exec -it bash

    e.g. cf ic exec -it auth_2 bash

Wait for couple minutes AFTER all services are running (There is 1 minute sleep time in the app to wait for all initialization including networking)


Check if Services are registered

  • Go to Service Discovery to see all services are discovered

  • Go to Service Proxy to see all services are registered


Go to each container services log to see if there is heartbeat recorded and StatusCode is 200:

e.g. {"log":"HEARTBEAT RESPONSE : {\"statusCode\":200,\.....}

Keepalive Performance Improvement

  • Logon to the Service ProxyTenant:

    cf ic exec -it ServiceProxyTenant bash cd /etc/nginx vi nginx.conf

  • Add the following to each upstream section:

    keepalive 30;

  • Add the following to each location section:

    proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection "";

  • Reload nginx

    nginx -s reload

  • You will have to update this if any services are added or subtracted.