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Summary of the Seventh Session

Date: 1403,05,07- 2024,07,28

Data Structure Stack and Queue

Image to describe


  • Example of Method: pop(), push()
  • LIFO last in first out


  • Example of Method: unshift(), shift()
  • FIFO first in first out

Algorithm and Flowchart

An algorithm is a step-by-step summary of the procedure, while on the other hand, a flowchart illustrates the steps of a program graphically.

Oval: For start and end.
Rectangle: For process.
Parallelogram: For input and output.
Rhombus:‌ For if and conditional commands.

Example (1): Write an algorithm that receives two numbers and then adds them and finally displays them.

  1. Define variable A and save it in memory.
  2. Define variable B and save it in memory.
  3. Define variable sum and save it in memory.
  4. Get the first value from the user and store it in variable A.
  5. Get the second value from the user and store it in variable B.
  6. Do this operation: sum = A + B
  7. Display the sum variable.


Each part of a flowchart is a part of the process of that program

If and Operators


if ( Condition ) {
    // Code
    // Code
    // Code


=: It is used to assign a value to a variable. - let a = 20
==: It is used to show equality. - console.log(20 == 21) // False
===: It is used for equal value and data type. - ‍console.log('20' === '20') // True
!=: The opposite of equality works. - console.log(12 != 12) // True
!==: The opposite of === works. - ‍console.log('20' !== 20) // True
>: It means that if it was more than this amount. - console.log( 10 > 5 ) // True
<: It means that if it was less than this amount. - console.log( 10 < 5 ) // False
>=: It means that if it was more and equal than this amount. - console.log( 5 >= 9 ) // False
<=: It means that if it was less and equal than this amount. - console.log( 10 <= 11 ) // True
*: It is used to multiply. - console.log( 100 * 2 ) // 200
/: It is used to division. - console.log( 100 / 2 ) // 50
+: It is used to subtraction. - console.log( 100 - 2 ) // 98
-: It is used to adding. - console.log( 100 + 2 ) // 102