- core
Core classes for the AMaaS Core SDK for JavaScript. These classes cannot be instantiated from the SDK, they are included for reference.
- api
API Methods. These methods enable communication with the AMaaS Database. All methods return Promises with the option to use callbacks instead. Specific implementation instructions are detailed below.
- assetManagers
Classes for the AssetManagers service
- assets
Classes for the Assets service
- books
Classes for the Books Service
- children
These are general children classes used in a variety of places
- corporateActions
Classes for the CorporateActions Service
- monitor
Classes for the Monitor Service
- parties
Classes for the Parties service
- relationships
Classes and API methods for the Relationships service (not ready yet)
- transactions
Classes for the Transactions service.
Core classes for the AMaaS Core SDK for JavaScript. These classes cannot be instantiated from the SDK, they are included for reference.
core.Reference ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Reference
Kind: static class of core
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Reference instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Reference creation options: | |
params.referenceValue | string |
The identifier of this Reference (e.g. transactionId) | |
[params.referencePrimary] | boolean |
false |
Whether the Reference is primary (a parent can only have 1 primary Reference) |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Reference | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Reference | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Reference was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Reference was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Reference |
Class representing a AMaaSModel. This is the base class for almost every other class.
Kind: static class of core
Construct new AMaaSModel object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
AMaaSModel creation options: |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the AMaaSModel |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the AMaaSModel |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the AMaaSModel was created |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the AMaaSModel was updated |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the AMaaSModel |
API Methods. These methods enable communication with the AMaaS Database. All methods return Promises with the option to use callbacks instead. Specific implementation instructions are detailed below.
- api
- .csv :
- .parseString(params) ⇒
- .parseString(params) ⇒
- .AggregatePNL :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Allocations :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .send(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .AssetManagers :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .deactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .searchDomains(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .checkDomains(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insertDomain(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieveEODBooks(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getCredentialsForPubSub(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Assets :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .upsert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .partialAmend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, callback) ⇒
- .fuzzySearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .fieldsSearch(params, callback) ⇒
- .deactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getAssetConfig(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Books :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retire(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getPermissions(params, [permissionId], [callback]) ⇒
- .addPermission(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .readPermission(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .writePermission(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .deactivatePermission(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .CorporateActions :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .cancel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reopen(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Curve :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .deactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .EOD :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .triggerEODJob(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .listBatchJobs(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .ForwardRate :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Fundamentals :
- .countries(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .calcBusinessDate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .processDateInfo(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .holidays(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .countries(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .FXRate :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Monitor :
- .retrieveItem(params, callback) ⇒
- .insertNewItem(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .resubmitItem(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .searchItems(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .closeItem(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieveEvent(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insertEvent(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .closeEvent(params, callback) ⇒
- .retrieveActivites(params, callback) ⇒
- .retrieveItem(params, callback) ⇒
- .Netting :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .send(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Parties :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .partialAmend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .fuzzySearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .fieldsSearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .deactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .PositionPNL :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Positions :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .fieldsSearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Relationships :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .requestRelationship(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getRelatedAMID(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .approveRel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .rejectRel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .revokeRel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .sendInvitation(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .register(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .TransactionPNL :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .Transactions :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .partialAmend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .fieldsSearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .cancel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .uploadCSV(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .executeCSVJob(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .listImportJobs(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getCSVImportDetails(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieveAggregateMTM(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieveMTM(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .csv :
Kind: static namespace of api
Convert csv object string into class instance
Kind: static method of csv
Returns: Array
- An array of Transaction instances
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.csv | string |
csv string to parse |
params.type | string |
type of data being passed in Available types are: |
Kind: static namespace of api
Kind: static method of AggregatePNL
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID |
params.query | object |
Object of query params: Available keys are: string or string[] bookIdsstring businessDatestring currency |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static namespace of api
Note: This service is in beta (untested)
- .Allocations :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .send(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve Allocations for a specific Transaction
Kind: static method of Allocations
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an Array of Link instances or a single Link instance (an Allocation is an instance of the Link class)
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of Transaction |
[params.resourceId] | string |
Transaction ID. Omit to return all Allocations for the supplied AMId |
[callback] | function |
Function of form (error, result) called on completion. result is an array of Link instances or a single Link instance. Omit to return Promise |
Send Allocations for a specific Transaction
Kind: static method of Allocations
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Allocations
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of Transaction |
params.resourceId | string |
Transaction ID |
params.data | object |
Allocation data for the Transaction of the form [ { book_id: '123', quantity: '50', transaction_id: 'XYZ' }, { book_id: '456', quantity: '50', transaction_id: 'ABC' } ]. If transaction_id is supplied, it is used as the inserted Allocation's transactionId. Otherwise a random ID is generated |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arugments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Allocations. Omit to return Promise |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .AssetManagers :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .deactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .searchDomains(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .checkDomains(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insertDomain(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieveEODBooks(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getCredentialsForPubSub(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve Asset Manager data for specified Asset Manager ID
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an AssetManager instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID to retrieve |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an AssetManager instance. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a new Asset Manager into the database
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted AssetManager instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.assetManager | AssetManager |
Asset Manager instance to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted AssetManager instance. Omit to return Promise |
Amend an Asset Manager (Replaces current Asset Manager with what is passed in)
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the amended AssetManager instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMID of the Asset Manager to amend |
params.assetManager | AssetManager |
Asset Manager instance to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended AssetManager instance. Omit to return Promise |
Deactivate an Asset Manager
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the deactivated AssetManager instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMID of the Asset Manager to deactivate |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the deactivated AssetManager instance. Omit to return Promise |
Reactivate an Asset Manager
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the reactivated AssetManager instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMID of the Asset Manager to deactivate |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the reactivated AssetManager instance. Omit to return Promise |
Search domains
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a promise that resolves with the matching Domain instances.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID to search domains for. |
params.query | string |
search parameters for the domain search. Available keys are: query = { isPrimary: true, domains: ['amaas.com', 'argomi.com'], domainStatuses: 'Active' } |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result are the matching Domain instances. Omit to return promise. |
Check whether a domain has any AMIDs associated with it
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a promise that resolves with the Domain instance containing an AMID which is primary for this domain, or null.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.domain | string |
domain to retrieve Asset Manager IDs for (not including '@') |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the Domain instance where the associated AMID is primary, or null. Omit to return promise. |
Insert a new Domain for a given AMID
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a promise that resolves with the inserted Domain instance.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the new Domain's owner. |
params.domain | Domain |
Domain instance or object to insert. |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Domain instance. Omit to return promise. |
Retrieve EOD Books
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a promise that resolves with an array of EODBooks or a single EODBook instance.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMID of caller. |
params.bookID | string |
Book ID to retrieve. |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of EODBooks or a single EODBook instance. Omit to return promise. |
Retrieve temporary credentials for pub/sub connection
Kind: static method of AssetManagers
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a promise that resolves with the credentials object as well as an array of available subscriptions.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of user for whom you want to retrieve credentials |
[params.next] | number |
Pass to get additional credentials |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the credentials object containing AccessKeyId , SecretAccessKey and SessionToken , along with an array of available subscription topics. |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Assets :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .upsert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .partialAmend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, callback) ⇒
- .fuzzySearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .fieldsSearch(params, callback) ⇒
- .deactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getAssetConfig(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve Asset data for specified AMId and assetId
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Assets or a single Asset instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Asset |
[params.resourceId] | string |
Asset ID of the Asset. Omit to return all Assets for the supplied AMId |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Assets or a single Asset instance. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a new Asset into the database
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Asset instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Asset Manager to whom the inserted Asset belongs |
params.asset | Asset |
Asset instance to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Asset instance. Omit to return Promise |
Upsert a new Asset into the database
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Asset instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Asset Manager to whom the inserted Asset belongs |
params.asset | Asset |
Asset instance to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Asset instance. Omit to return Promise |
Amend an existing Asset. WARNING: This makes a HTTP PUT request and will replace the existing Asset with the one passed in
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the amended Asset instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of the Asset to amend |
params.asset | Asset |
Amended Asset instance to PUT |
params.resourceId | string |
Asset ID of the Asset to amend |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended Asset instance. Omit to return Promise |
Partially amend an existing Asset.
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the amended Asset instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | string |
AMId of the Asset to be partially amended |
params.changes | object |
Object of changes to the Asset. |
params.resourceId | string |
Asset ID of the Asset to be partially amended |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended Asset instance. Omit to return Promise |
Search for Assets
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Assets or a single Asset instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
[params.AMId] | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Assets to search over. If omitted, you must send assetManagerIds in the search query with at least one value |
params.query | object |
Search parameters of the form { key : [values] }Available keys are: { assetManagerIds: 1, assetClasses: ['ForeignExchange', 'Equity'] } |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Assets or a single Asset instance |
Fuzzy Search on assets
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the above object.
Param | Type | Description |
query | object |
Query object of the form . |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is object of shape { total: <number>, max_score: <number>, hits: <Array> } . hits is an array of objects:
Search for Assets and return specified fields
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of objects or a single object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Search parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID to search over. |
params.query | object |
Query object containing a fields property. e.g. { query: { fields: ['assetId', 'references', 'comments']} } |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of objects or a single object |
Delete an exising Asset. This will set the Asset status to 'Inactive'.
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the deactivated Asset instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | string |
AMId of the Asset to be deleted |
params.resourceId | string |
Asset ID of the Asset to be deleted |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the deactivated Asset instance. Omit to return Promise |
Reactivate a deactivated Asset. This will set the Asset status to 'Active'.
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the reactivated Asset instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | string |
AMId of the Asset to be deleted |
params.resourceId | string |
Asset ID of the Asset to be deleted |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the reactivated Asset instance. Omit to return Promise |
Retrieve the asset config (settlement cycle) for a particular asset class.
Kind: static method of Assets
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the config data.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.assetClass | string |
Asset class to retrive config for. |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the config data. |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Books :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retire(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getPermissions(params, [permissionId], [callback]) ⇒
- .addPermission(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .readPermission(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .writePermission(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .deactivatePermission(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve Book data for specified AMId and bookId
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Books or a single Book instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Asset |
[params.resourceId] | string |
ID of the Book. Omit to return all Books for the supplied AMId |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Books or a single Book instance. Omit to return Promise |
Search Books for specified AMId and bookId
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Books or a single Book instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
[params.AMId] | number |
Asset Manager ID of the user calling the API. If omitted, you must pass assetManagerIds in the query |
params.query | object |
Search parameters of the form: { key : value |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Books or a single Book instance. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a new Book into the database
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Book instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the AM insering the Book |
params.book | Asset |
Book instance to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Book instance. Omit to return Promise |
Amend an existing Book. WARNING: This makes a HTTP PUT request and will replace the existing Book with the one passed in
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the amended Book instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of the Book to amend |
params.book | Asset |
Amended Book instance to PUT |
params.resourceId | string |
Book ID of the Book to amend |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended Book instance. Omit to return Promise |
Retire a Book. This will set the Book status to 'Retired'.
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the retired Book instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | string |
AMId of the Books to be retired |
params.resourceId | string |
Book ID of the Book to be retired |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the retired Book instance. Omit to return Promise |
Reactivate a Book. This will set the Book status to 'Active'.
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the reactivated Book instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | string |
AMId of the Books to be reactivated |
params.resourceId | string |
Book ID of the Book to be reactivated |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the reactivated Book instance. Omit to return Promise |
Retrieve Book Permissions for an AMID.
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Book Permission
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Company owning the Book Permission |
[params.bookId] | string |
Specific Book ID to retrieve permissions for. Omit to return all Permissions for the given AMId |
[permissionId] | string |
Optional permission ID. Specify to return the unique record. Omit to return all Permissions for the given AMId/bookId combination |
params.includeInactive | boolean |
Whether to show inactive Book Permissions |
[callback] | function |
Called with two values (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Book Permission instance. |
Add a Book Permission.
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Book Permission
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Company owning the Book |
params.bookPermission | BookPermission | object |
Book permission instance or object |
[callback] | function |
Called with two values (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Book Permission instance. |
Modify a Book Permission to read (this will downgrade an existing write permission)
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the modified Book Permission
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Company owning the Book |
params.permissionId | string |
Permission ID of the Permission to modify |
params.userAssetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the user to grant read permission to |
params.bookId | string |
Book ID |
[callback] | function |
Called with two values (error, result) on completion. result is the modifed Book Permission instance. |
Modify a Book Permission to write (this will upgrade an existing write permission)
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the modified Book Permission
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Company owning the Book |
params.permissionId | string |
Permission ID of the Permission to modify |
params.userAssetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the user to grant read permission to |
params.bookId | string |
Book ID |
[callback] | function |
Called with two values (error, result) on completion. result is the modifed Book Permission instance. |
Deactivate a Book Permission (reactivation requires adding new permission)
Kind: static method of Books
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the modified Book Permission
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Company owning the Book |
params.permissionId | number |
Permission ID of the Permission to deactivate |
params.bookId | string |
Book ID of the Permission to deactivate |
[callback] | function |
Called with two values (error, result) on completion. result is the modifed Book Permission instance. |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .CorporateActions :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .cancel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reopen(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve a Corporate Action
Kind: static method of CorporateActions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Corporate Actions or a single CorporateAction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of the Asset Manager that owns the Corporate Action |
[params.resourceId] | string |
ID of the Corporate Action to retrieve. Omit to return all Corporate Actions for supplied AMId |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Corporate Actions or a single CorporateAction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a Corporate Action
Kind: static method of CorporateActions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted CorporateAction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of the Asset Manager that owns the Corporate Action |
params.corporateAction | string |
CorporateAction instance to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted CorporateAction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a Corporate Action
Kind: static method of CorporateActions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the amended CorporateAction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of the Asset Manager that owns the Corporate Action |
params.resourceId | string |
ID of the Corporate Action to amend |
params.corporateAction | string |
Amended CorporateAction instance |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended CorporateAction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Search for Corporate Actions
Kind: static method of CorporateActions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Corporate Actions or a single CorporateAction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
[params.AMId] | number |
AMId of the Asset Manager that owns the Corporate Action. If omitted you must pass assetManagerIds in the query |
params.query | object |
Search parameters of the form { key : value |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Corporate Actions or a single CorporateAction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Cancel a Corporate Action
Kind: static method of CorporateActions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the cancelled CorporateAction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of the Asset Manager that owns the Corporate Action. |
params.resourceId | array |
ID of the Corporate Action to cancel |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the cancelled CorporateAction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Reopen a cancelled Corporate Action
Kind: static method of CorporateActions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the reopened CorporateAction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of the Asset Manager that owns the Corporate Action. |
params.resourceId | array |
ID of the Corporate Action to reopen |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the reopened CorporateAction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Curve :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .deactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Kind: static method of Curve
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of curve data |
params.businessDate | string |
Business date (yyyy-mm-dd) of the curve data |
params.assetIds | string |
Which asset to retrieve curve data for |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of Curve
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of curve data |
params.businessDate | string |
Business date (yyyy-mm-dd) of the curve data |
params.data | object |
Curve object |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of Curve
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of curve data |
params.businessDate | string |
Business date (yyyy-mm-dd) of the curve data |
params.assetIds | string |
Which asset to retrieve curve data for |
params.data | object |
Curve object |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of Curve
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of curve data |
params.data | object |
Minimal curve data to deactivate (assetId , curveType , fixingType , businessDate , curveTimestamp ) |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .EOD :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .triggerEODJob(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .listBatchJobs(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Kind: static method of EOD
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID |
params.query | object |
Object of query params: Available keys are: string businessDateStartstring businessDateEndstring assetIds |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of EOD
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID for the Book |
params.bookId | string |
Book ID to run the EOD batch job for |
params.businessDate | string |
Which date to run the batch for (max allowed is T - 1 where T === today) |
[params.closeTime] | string |
Close time at which to run the batch job for (defaults to book close time) |
[params.timezone] | string |
Timezone in which to run the batch job (from which the close time will be calculated). Defaults to book timezone |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of EOD
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promsie
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID for the Book |
params.businessDate | string |
Which date to retrieve the batch for (max allowed is T - 1 where T === today) |
[params.executionId] | string |
Specific batch execution ID |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static namespace of api
Kind: static method of ForwardRate
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID |
params.assetIds | number |
Asset Id |
params.query | object |
Object of query params: Available keys are: string businessDateStartstring businessDateEndstring tenor |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Fundamentals :
- .countries(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .calcBusinessDate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .processDateInfo(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .holidays(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .countries(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve country info for a specific code.
Kind: static method of Fundamentals
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, resolves with a country object.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.code | string |
Country code. |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is a country object. Omit to return Promise |
Make request and search data
Kind: static method of Fundamentals
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.codes | string | array |
A country code string or an array of country code strings |
params.date | string |
start date |
params.offset | string |
Number of offset days. |
params.invalidDates | string | array |
an invalid date string or an array of invalid dates strings |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is a country name returned or country names. Omit to return Promise |
Make request and search data
Kind: static method of Fundamentals
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.codes | string | array |
A country code string or an array of country codes strings |
params.date | string |
start date |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is a country name returned or country names. Omit to return Promise |
Make request and search data
Kind: static method of Fundamentals
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.codes | string | array |
A country code string or an array of country codes strings |
params.years | string | array |
A year string or an array of |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is a country name returned or country names. Omit to return Promise |
Kind: static namespace of api
Kind: static method of FXRate
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID |
params.query | object |
Object of query params: Available keys are: string businessDateStartstring businessDateEndstring assetIds |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Monitor :
- .retrieveItem(params, callback) ⇒
- .insertNewItem(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .resubmitItem(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .searchItems(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .closeItem(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieveEvent(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insertEvent(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .closeEvent(params, callback) ⇒
- .retrieveActivites(params, callback) ⇒
- .retrieveItem(params, callback) ⇒
Retrieve a Monitor Item
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- - If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Items or a single Item instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Item(s) to be retrieved |
[params.resourceId] | string |
itemId of the Item to be retrieved. Omit to return all Items for given AMId |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Items or a single Item instance. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a new Monitor Item
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- - If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Item instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Item |
params.item | Item | object |
Monitor Item |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Item instance. Omit to return Promise |
Resubmit a monitor item
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the resubmitted Item instance.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Item to be resubmitted |
params.resourceId | string |
itemId of the Item to be resubmitted |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the resubmitted Item instance. Omit to return promise |
Search Monitor Items
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Items or a single Item instance.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
[params.assetManagerId] | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Items over which to search. If omitted, you must include assetManagerIds in the query |
params.query | object |
Search parameters of the form { key : value |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Items or a single Item instance. |
Close a monitor item
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the closed Monitor Item instance.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Item to close |
params.resourceId | string |
itemId of the Item to close |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the closed Monitor Item instance. Omit to return promise |
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an Event or array of Events
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Event to retrieve (required) |
[params.resourceId] | string |
Event ID. Omit to return all Events for the Asset Manager ID |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an Event or array of Events. Omit to return promise |
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the newly inserted Event
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID to insert to |
params.event | Event |
Event instance or object to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Event. Omit to return promise |
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the closed Event
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Event to close |
params.resourceId | string |
Event ID to close |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the closed Event. Omit to return promise |
Retrieve a Monitor Activity
Kind: static method of Monitor
Returns: Promise
| null
- - If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Activities or a single Activity instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Activities to be retrieved |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Activities or a single Activity instance. Omit to return Promise |
Kind: static namespace of api
Note: This service is in beta (untested)
- .Netting :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .send(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve Netting for a specific Transaction
Kind: static method of Netting
Returns: Promise
| null
- If callback is supplied, it is called with ???. Otherwise a promise that resolves with ??? is returned
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of Transaction |
params.resourceId | string |
Transaction ID |
params.token | string |
Authorization token |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is ???. Omit to return Promise |
Send Transactions to Net
Kind: static method of Netting
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with ???
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: | |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Transactions to be netted | |
params.data | array |
An Array of Transaction IDs to be netted | |
[params.nettingType] | string |
"Net" |
Optional netting type |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is ??? Omit to return Promise |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Parties :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .partialAmend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .fuzzySearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .fieldsSearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .deactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .reactivate(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve Party data for specified AMId and partyId
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- - If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Parties or a single Party instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Party |
[params.partyId] | string |
Party ID of the Party. Omitting this will return all Parties associated with the supplied AMId |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Parties or a single Party instance. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a new Party into the database
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Party instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID to whom the Party will belong |
params.party | Party |
Party instance to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Party instance. Omit to return Promise. |
Amend an existing Party. WARNING: This makes a HTTP PUT request and will replace the existing Party with the one passed in
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the amended Party instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMId of the Party to amend |
params.party | Party |
Amended Party instance to PUT |
params.resourceId | string |
Party ID of the Party to amend |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended Party instance. Omit to return Promise |
Partially amend an existing Party.
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the amended Party instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | string |
AMId of the Party to be partially amended |
params.changes | object |
Object of changes to the Party |
params.resourceId | string |
Party ID of the Party to be partially amended |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended Party instance. Omit to return Promise |
Search for Parties
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Parties or a single Party instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
[params.AMId] | number |
Asset Manager of the Parties to search over. If omitted you must pass assetManagerIds in the query |
params.query | object |
Search parameters of the form: { key : value |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Parties or a single Party instance. Omit to return promise |
Fuzzy Search on parties
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the above object.
Param | Type | Description |
query | object |
Query object of the form . |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is object of shape { total: <number>, max_score: <number>, hits: <Array> } . hits is an array of objects:
Search for Parties and return specified fields
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of plain objects or a single plain object
Param | Type | Description |
query | object |
Query object of the form { assetManagerIds: number, fields: string[] } . Any party property may be specified as a field parameter. e.g. { query: { assetManagerIds: [1, 2], fields: ['partyId', 'references', 'displayName']} } |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of plain objects or a single plain object |
Deactivate an exising Party. This will set the Party status to 'Inactive'
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the deactivated Party instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | string |
AMId of the Party to be deactivated |
params.resourceId | string |
Party ID of the Party to be deactivated |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the deactivated Party instance. Omit to return Promise |
Reactivate a Party. This will set the Party status to 'Active'
Kind: static method of Parties
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the reactivated Party instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | string |
AMId of the Party to be reactivated |
params.resourceId | string |
Party ID of the Party to be reactivated |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the reactivated Party instance. Omit to return Promise |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .PositionPNL :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Kind: static method of PositionPNL
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of the Profit and Loss record |
params.query | object |
Object of query params: Available keys are: string or string[] bookIdsstring businessDatestring or string[] periodsstring or string[] assetIds |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of PositionPNL
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of the Profit and Loss record |
params.data | PositionPNL |
PositionPNL object |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of PositionPNL
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of the Profit and Loss record |
params.data | PositionPNL |
PositionPNL object |
params.queryParams | object |
Object of query params: Available keys are: boolean upsert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Positions :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .fieldsSearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve a Position from the database
Kind: static method of Positions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback is supplied, returns promise that resolves with an array of Positions
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the the Positions |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arugments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Positions. Omit to return Promise |
Search for Positions in the database
Kind: static method of Positions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback is supplied, returns promise that resolves with array of Positions
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Asset Manager owning the Postions |
params.query | object |
Search parameters of the form: { key : values |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. Omit to return Promise |
Search for Positions and return only specified fields
Kind: static method of Positions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback is supplied, returns promise that resolves with a plain object or array of plain objects.
Param | Type | Description |
query | number |
query object of the form { assetManagerIds: number, fields: string[] } . Any Position properties can be passed to fields . Note that you may include additional properties in this object corresponding to the available search keys as defined in the search function. e.g. { assetManagerIds: [1], assetIds: [1, 2], fields: ['displayName', 'assetId'] } |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is a plain object or array of plain objects. Omit to return Promise |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Relationships :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .requestRelationship(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getRelatedAMID(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .approveRel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .rejectRel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .revokeRel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .sendInvitation(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .register(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve Relationships for specified Asset Manager
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a promise that resolves with an array of Relationships or a Relationship instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Relationships |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Relationships or a Relationship instance. Omit to return Promise |
Request a new Relationship
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Relationship instance.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the AM you are requesting a relationship to (Not the caller's AMID!) |
params.params | object |
Object of relationshipType and relationshipId. |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Relationship instance. Omit to return Promise |
Get a list of relationships where the passed AMID is the relatedId
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the Relationship instance or list of Relationships.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the AM that you want to see the parent Relationships for |
params.options | object |
e.g. { includeInactive: true, relationshipType: ['Employee', 'External'] } |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the Relationship instance or list of Relationships. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a new Relationship
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the inserted Relationship instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager for whom the Relationship will belong |
params.relationship | Relationship |
Relationship instance to insert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Relationship instance. Omit to return Promise |
Amend an existing Relationship
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with the amended Relationship instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID who owns the Relationship to amend |
params.relationship | Relationship |
Amended Relationship instance |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended Relationship instance. Omit to return Promise |
Approve a Relationship
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves on success
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the company with whom to approve the relationship |
params.relatedId | string |
ID of the Asset Manager ID to approve |
[callback] | function |
Called with one argument (error) on completion. If successful, error is null |
Reject a Relationship
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves on success
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Relationship to reject |
params.relatedId | string |
ID of the Asset Manager ID related to params.AMId |
[callback] | function |
Called with one argument (error) on completion. If successful, error is null |
Revoke a Relationship
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves on success
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the company with whom to revoke the relationship |
params.relatedId | string |
ID of the Asset Manager ID to revoke the relationship from |
[callback] | function |
Called with one argument (error) on completion. If successful, error is null |
Send invitation to join
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a promise that resolves on success
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMID of company to join |
params.email | string |
Email address to send the invitation to |
params.companyName | string |
Name of company to join |
[callback] | function |
Called with one argument (error) on completion. If successful, error is null |
Register a new user in the database
Kind: static method of Relationships
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a promise that resolves on success.
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
AMID of Company (either the new company or the company to join) |
[callback] | function |
Called with one argument (error) on completion. If successful, error is null. |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .TransactionPNL :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Kind: static method of TransactionPNL
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of the Profit and Loss record |
params.query | object |
Object of query params: Available keys are: string or string[] bookIdsstring businessDatestring or string[] periodsstring or string[] assetIds |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of TransactionPNL
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of the Profit and Loss record |
params.data | TransactionPNL |
TransactionPNL object |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static method of TransactionPNL
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Owning Asset Manager ID of the Profit and Loss record |
params.data | TransactionPNL |
TransactionPNL object |
params.queryParams | object |
Object of query params: Available keys are: boolean upsert |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Kind: static namespace of api
- .Transactions :
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .insert(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .amend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .partialAmend(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .search(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .fieldsSearch(query, callback) ⇒
- .cancel(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .uploadCSV(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .executeCSVJob(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .listImportJobs(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .getCSVImportDetails(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieveAggregateMTM(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieveMTM(params, [callback]) ⇒
- .retrieve(params, [callback]) ⇒
Retrieve a Transaction from the database
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with an Array of Transactions or a single Transaction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Transaction's owner |
[params.resourceId] | string |
Transaction ID. Omit to return all Transactions for the supplied AMId |
[params.query] | string |
Optional query to allow version to be specified (query: { version: 3 } ) |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an Array of Transactions or a single Transaction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Insert a new Transaction into the database
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with the inserted Transaction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.transaction | Transaction |
Transaction instance or object to insert |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Transaction's owner |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the inserted Transaction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Amend a Transaction
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with the amended Transaction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.transaction | Transaction |
The amended Transaction instance |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Transaction's owner |
params.resourceId | string |
Transaction ID |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended Transaction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Partially amend a Transaction
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with the amended Transaction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.changes | Transaction |
object of changes to apply to the Transaction |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Transaction's owner |
params.resourceId | string |
Transaction ID |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the amended Transaction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Search Transactions
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with an array of Transactions or a single Transaction instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters |
[params.AMId] | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Transactions to search over. If omitted you must pass assetManagerIds in the query |
params.query | object |
Search parameters of the form: { key : value |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is an array of Transactions or a single Transaction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Search for Transaction with specified fields
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns a Promise that resolves with a plain object or array of plain objects.
Param | Type | Description |
query | object |
query object of the form { assetManagerIds: number, fields: string[] } . Any Transaction properties can be passed to fields . Note that you may include additional properties in this object corresponding to the available search keys as defined in the search function. e.g.{ assetManagerIds: [1, 2], fields: ['assetId', 'references', 'comments']} |
callback | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is a plain object or array of plain objects. Omit to return Promise |
Cancel a Transaction
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with the cancelled Transaction instance. Note that this is the only time the API returns a Transaction instance where transactionStatus === 'Cancelled'
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
object of parameters: |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Transaction's owner |
params.resourceId | string |
Transaction ID |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion. result is the cancelled Transaction instance. Omit to return Promise |
Upload csv data
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with the upload summary. Otherwise calls callback (err, result)
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the data to upload |
params.data | string |
CSV data |
[params.contentType] | string |
Request content-type |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Execute import job for CSV upload
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with import status
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of job owner |
params.importId | string |
Import ID of the upload job (returned by successful call to uploadCSV) |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
List all import jobs for an AMId
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with import list
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID to retrieve jobs for |
[params.more] | string |
Optional argument for pagination |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Get import job details
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with import details
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of job owner |
params.importId | string |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Get aggregated MTM for specified books
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback, returns Promise that resolves with Aggregate MTM data
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID |
params.bookIds | string | Array.<string> |
Book IDs for which to aggregate MTM |
params.businessDate | string |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Get MTM for a particular Book
Kind: static method of Transactions
Returns: Promise
| null
- If no callback supplied, returns Promise that resolves with MTM data
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Object of parameters |
params.AMId | number |
Asset Manager ID of MTM owner |
params.bookIds | string |
Book for which to retrieve MTM data |
[params.assetId] | string |
Asset for which to retrieve MTM data. Omit to return MTM for all Assets in Book |
params.date | string |
Date for which to retrieve MTM data |
[params.startDate] | string |
Starting date to retrieve MTM (will return until params.date). Omit to return a single day |
[callback] | function |
Called with two arguments (error, result) on completion |
Classes for the AssetManagers service
assetManagers.AssetManager ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing an Asset Manager
Kind: static class of assetManagers
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Asset Manager Model
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Asset Manager creation options: | |
[params.assetManagerId] | number |
generated server side |
Asset Manager's ID. Include to specifically set, if it does not already exist |
params.assetManagerType | string |
Type of Asset Manager (e.g. Hedge Fund). (required) Available types are: |
[params.assetManagerStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of Asset Manager |
[params.accountType] | string |
"Basic" |
Account Type reflecting the support level for the Asset Manager |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.partyId] | string |
"'AMID'+assetManagerId" |
ID of the Party that represents this Asset Manager. Defaults to e.g. AMID10 for assetManagerId 10 |
[params.defaultBookOwnerId] | string |
"assetManagerId" |
Asset Manager ID of the default owner for any Books owned by this Asset Manager. Will be used if no ownerId is set on the Book. Defaults to e.g. 10 for assetManagerId 10 |
[params.defaultTimezone] | string |
"UTC" |
Default timezone for any Books owned by this Asset Manager |
[params.defaultBookCloseTime] | string |
"18:00:00" |
Default Book close time for any books owned by this Asset Manager ('HH:MM:SS') |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Asset Manager | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Asset Manager | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Asset Manager was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Asset Manager was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Asset Manager |
assetManagers.Domain ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Domain
Kind: static class of assetManagers
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Domain instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Domain creation options: |
params.assetManagerId | number |
AMID of the Domain object |
params.domain | string |
Domain itself without '@' (e.g. companyX.com) |
params.isPrimary | boolean |
Whether this Domain is primary for the given AMID |
assetManagers.EODBook ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing an EOD Book
Kind: static class of assetManagers
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new EODBoook Model
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Asset Manager creation options: | |
[params.assetManagerId] | number |
generated server side |
Asset Manager's ID. Include to specifically set, if it does not already exist |
[params.utcCloseTime] | string |
[params.bookId] | string |
[params.eodBookStatus] | string |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Asset Manager | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Asset Manager | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Asset Manager was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Asset Manager was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Asset Manager |
Classes for the Assets service
- assets
- .Asset ⇐
- .BondBase ⇐
- .BondCorporate ⇐
- .BondGovernment ⇐
- .BondMortgage ⇐
- .Currency ⇐
- .CustomAsset ⇐
- .BondOption ⇐
- .ContractForDifference ⇐
- .Derivative ⇐
- .ForeignExchangeOption ⇐
- .Equity ⇐
- .ExchangeTradedFund ⇐
- .Fund ⇐
- .ForeignExchange ⇐
- .ForeignExchangeForward ⇐
- .ForeignExchangeSpot ⇐
- .ForeignExchangeBase ⇐
- .Index ⇐
- .BondFuture ⇐
- .BondFutureOption ⇐
- .CommodityFuture ⇐
- .EnergyFuture ⇐
- .EquityFuture ⇐
- .ForeignExchangeFuture ⇐
- .Future ⇐
- .FutureOption ⇐
- .IndexFuture ⇐
- .InterestRateFuture ⇐
- .ListedContractForDifference ⇐
- .ListedDerivative ⇐
- .PrivateInvestment ⇐
- .RealAsset ⇐
- .RealEstate ⇐
- .Wine ⇐
- .Sukuk ⇐
- .Synthetic ⇐
- .SyntheticFromBook ⇐
- .SyntheticMultiLeg ⇐
- .Asset ⇐
assets.Asset ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing an Asset
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Asset instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Asset creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Asset's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Asset" |
Class of the Asset |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Asset. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
params.fungible | boolean |
Whether this Asset is fungible (required) | |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Asset issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Asset |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Asset's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Asset's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Asset currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Asset | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Asset |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Asset | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Asset | |
[params.references] | object |
{} |
Object of References associated with this Asset. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Asset | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Asset | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.BondBase ⇐ Asset
Class representing a Base Bond
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct new Bond instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
BondBase creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | string |
ID of Bond's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | string |
ID of the Bond (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Bond" |
Auto-set to Bond (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Asset. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set true for Bonds (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Bond Issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Bond |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of the Bond's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of the Bond's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Bond currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Bond issue date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Bond maturity date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Bond | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Bond | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Bond |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.coupon | number |
The Bond's coupon represented as a fraction of 1 i.e. 0.05 = 5%. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.par | number |
The Bond's par value. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.payFrequency | string |
Frequency of the coupon payment (required) | |
[params.defaulted] | boolean |
false |
Whether the issuer has defaulted |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Bond | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Bond | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References attached to the Bond. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Bond | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Bond | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Bond was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Bond was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Bond |
assets.BondCorporate ⇐ BondBase
Class representing a Corporate Bond
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: BondBase
Construct new Corporate Bond instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
BondCorporate creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | string |
ID of Bond's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | string |
ID of the Bond (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Bond" |
Auto-set to Bond (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Bond. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set true for Bonds (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Bond Issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Bond |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of the Bond's origin country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of the Bond's venue | |
[params.currency] | string |
Currency denomination of the Bond | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Bond issue date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Bond maturity date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Bond | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Bond | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Bond |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.coupon | number |
The Bond's coupon represented as a fraction of 1 i.e. 0.05 = 5%. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.par | number |
The Bond's par value. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.payFrequency | string |
Frequency of the coupon payment (required) | |
[params.defaulted] | boolean |
false |
Whether the issuer has defaulted |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Bond | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Bond | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References attached to the Bond. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Bond | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Bond | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Bond was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Bond was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Bond |
assets.BondGovernment ⇐ BondBase
Class representing a Government Bond
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: BondBase
Construct new Government Bond instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
BondGovernment creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | string |
ID of Bond's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | string |
ID of the Bond (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Bond" |
Auto-set to Bond (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Bond. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set true for Bonds (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Bond Issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Bond |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of the Bond's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of the Bond's venue | |
[params.currency] | string |
Bond currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Bond issue date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Bond maturity date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Bond | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Bond | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Bond |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.coupon | number |
The Bond's coupon represented as a fraction of 1 i.e. 0.05 = 5%. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.par | number |
The Bond's par value. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.payFrequency | string |
Frequency of coupon payment (required) | |
[params.defaulted] | boolean |
false |
Whether the issuer has defaulted |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Bond | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Bond | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References attached to the Bond. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Bond | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Bond | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Bond was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Bond was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Bond |
assets.BondMortgage ⇐ BondBase
Class representing a Mortgage Bond
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: BondBase
Construct new Mortgage Bond instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
BondMortgage creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | string |
ID of Bond's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | string |
ID of the Bond (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Bond" |
Auto-set to Bond (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Bond. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set true for Bonds (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Bond Issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Bond |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of the Bond's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of the Bond's venue | |
[params.currency] | string |
Bond Currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Bond issue date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Bond maturity date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Bond | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Bond | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Bond |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.coupon | number |
The Bond's coupon represented as a fraction of 1 i.e. 0.05 = 5%. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.par | number |
The Bond's par value. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.payFrequency | string |
Frequency of the coupon payment (required) | |
[params.defaulted] | boolean |
false |
Whether the issuer has defaulted |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Bond | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Bond | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References attached to the Bond |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Bond | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Bond | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Bond was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Bond was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Bond |
assets.Currency ⇐ Asset
Class representing an Currency
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Currency instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Currency creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Currency's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Currency (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Currency" |
Auto-set to Currency (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Currency. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true for Currency |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Currency issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Currency |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Currency's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Currency's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Auto-set to 'assetId' (read-only) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Currency | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Currency | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of associated client | |
[params.deliverable] | boolean |
true |
Whether the Currency is deliverable |
[params.minorUnitPlaces] | number |
Decimal precision of Currency (e.g. 4 for JPY, 2 for USD) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Currency | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Currency | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References attached to the Currency. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Asset | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Asset | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Asset |
assets.CustomAsset ⇐ Asset
Class representing an Custom Asset
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Custom Asset instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
CustomAsset creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | integer |
ID of Asset's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Asset" |
Auto-set to Asset (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Asset. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
params.fungible | boolean |
Whether this Asset is fungible (required) | |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Asset issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Asset |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Asset's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Asset's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Asset currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Maturity date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Asset | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
Whether to roll the price for the Asset | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Asset | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Asset | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with this Asset. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.clientAdditional] | object |
Object of custom properties for creating a Custom Asset (e.g. { size: 'Large', Flavour: 'Lime' }) | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Asset | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Asset | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.BondOption ⇐ Derivative
Class representing an Bond Option
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Derivative
Construct a new Bond Option instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
BondOption creation options | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Bond Option's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Bond Option (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Derivative" |
Auto-set to Derivative (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Bond Option. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false for Derivative and subclasses |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Bond Option's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Bond Option |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Bond Option's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Bond Option's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Bond Option currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Bond Option | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Bond Option | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.optionStyle | string |
Option style (required) Available options: |
params.optionType | string |
Option type (required) Available options: |
params.strike | number |
Strike price of the Bond Option. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Bond Option | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Bond Option | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Bond Option. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Bond Option | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Bond Option | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Bond Option was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Bond Option was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Bond Option |
assets.ContractForDifference ⇐ Derivative
Class representing a CFD
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Derivative
Construct a new CFD instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
CFD creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Asset's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Derivative" |
Auto-set to Derivative (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the CFD. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false for Derivative and its subclasses (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the CFD issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the CFD |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of CFD's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of CFD's venue | |
[params.currency] | string |
CFD currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the CFD | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the CFD | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the CFD | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the CFD | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the CFD. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the CFD | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the CFD | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the CFD was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the CFD was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the CFD |
assets.Derivative ⇐ Asset
Class representing an Derivative
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Derivative instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Derivative creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | integer |
ID of Derivative's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Derivative (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Derivative" |
Class of the Derivative (a subclass of Derivative may define its own assetClass) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Derivative. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false for Derivative (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Derivative's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Derivative |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Derivative's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Derivative's venue if applicable | |
params.currency | string |
Derivative currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Derivative | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Derivative | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Derivative | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Derivative | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Derivative. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Derivative | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Derivative | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Derivative was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Derivative was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Derivative |
assets.ForeignExchangeOption ⇐ Derivative
Class representing an FX Option
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Derivative
Construct a new FX Option instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
ForeignExchangeOption creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of FX Option's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"ForeignExchange" |
Auto-set to ForeignExchange (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the FX Option. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the FX Option's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the FX Option |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of FX Option's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of FX Option's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
FX Option currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
Issue date (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
Expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the FX Option | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the FX Option | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the client to which the FX Option belongs | |
params.optionStyle | string |
FX Option style (required) Available options: |
params.optionType | string |
FX Option type (required) Available options: |
params.strike | number |
Strike price of the FX Option (required) | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the FX Option | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the FX Option | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the FX Option. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the FX Option | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the FX Option | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the FX Option was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the FX Option was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.Equity ⇐ Asset
Class representing an Equity
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Equity instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Equity creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Equity's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Equity (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Equity" |
Class of the Equity (a subclass of Equity may define its own assetClass) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Equity. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true for Equity (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Equity's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Equity |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Equity's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Equity's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Equity currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Equity | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Equity | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Equity |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.shareClass] | string |
"Common" |
Share Class |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Equity | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Equity | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Equity. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Equity | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Equity | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Equity was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Equity was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Equity |
assets.ExchangeTradedFund ⇐ Fund
Class representing an ETF
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Fund
Construct a new ETF instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
ExchangeTradedFund creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of ETF's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the ETF (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
Auto-set to Fund (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the ETF. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true for Fund and its subclasses |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the ETF's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the ETF |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of ETF's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of ETF's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
ETF currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.creationDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
ETF's creation date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the ETF | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the ETF | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the ETF |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.fundType] | string |
"ETF" |
Auto-set to ETF (read-only) |
[params.nav] | number |
ETF's Net Asset Value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
[params.expenseRatio] | number |
ETF's expense ratio. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
[params.netAssets] | number |
ETF's net assets. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the ETF | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the ETF | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the ETF. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the ETF | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the ETF | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the ETF was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the ETF was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.Fund ⇐ Asset
Class representing a Fund
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Fund instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Fund creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Fund's Asset Manager. Asset Manager refers to AMaaS user, NOT an asset manager in the Fund. (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Fund (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Fund" |
Class of the Fund (a subclass of Fund may define its own assetClass) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Fund. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true for Fund (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Fund's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Fund |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Fund's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Fund's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Fund currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Fund | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Fund | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Fund |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.fundType | string |
Type of Fund (required) Available options: |
[params.creationDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Fund's creation date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.nav] | number |
Fund's Net Asset Value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
[params.expenseRatio] | number |
Fund's expense ratio. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
[params.netAssets] | number |
Fund's net assets. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Fund | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Fund | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Fund. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Fund | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Fund | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Fund was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Fund was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.ForeignExchange ⇐ ForeignExchangeBase
Class representing ForeignExchange (the underlying pair used in a spo/forward asset)
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: ForeignExchangeBase
Construct a new Foreign Exchange instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
ForeignExchange creation options: | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
params.assetClass | string |
Auto-set to ForeignExchange (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the ForeignExchange. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Foreign Exchange's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Foreign Exchange |
[params.currency] | string |
Transacted Currency for the FX pair (counterc currency) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the ForeignExchange | |
params.countryCodes | array |
Array of country codes (required) | |
[params.major] | boolean |
false |
Whether this FX is major |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Foreign Exchange. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Foreign Exchange was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Foreign Exchange was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.ForeignExchangeForward ⇐ ForeignExchangeSpot
Class representing FXForward
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: ForeignExchangeSpot
Construct a new FXForward instance (if there is a fixingDate, it is an NDF)
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
FXForward creation options: | |
params.assetId | string |
ID of the FXForward (required) | |
params.assetIssuerId | string |
ID of the Issuer | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"ForeignExchange" |
Auto-set to ForeignExchange (read-only) |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
Status of the asset | |
[params.currency] | string |
Transacted currency | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the ForeignExchangeForward | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the client | |
params.countryCodes | object |
An array of country codes | |
params.settlementDate | string |
The date of exchange of ownership | |
params.maturityDate | string |
Maturity Date of the FX Forward | |
[params.fixingDate] | string |
The date of fixing exchange rate between two currencies | |
params.forwardRate | string |
Currency exchange rate | |
params.underlying | string |
AssetId of the underlying ForeignExchange | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Non Deliverable Forward | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Non Deliverable Forward | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with this Asset. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Non Deliverable Forward | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Non Deliverable Forward | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Non Deliverable Forward was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Non Deliverable Forward was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.ForeignExchangeSpot ⇐ ForeignExchange
Class representing Spot ForeignExchange (Settles as soon as possible)
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: ForeignExchange
Construct a new Foreign Exchange instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
ForeignExchange creation options: | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
params.assetClass | string |
Auto-set to ForeignExchange (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Auto-set to ForeignExchangeSpot (read-only) |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Foreign Exchange Spot |
[params.currency] | string |
Transacted Currency for the FX pair (counterc currency) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the ForeignExchange | |
params.underlying | string |
Underlying assetID of the ForeignExchangeBase | |
params.settlementDate | string |
Settlement date for the spot pair | |
params.maturityDate | string |
Maturity date for the spot pair | |
params.countryCodes | array |
Array of country codes (required) | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Foreign Exchange. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Foreign Exchange | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Foreign Exchange was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Foreign Exchange was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.ForeignExchangeBase ⇐ Asset
Class representing FX (this should never be instantiated directly, use the appropriate subclass instead). Note that creating and editing FXBase subclasses and other public subclasses is a restricted action.
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new ForeignExchangeBase instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
ForeignExchangeBase creation options: | |
[params.assetManagerId] | number |
0 |
Defaults to 0 |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the ForeignExchangeBase (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"ForeignExchange" |
Auto-set to ForeignExchange (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the ForeignExchangeBase. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true for ForeignExchangeBase (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the ForeignExchangeBase's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the ForeignExchangeBase |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the ForeignExchangeBase | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the ForeignExchangeBase | |
params.countryCodes | array |
Array of country codes (required) | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the ForeignExchangeBase | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the ForeignExchangeBase | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the ForeignExchangeBase. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the ForeignExchangeBase | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the ForeignExchangeBase | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the ForeignExchangeBase was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the ForeignExchangeBase was updated | |
params.version | number |
Version number |
assets.Index ⇐ Asset
Class representing an Index
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Index instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Index creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Index's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Index" |
Auto-set to Index (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Index. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true for Index (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Index's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Index |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Index's country | |
[params.currency] | string |
Index currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Index | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Index | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Index | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Index | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Index. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Index | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Index | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Index was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Index was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.BondFuture ⇐ Future
Class representing a Bond Future
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Future
Construct a new Bond Future instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Bond Future creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Bond Future's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Bond Future (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Future" |
Auto-set to Future (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Bond Future. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Bond Future's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Bond Future |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Bond Future's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Bond Future's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Bond Future currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Date of the contract's expiry (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Bond Future | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Bond Future | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.settlementType | string |
Settlement Type (required) Available options: |
params.contractSize | number |
Contract Size (required) | |
[params.pointValue] | number |
Future point value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
params.tickSize | number |
Future tick size. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
[params.quoteUnit] | string |
Future quote unit | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
[params.cheapestToDeliverId] | string |
The cheapest Bond which can be delivered to the terms of the Future | |
[params.underlyingBondTenor] | string |
Tenor of the underlying Bond Available options: |
[params.underlyingBondCoupon] | number |
Coupon of the underlying Bond | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Bond Future | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Bond Future | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Bond Future. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Bond Future | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Bond Future | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Bond Future was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Bond Future was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Bond Future |
assets.BondFutureOption ⇐ Future
Class representing a Bond Future Option
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Future
Construct a new Bond Future Option instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Bond Future Option creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Bond Future Option's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Bond Future Option (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Future" |
Auto-set to Future (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Bond Future Option. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Bond Future Option's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Bond Future Option |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Bond Future Option's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Bond Future Option's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Bond Future Option currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Date of the contract's expiry (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Bond Future Option | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Bond Future Option | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.settlementType | string |
Settlement Type (required) |
params.contractSize | number |
Contract Size (required) | |
[params.pointValue] | number |
Future point value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
params.tickSize | number |
Future tick size. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
[params.quoteUnit] | string |
Future quote unit | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
params.optionType | string |
Option type (required) Available options: |
params.optionStyle | string |
Option style (required) Available options: |
params.strike | number |
Strike price. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Bond Future Option | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Bond Future Option | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Bond Future Option. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Bond Future Option | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Bond Future Option | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Bond Future Option was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Bond Future Option was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
Class representing an CommodityFuture
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: module:ListDerivatives.Future
Construct a new CommodityFuture instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
CommodityFuture creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Asset's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
params.settlementType | string |
A type of settlement | |
params.contractSize | number |
An integer, e.g. 10 barrels per contract | |
params.pointValue | string |
Value of 1 point | |
params.tickSize | number |
The minimum unit of price change | |
params.quoteUnit | number |
Contract unit, e.g. barrel | |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Asset issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Asset |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Asset's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Asset's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Asset currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
Expiry date | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Asset | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Asset | |
[params.references] | object |
{} |
Object of References associated with this Asset. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Asset | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Asset | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.EnergyFuture ⇐ Future
Class representing an Energy Future
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Future
Construct a new Energy Future instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
EnergyFuture creation options | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Energy Future's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Energy Future (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Future" |
Auto-set to Future (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Energy Future. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Energy Future's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Energy Future |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Energy Future's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Energy Future's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Energy Future currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Date of the contract's expiry (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Energy Future | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Energy Future | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.settlementType | string |
Settlement Type (required) Available options |
params.contractSize | number |
Contract Size (required) | |
[params.pointValue] | number |
Future point value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
params.tickSize | number |
Future tick size. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
[params.quoteUnit] | string |
Future quote unit | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Energy Future | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Energy Future | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Energy Future. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Energy Future | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Energy Future | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Energy Future was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Energy Future was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.EquityFuture ⇐ ListedDerivative
Class representing a Future
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: ListedDerivative
Construct a new Equity Future instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
EquityFuture creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Equity Future's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Equity Future (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Future" |
Auto-set to Future (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Equity Future. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Equity Future's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Equity Future |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Equity Future's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Equity Future's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Equity Future currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Date of the contract's expiry (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Equity Future | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Equity Future | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.settlementType | string |
Settlement Type (required) Available options: |
params.contractSize | number |
Contract Size (required) | |
[params.pointValue] | number |
Future point value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
params.tickSize | number |
Future tick size. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
[params.quoteUnit] | string |
Future quote unit | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Equity Future | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Equity Future | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Equity Future. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Equity Future | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Equity Future | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Equity Future was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Equity Future was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
Class representing an ForeignExchangeFuture
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: module:ListDerivatives.Future
Construct a new ForeignExchangeFuture instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
ForeignExchangeFuture creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Asset's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
params.settlementType | string |
A type of settlement | |
params.contractSize | number |
An integer, e.g. 10 barrels per contract | |
params.pointValue | string |
Value of 1 point | |
params.tickSize | number |
The minimum unit of price change | |
params.quoteUnit | number |
Contract unit, e.g. barrel | |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Asset issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Asset |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Asset's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Asset's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Asset currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
Expiry date | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Asset | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Asset | |
[params.references] | object |
{} |
Object of References associated with this Asset. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Asset | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Asset | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Asset was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.Future ⇐ ListedDerivative
Class representing a Future
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: ListedDerivative
Construct a new Future instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Future creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Future's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Future (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Future" |
Class of the Future (a subclass of Future may define its own assetClass) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Future. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Future's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Future |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Future's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Future's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Asset currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Future | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Future | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.settlementType | string |
Settlement Type (required) Available options: |
params.contractSize | number |
Contract Size (required) | |
[params.pointValue] | number |
Future point value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
params.tickSize | number |
Future tick size. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
[params.quoteUnit] | string |
Future quote unit | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Date of the Future's expiry (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Future | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Future | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Future. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Future | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Future | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Future was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Future was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.FutureOption ⇐ Future
Class representing a Future Option
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Future
Construct a new Future Option instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Future Option creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Future Option's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Future Option (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Future" |
Auto-set to Future (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Future Option. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true for Future subclasses (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Future Option's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Future Option |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Future Option's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Future Option's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Future Option currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Future Option | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Furure Option | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.settlementType | string |
Settlement Type (required) Available options: |
params.contractSize | number |
Contract Size (required) | |
[params.pointValue] | number |
Future point value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
params.tickSize | number |
Future tick size. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
[params.quoteUnit] | string |
Future quote unit | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
params.optionType | string |
Option type (required) Available options: |
params.optionStyle | string |
Option style (required) Available options: |
params.strike | number |
Strike price (required) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Future Option | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Future Option | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Future Option |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Future Option | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Future Option | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Future Option was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Future Option was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.IndexFuture ⇐ Future
Class representing an Index Future
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Future
Construct a new Index Future instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
IndexFuture creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Index Future's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Index Future (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Future" |
Auto-set to Future (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Index Future. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Index Future's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Index Future |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Index Future's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Index Future's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Index Future currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Date of the contract's expiry (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Index Future | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Index Future | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.settlementType | string |
Settlement Type (required) Available options: |
params.contractSize | number |
Contract Size (required) | |
[params.pointValue] | number |
Future point value. Stored as a Decimal instance | |
params.tickSize | number |
Future tick size. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
[params.quoteUnit] | string |
Future quote unit | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Index Future | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Index Future | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Index Future. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Index Future | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Index Future | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Index Future was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Index Future was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.InterestRateFuture ⇐ Future
Class representing an Interest Rate Future
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Future
Construct a new Interest Rate Future instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
InterestRateFuture creation options | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Interest Rate Future's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Interest Rate Future (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Future" |
Auto-set to Future (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Interest Rate Future. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Interest Rate Future's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Interest Rate Future |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Interest Rate Future's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Interest Rate Future's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Interest Rate Future currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.expiryDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Date of the contract's expiry (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Interest Rate Future | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Interest Rate Future | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.settlementType | string |
Settlement Type (required) Available options: |
params.contractSize | number |
Contract Size (required) | |
[params.pointValue] | number |
Future point value. Stored as Decimal instance | |
params.tickSize | number |
Future tick size. Stored as a Decimal instance (required) | |
[params.quoteUnit] | string |
Future quote unit | |
params.underlyingAssetId | string |
ID of the underlying Asset (required) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Interest Rate Future | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Interest Rate Future | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Interest Rate Future. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Interest Rate Future | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Interest Rate Future | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Interest Rate Future was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Interest Rate Future was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.ListedContractForDifference ⇐ ListedDerivative
Class representing a Listed CFD
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: ListedDerivative
Construct a new Listed CFD instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
ListedContractForDifference creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Listed CFD's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Listed CFD (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"ListedDerivative" |
Auto-set to ListedDerivative (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Listed CFD. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Listed CFD's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Listed CFD |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Listed CFD's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Listed CFD's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Listed CFD currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Listed CFD | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Listed CFD | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Listed CFD | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Listed CFD | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Listed CFD. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Listed CFD | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Listed CFD | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Listed CFD was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Listed CFD was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.ListedDerivative ⇐ Asset
Class representing a Listed Derivative
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Listed Derivative instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
ListedDerivative creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Listed Derivative's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Listed Derivative (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"ListedDerivative" |
Class of the Listed Derivative (a subclass may define its own assetClass) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Listed Derivative. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Listed Derivative's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Listed Derivative |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Listed Derivative's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Listed Derivative's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Listed Derivative currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Listed Derivative | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Listed Derivative | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Listed Derivative | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Listed Derivative | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Listed Derivative. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Listed Derivative | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Listed Derivative | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Listed Derivative was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Listed Derivative was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.PrivateInvestment ⇐ Asset
Class representing a Private Investment
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Private Investment instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
PrivateInvestment creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Private Investment's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Private Investment (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Asset" |
Class of the Private Investment |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Private Investment. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
params.fungible | boolean |
Whether this Private Investment is fungible (required) | |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the AsPrivate Investmentset issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Private Investment |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Private Investment's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Private Investment's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Private Investment currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Private Investment | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Private Investment | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Private Investment |
[params.category] | string |
[params.subCategory] | string |
[params.investmentDate] | string |
[params.numShares] | number |
[params.priceShare] | number |
[params.shareClass] | string |
[params.series] | string |
[params.shareType] | string |
[params.coupon] | number |
[params.couponFreq] | string |
[params.upfrontFee] | number |
[params.exitFee] | number |
[params.managementFee] | number |
[params.performanceFee] | number |
[params.hurdle] | string |
[params.margin] | number |
[params.highWaterMark] | string |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
[params.lockUpPeriod] | number |
[params.investmentTerm] | number |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Private Investment | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Private Investment | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with this Private Investment. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Private Investment | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Private Investment | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Private Investment was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Private Investment was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.RealAsset ⇐ Asset
Class representing a Real Asset
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Real Asset instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
RealAsset creation options | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Asset's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"RealAsset" |
Class of the Asset (a subclass of RealAsset may define its own assetClass) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Asset. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Real Asset's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Real Asset |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Real Asset's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Real Asset's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Real Asset currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Real Asset | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Asset |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.ownership] | object |
Array of objects specifying the split of ownership of the Real Asset (it must sum to 1) (e.g. [ {partyId: 'ABC', split: 0.3}, {partyId: 'DEF', split: 0.7} ] |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Real Asset | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Real Asset | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Real Asset. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Real Asset | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Real Asset | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Real Asset was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Real Asset was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.RealEstate ⇐ RealAsset
Class representing Real Estate
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: RealAsset
Construct a new Real Estate instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
RealEstate creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Real Estate's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Real Estate (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"RealAsset" |
Auto-set to RealEstate (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Real Estate. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Real Estate's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Real Estate |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Real Estate's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Real Estate's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Real Estate currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Real Estate | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Real Estate | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Real Estate |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Real Estate | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Real Estate | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Real Estate. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Real Estate | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Real Estate | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Real Estate was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Real Estate was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.Wine ⇐ RealAsset
Class representing Wine
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: RealAsset
Construct a new Wine instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Wine creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Wine's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Wine (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"RealAsset" |
Auto-set to RealAsset (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Wine. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Wine's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Wine |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Wine's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Wine's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Wine currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Wine | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Wine | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.year] | string |
Year of production | |
[params.producer] | string |
Name of the producer | |
[params.region] | string |
Region | |
[params.appellation] | string |
Appellation | |
[params.classification] | string |
Classification | |
[params.color] | string |
Color (e.g. red, white) | |
[params.bottleSize] | string |
Bottle size (e.g. Magnum) | |
[params.bottleInCellar] | string |
??? | |
[params.bottleLocation] | string |
Location of the bottle | |
[params.storageCost] | string |
Storage cost of the Wine | |
[params.ratingType] | string |
Rating Type | |
[params.ratingValue] | string |
Rating Value | |
[params.packingType] | string |
Packing Type | |
[params.toDrinkStart] | string |
Earliest date it is suitable to begin drinking (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
[params.toDrinkEnd] | string |
Latest date to drink (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Wine | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Wine | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Wine. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Wine | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Wine | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Wine created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Wine was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.Sukuk ⇐ Asset
Class representing a Sukuk
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Sukuk instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Sukuk creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Sukuk's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Sukuk (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Sukuk" |
Class of the Sukuk (a subclass of Sukuk may define its own assetClass) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Sukuk. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Auto-set to true (read-only) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Sukuk's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Sukuk |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Sukuk's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Sukuk's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Sukuk currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Maturity date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Sukuk | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Sukuk | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Sukuk |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Sukuk | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Sukuk | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Sukuk. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Sukuk | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Sukuk | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Sukuk was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Sukuk was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.Synthetic ⇐ Asset
Class representing a Synthetic
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Asset
Construct a new Synthetic instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Synthetic creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Synthetic's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Asset (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Synthetic" |
Class of the Synthetic (a subclass of Synthetic may define its own assetClass) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Synthetic. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Whether the Synthetic is fungible (required) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Synthetic's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Synthetic |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Synthetic's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Synthetic's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Synthetic currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Maturity date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Synthetic | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Synthetic | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
true |
Whether to roll the price for the Synthetic |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Synthetic | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Synthetic | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Synthetic |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Synthetic | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Synthetic | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Synthetic was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Synthetic was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.SyntheticFromBook ⇐ Synthetic
Class representing a Synthetic From Book. This is an Asset whose value is based on the value of the assets in a referenced Book
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Synthetic
Construct a new Synthetic From Book instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
SyntheticFromBook creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Synthetic's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Synthetic (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Synthetic" |
Auto-set to Synthetic (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Synthetic. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
params.fungible | boolean |
true |
Whether this Synthetic is fungible (required) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Synthetic's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Synthetic |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Synthetic's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Synthetic's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Synthetic currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Maturity date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Synthetic | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Synthetic | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
params.bookId | string |
Underlying Book ID (required) | |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Synthetic | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Synthetic | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Synthetic. * The AMaaS Reference is auto-created and populated |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Synthetic | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Synthetic | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Synthetic was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Synthetic was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
assets.SyntheticMultiLeg ⇐ Synthetic
Class representing a Multi-Leg Synthetic. This is an Asset which takes multiple assets as 'legs'. The value of the entire structure is equal to the sum of the legs
Kind: static class of assets
Extends: Synthetic
Construct a new Multi-Leg Synthetic instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
SyntheticMultiLeg creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Synthetic's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.assetId | number |
ID of the Synthetic (required) | |
[params.assetClass] | string |
"Synthetic" |
Auto-set to Synthetic (read-only) |
[params.assetType] | string |
Type of the Synthetic. Auto-set based on the class or subclass constructor | |
[params.assetTypeDisplay] | string |
Auto-set to the spaced class name (e.g. Listed Derivative for ListedDerivative() ) |
[params.fungible] | boolean |
true |
Whether this Asset is fungible (required) |
[params.assetIssuerId] | string |
ID of the Synthetic's issuer | |
[params.assetStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Synthetic |
[params.countryId] | string |
ID of Synthetic's country | |
[params.venueId] | string |
ID of Synthetic's venue if applicable | |
[params.currency] | string |
Synthetic currency (e.g. USD, SGD) | |
[params.issueDate] | string |
"0001-01-01" |
Issue date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.maturityDate] | string |
"9999-12-31" |
Maturity date if applicable (YYYY-MM-DD) |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Synthetic | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Synthetic | |
[params.rollPrice] | boolean |
false |
Auto-set to false (read-only) |
[params.clientId] | string |
ID of the associated client | |
params.legs | array |
Legs of the Synthetic. Array of objects of the form { assetId: string , quantity: Decimal } (required) |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments attached to the Synthetic | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of array of Links attached to the Synthetic | |
[params.references] | object |
{ AMaaS: Reference() } |
Object of References associated with the Synthetic |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Synthetic | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Synthetic | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Synthetic was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Synthetic was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number |
Classes for the Books Service
books.Book ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Book
Kind: static class of books
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Book object
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Book creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of Book's Asset Manager (required) | |
params.bookId | string |
ID of this Book (required) | |
params.bookType | string |
Book Type Available options: |
[params.bookStatus] | string |
"Active" |
status of Book |
[params.ownerId] | string |
Party ID of the owner of the Book (e.g. the Trader who is responsible for the Book) | |
[params.partyId] | string |
Party ID of the party of which the activity being tracked belongs (e.g. Registered fund or HNWI) | |
[params.closeTime] | string |
Book close time. This is stored as local time, to be referenced against timezone | |
[params.timezone] | string |
Book's timezone (use this to determine absolute close time) | |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
"USD" |
Base currency for the Book |
[params.businessUnit] | string |
A business unit to associate with the Book (e.g. Emerging Markets, Equities) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the book | |
[params.positions] | Array |
Array of objects [{asset_id: string, quantity: number}] | |
[params.reference] | object |
Reference for the Book | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created this object (required if creating a new Book) | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated this object (use if amending existing Book) | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Book was created (required if creating new Book) | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Book was updated (required if amending existing Book) | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Book |
books.BookPermission ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Book Permission
Kind: static class of books
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Book Permission instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Book Permission creation options: |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Book Permission |
params.bookId | string |
Book ID |
params.permissionId | string |
Uniqie ID for the Permission record |
params.userAssetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the User to grant the permission to |
params.permissionStatus | string |
Permission status (Active or Inactive) |
params.permission | string |
Permission value ('read' or 'write') |
[params.createdBy] | string |
Username of the user that created this permission |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
Username of the user that updated this permission |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the permission was created |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the permission was updated |
These are general children classes used in a variety of places
children.PartyChild ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Party (a Transaction children type)
Kind: static class of children
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new PartyChild object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
PartyChild creation options: |
params.partyId | string |
ID of the linked Party |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the linked Party |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the linked Party |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the linked Party was created |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the linked Party was updated |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the linked Party |
Classes for the CorporateActions Service
- corporateActions
- .CorporateAction ⇐
- .Dividend ⇐
- .Notification ⇐
- .Split ⇐
- .CorporateAction ⇐
corporateActions.CorporateAction ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Corporate Actions
Kind: static class of corporateActions
Extends: AMaaSModel
Class representing a Dividend
Kind: static class of corporateActions
Extends: module:coporateActions.CorporateAction
corporateActions.Notification ⇐ CorporateAction
Class representing a Notification
Kind: static class of corporateActions
Extends: CorporateAction
corporateActions.Split ⇐ CorporateAction
Class representing a Split
Kind: static class of corporateActions
Extends: CorporateAction
Classes for the Monitor Service
monitor.Activity ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Monitor Item
Kind: static class of monitor
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Monitor item
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Item creation options: |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of owner |
params.clientId | number |
Client ID associated with the Monitor Item |
params.activityId | string |
Activity ID associated with the Monitor Item |
params.bookId | string |
Book ID associated with the Monitor Item |
params.entity | string |
entity of Monitor Item |
params.activityType | string |
activityType of the Monitor Item |
params.source | string |
source of the Monitor Item |
params.message | string |
Message attached to the Monitor item |
params.referenceId | string |
referenceId associated with the Monitor Item |
params.referenceType | string |
referenceType associated with the Monitor Item |
monitor.Event ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Monitor Event
Kind: static class of monitor
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Monitor Event instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Event creation options: |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the owner of the Event |
params.eventId | string |
ID of the Event |
params.linkId | string |
ID of the relevant resouce based on the linkSource (e.g. transactionId, assetId, partyId) |
params.linkSource | string |
Service that the Event is from. Available Options: |
params.eventType | string |
The Event type. Available Options: |
params.eventStart | string |
Start date and time of the event |
params.eventEnd | string |
End date and time of the event |
params.eventStatus | string |
Status of the event. Available Options: |
params.title | string |
Title of the Event |
params.description | string |
Description of the Event |
params.internalId | number |
Internal ID of the Event (set server side) |
params.clientId | number |
Client ID (set server side) |
[params.createdBy] | string |
Who the Event was created by (set server side) |
[params.createdTime] | string |
When the Event was created (set server side) |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
Who the Event was last updated by (set server side) |
[params.updatedTime] | string |
When the Event was last updated (set server side) |
[params.version] | number |
version (set server side) |
monitor.Item ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Monitor Item
Kind: static class of monitor
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Monitor item
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Item creation options: |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of owner |
params.itemId | string |
Monitor Item ID |
params.itemClass | string |
Class of the Monitor Item Available Options: |
params.itemType | string |
Type of Monitor Item |
params.itemLevel | string |
Level of Monitor Item Available options: |
params.itemSource | string |
Source of the Monitor Item |
params.message | message |
Message attached to the item |
params.itemStatus | string |
Status of the Item Available options: |
params.assetBookId | string |
Book ID associated with the Monitor Item |
params.transactionId | string |
Transaction ID associated with the Monitor Item |
params.assetId | string |
Asset ID associated with the Monitor Item |
params.itemDate | string |
Date of the Monitor Item |
Classes for the Parties service
- parties
parties.AssetManager ⇐ Company
Class representing an Asset Manager
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Company
Construct a new Asset Manager instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Asset Manager creation options | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Asset Manager | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Asset Manager | |
params.partyStatus | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Asset Manager (e.g. 'Active') |
params.baseCurrency | string |
Base Currency of the Asset Manager (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
params.description | string |
Description of the Asset Manager | |
[params.licenseNumber] | string |
Company license number (if applicable) | |
[params.licenseType] | string |
Company license type | |
[params.assetsUnderManagement] | string |
Value of assets under management | |
[params.registrationNumber] | string |
Business registration number (if applicable) | |
[params.yearOfIncorporation] | string |
Year of incorporation | |
params.addresses | object |
Object of Addresses associated with this Asset Manager | |
params.emails | object |
Object of Emails associated with this Asset Manager | |
params.phoneNumbers | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with this Asset Manager | |
params.references | object |
Object of References associated with this Asset Manager | |
params.comments | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Asset Manager | |
params.links | object |
Object of Links associated with the Asset Manager | |
params.legalName- | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
params.displayName | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
params.url | string |
Url of this Party | |
params.createdBy | string |
ID of the user that created the Asset Manager | |
params.updatedBy | string |
ID of the user that updated the Asset Manager | |
params.createdTime | date |
Time that the Asset Manager was created | |
params.updatedTime | date |
Time that the Asset Manager was updated | |
params.version | number |
Version number of the Asset Manager |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of AssetManager
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of AssetManager
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of AssetManager
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.Broker ⇐ Company
Class representing a Broker
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Company
Construct a new Broker instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Broker creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Broker (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Broker (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Broker |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency of the Broker (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Broker | |
[params.licenseNumber] | string |
Company license number (if applicable) | |
[params.licenseType] | string |
Company license type | |
[params.assetsUnderManagement] | string |
Value of assets under management | |
[params.registrationNumber] | string |
Business registration number (if applicable) | |
[params.yearOfIncorporation] | string |
Year of incorporation | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the Broker | |
[params.emails] | object |
Object of Emails associated with the Broker | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the Broker | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the Broker | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Broker | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with the Broker | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Broker | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Broker | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Broker was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Broker was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Broker |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of Broker
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of Broker
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of Broker
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.Address ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing an Address
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Address instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Address creation options | |
[params.addressPrimary] | boolean |
false |
Flag for whether Address is primary for its owner. If a Party has Addresses, at least one must be primary |
params.lineOne | string |
First line of the Address | |
params.lineTwo | string |
Second line of the Address | |
params.city | string |
City of the Address | |
params.region | string |
Region of the Address | |
params.postalCode | string |
Postal code of the Address | |
params.countryId | string |
Country of the Address | |
params.active | boolean |
Whether this Address is active for its owner | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Address | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Address | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Address was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Address was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Address |
parties.Email ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing an Email
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Email object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Email creation options: |
params.emailPrimary | boolean |
Whether the Email is primary for its owner. If a Party has Emails, at least one must be primary |
params.email | string |
Email address |
params.active | boolean |
Whether the Email is active for its owner |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Email |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Email |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Email was created |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Email was updated |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Email |
parties.PhoneNumber ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing an Phone Number
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new phone number object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
phone number creation options: |
params.phoneNumberPrimary | boolean |
Whether the phone number is primary for its owner. If a Party has phone number, at least one must be primary |
params.phoneNumber | string |
Phone Number |
params.active | boolean |
Whether the phone number is active for its owner |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the phone number |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the phone number |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the phone number was created |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the phone number was updated |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the phone number |
parties.Company ⇐ Organisation
Class representing a Company
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Organisation
Construct a new Company instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Company creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Company (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Company (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Company |
[params.partyClass] | string |
"Company" |
Class of the Company (a subclass of Company may define its own partyClass) |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency of the Company (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Company | |
[params.yearOfIncorporation] | string |
Year of incorporation | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the Company | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the Company | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the Company | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the Company | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Company | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with the Company | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Company | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Company | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Company was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Company was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Company |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of Company
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of Company
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of Company
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.Exchange ⇐ Company
Class representing an Exchange
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Company
Construct a new Exchange instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Exchange creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Exchange (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Exchange (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Exchange |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency of the Exchange (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Exchange | |
[params.licenseNumber] | string |
Company license number (if applicable) | |
[params.licenseType] | string |
Company license type | |
[params.assetsUnderManagement] | string |
Value of assets under management | |
[params.registrationNumber] | string |
Business registration number (if applicable) | |
[params.yearOfIncorporation] | string |
Year of incorporation | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the Exchange | |
[params.emails] | object |
Object of Emails associated with the Exchange | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the Exchange | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the Exchange | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Exchange | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with the Exchange | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Exchange | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Exchange | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Exchange was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Exchange was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Exchange |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of Exchange
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of Exchange
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of Exchange
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.Fund ⇐ Company
Class representing a Fund
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Company
Construct a new Fund instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Fund creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Fund (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Fund (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Fund |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency of the Fund (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Fund | |
[params.licenseNumber] | string |
Company license number (if applicable) | |
[params.licenseType] | string |
Company license type | |
[params.assetsUnderManagement] | string |
Value of assets under management | |
[params.registrationNumber] | string |
Business registration number (if applicable) | |
[params.yearOfIncorporation] | string |
Year of incorporation | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the Fund | |
[params.emails] | object |
Object of Emails associated with the Fund | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the Fund | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the Fund | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Fund | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with the Fund | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Fund | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Fund | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Fund was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Fund was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Fund |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of Fund
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of Fund
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of Fund
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.GovernmentAgency ⇐ Organisation
Class representing a Government Agency
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Organisation
Construct a new Government Agency instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Government Agency creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Government Agency (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Government Agency (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Government Agency |
[params.partyClass] | string |
"Organisation" |
Class of the Government Agency (a subclass of Organisation may define its own partyClass) |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency of the Government Agency | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Government Agency | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the Government Agency | |
[params.emails] | object |
Object of Emails associated with the Government Agency | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the Government Agency | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the Government Agency | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Government Agency | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with the Government Agency | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Government Agency | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Government Agency | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Government Agency was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Government Agency was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Government Agency |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of GovernmentAgency
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of GovernmentAgency
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of GovernmentAgency
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.Individual ⇐ Party
Class representing an Individual
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Party
Construct a new Individual instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Individual creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Individual (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Individual (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Individual |
[params.partyClass] | string |
"Individual" |
Class of the Individual (a subclass of Individual may define its own partyClass) |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency of the Individual (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Individual | |
params.givenNames | string |
Individual's given names | |
params.surname | string |
Individual's surname | |
params.dateOfBirth | string |
Individual's date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
[params.title] | string |
Individual's title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.) | |
[params.department] | string |
Individual's department | |
[params.role] | string |
Individual's role | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the Individual | |
[params.emails] | object |
Object of Emails associated with the Individual | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the Individual | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the Individual | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Individual | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with the Individual | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Individual | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Individual | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Individual was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Individual was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Individual |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of Individual
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of Individual
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of Individual
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.Organisation ⇐ Party
Class representing an Organisation
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Party
Construct a new Organisation instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Organisation creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Organisation (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Organisation (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Organisation |
[params.partyClass] | string |
"Organisation" |
Class of the Organisation (a subclass of Organisation may define its own partyClass) |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency of the Organisation (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Organisation | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the Organisation | |
[params.emails] | object |
Object of Emails associated with the Organisation | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the Organisation | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the Organisation | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Organisation | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with the Organisation | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Organisation | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Organisation | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Organisation was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Organisation was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Organisation |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of Organisation
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of Organisation
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of Organisation
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.Party ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Party
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Party instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
Party creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the Party (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the Party (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the Party |
[params.partyClass] | string |
"Party" |
Class of the Party |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency for the Party (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the Party | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the Party | |
[params.emails] | object |
Object of Emails associated with the Party | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of Phone Numbers associated with the Party | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the Party | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the Party | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with this Party | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the Party | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the Party | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the Party was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the Party was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the Party |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of Party
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of Party
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of Party
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
parties.SubFund ⇐ Party
Class representing a Celled Fund Structure (SubFund)
Kind: static class of parties
Extends: Party
Construct a new SubFund instance
Param | Type | Default | Description |
params | object |
SubFund creation options: | |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Asset Manager ID of the SubFund (required) | |
params.partyId | string |
Party ID of the SubFund (required) | |
[params.partyStatus] | string |
"Active" |
Status of the SubFund |
[params.baseCurrency] | string |
Base Currency of the SubFund (e.g. SGD, USD) | |
[params.description] | string |
Description of the SubFund | |
[params.addresses] | object |
Object of Addresses associated with the SubFund | |
[params.emails] | object |
Object of Emails associated with the SubFund | |
[params.phoneNumbers] | object |
Object of phoneNumbers associated with the SubFund | |
[params.references] | object |
Object of References associated with the SubFund | |
[params.comments] | object |
Object of Comments associated with the SubFund | |
[params.links] | object |
Object of Links associated with the SubFund | |
[params.legalName] | string |
Legal name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.displayName] | string |
Display name of the Asset Manager associated with this party | |
[params.url] | string |
Url of this Party | |
[params.createdBy] | string |
ID of the user that created the SubFund | |
[params.updatedBy] | string |
ID of the user that updated the SubFund | |
[params.createdTime] | date |
Time that the SubFund was created | |
[params.updatedTime] | date |
Time that the SubFund was updated | |
[params.version] | number |
Version number of the SubFund |
Upsert an Address
Kind: instance method of SubFund
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Address (e.g. 'Registered', 'Legal') |
address | Address |
new Address. Note that the new Address cannot be primary if a primary Address already exists. Use this.addresses setter to replace primary Addresses (??) |
Upsert an Email
Kind: instance method of SubFund
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Email (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
Emails |
new Email. Note that the new Email cannot be primary if a primary Email already exists. Use this.emails setter to replace primary Emails (??) |
Upsert an Phone Number
Kind: instance method of SubFund
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of Phone Number (e.g. 'Work', 'Support') |
phoneNumber | PhoneNumbers |
new phoneNumber. Note that the new phoneNumber cannot be primary if a primary phoneNumber already exists. Use this.phoneNumbers setter to replace primary phoneNumbers (??) |
Classes and API methods for the Relationships service (not ready yet)
- relationships
- .Relationship ⇐
- .Relationship ⇐
Class representing a Relationship
Kind: static class of relationships
Extends: module:Core.AMaaSModel
Construct a new Relationship instance
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Relationship creation options |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of the Asset Manager who owns this Relationship |
params.relationshipId | number |
ID of the Relationship (to uniquely identity Relationship amongst other Relationships between the same parties) |
params.relatedId | number |
ID of the Asset Manager to whom this Relationship connects |
params.relationshipType | string |
The type of Relationship between these Asset Managers |
params.clientId | string |
The client ID that owns this Relationship |
params.relationshipStatus | string |
The status of the Relationship |
params.createdBy | string |
ID of the user that created the Relationship |
params.updatedBy | string |
ID of the user that updated the Relationship |
params.createdTime | date |
Time that the Relationship was created |
params.updatedTime | date |
Time that the Relationship was updated |
params.version | number |
Version number of the Relationship |
Classes for the Transactions service.
transactions.AggregatePNL ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing Aggregate Profit and Loss
Kind: static class of transactions
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new AggregatePNL object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
AggregatePNL creation options |
params.YTD | object |
YTD PnL containing optional errorMessage and pnl object containing fx , asset and total PnL values` |
params.MTD | object |
MTD PnL containing optional errorMessage and pnl object containing fx , asset and total PnL values` |
params.DTD | object |
DTD PnL containing optional errorMessage and pnl object containing fx , asset and total PnL values` |
params.fxRates | object |
FX rates. This is an object with the ccy pair as key and rate as value |
transactions.PositionPNL ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing Position Profit and Loss
Kind: static class of transactions
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new PositionPNL object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
PositionPNL creation options |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of the PositionPNL's Asset Manager |
params.bookId | string |
ID of PositionPNL's book |
params.assetId | string |
ID of the PositionPNL's Asset |
params.businessDate | string |
Date of PositionPNL |
params.pnlTimeStamp | string |
Proft & Loss Timestamp |
params.clientId | number |
Id of TransactionPNL's client |
params.currency | string |
PNL Currency |
params.quantity | Decimal |
Quantity of PositionpNL |
params.YTD | Object |
params.MTD | Object |
params.DTD | Object |
params.createdBy | string |
Creator of PositionPNL |
params.updatedBy | string |
Latest user who updated the PositionPNL |
params.createdTime | string |
Created Time of the PositionPNL |
params.updatedTime | string |
Updated Time of the PositionPNL |
params.version | number |
Version of the PositionPNL |
transactions.Position ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Position
Kind: static class of transactions
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Position object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Position creation options |
params.assetManagerId | number |
Owning Asset Manager's ID |
params.bookId | string |
Book that the Position belongs to |
params.assetId | string |
Asset for the Position |
params.quantity | Decimal |
Quantity of the Position |
params.validFrom | string |
Timestamp that the Position is valid from (for the given price) |
params.validTo | string |
Timestamp that the Position is valid to (should be max date for currently valid Positions) |
params.accountingType | string |
Accounting Type of the Position ("Transaction Date" or "Settlement Date") |
params.accountId | string |
Account ID of the Position |
transactions.Transaction ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a Transaction
Kind: static class of transactions
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new Transaction object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Transaction creation options |
params.assetManagerId | string |
ID of the Transaction's Asset Manager |
params.assetBookId | string |
ID of the Transaction's book |
params.counterpartyBookId | string |
ID of the counterparty to this Transaction |
params.transactionAction | string |
Transaction action e.g. BUY, SELL etc. |
params.assetId | string |
ID of the asset being transacted |
params.quantity | number |
Quantity being transacted |
params.transactionDate | date |
Date of transactionDate |
params.settlementDate | date |
Date of settlement e.g. T+2 where T = transactionDate |
params.price | decimal |
price of Asset being transacted |
params.transactionCurrency | string |
Currency that the Transaction takes place in |
params.settlementCurrency | string |
Currency that the Transaction is settled in |
params.asset | * |
* |
params.executionTime | date |
Time that the Transaction was executed |
params.transactionType | Asset |
Type of Transaction e.g. Trade, Allocation |
params.transactionId | string |
ID of the Transaction |
params.transactionStatus | * |
* |
params.charges | object |
Object of all charges (Charge class) |
params.codes | object |
Object of all codes (Code class) |
params.comments | object |
Object of all comments (Comment class) |
params.links | object |
Object of all links (Link class) |
params.parties | object |
Object of all parties as a Transaction child (PartyChild class) |
params.rates | object |
Object of all rates (Rate class) |
params.references | object |
* |
params.postings | * |
* |
transactions.TransactionPNL ⇐ AMaaSModel
Class representing a TransactionPNL
Kind: static class of transactions
Extends: AMaaSModel
Construct a new TransactionPNL object
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
TransactionPNL creation options |
params.assetManagerId | number |
ID of the TransactionPNL's Asset Manager |
params.bookId | string |
ID of TransactionPNL's book |
params.assetId | string |
ID of the TransactionPNL's Asset |
params.businessDate | string |
Date of TransactionPNL |
params.pnlTimeStamp | string |
Proft & Loss Timestamp |
params.clientId | number |
Id of TransactionPNL's client |
params.currency | string |
Currency of TransactionPNL |
params.quantity | Decimal |
Quantity of TransactionPNL |
params.transactionId | string |
ID of the TransactionPNL's Transaction |
params.YTD | Object |
params.MTD | Object |
params.DTD | Object |
params.createdBy | string |
Creator of TransactionPNL |
params.updatedBy | string |
Latest user who updated the TransactionPNL |
params.createdTime | string |
Created Time of the TransactionPNL |
params.updatedTime | string |
Updated Time of the TransactionPNL |
params.version | number |
Version of the TransactionPNL |