Besides the Operator, Workspaces-REST-Service, and the Dashboard, Theia.Cloud also has a simple Theia-based demo application and an init-container running wondershaper which may enable limiting the network bandwidth of a running application.
# Build the wondershaper init-container.
docker build -t theia-cloud-wondershaper -f dockerfiles/wondershaper/Dockerfile .
# Build the Theia Demo application with:
docker build -t theia-cloud-demo -f demo/dockerfiles/demo-theia-docker/Dockerfile demo/dockerfiles/demo-theia-docker/.
# Build the Landing page/Dashboard with:
docker build -t theia-cloud-landing-page -f dockerfiles/landing-page/Dockerfile .
# Build the workspace REST service with:
docker build -t theia-cloud-workspace -f dockerfiles/workspace/Dockerfile .
# Build the operator with:
docker build -t theia-cloud-operator -f dockerfiles/operator/Dockerfile .