This repository holds a Vagrant deploy of SaltStack. Two VMs are created, a Salt Master and a Salt Minion.
You need to have Vagrant and VirtualBox installed. Included Vagrantfile is a multi-box deployment using shell provisioning.
This deployment uses Salt preseeded keys, read more about it here.
Shell provisioning must be run twice, once to disable SELINUX (a reboot is needed, this could be temprarily done too) and once to setup SaltStack.
Complete Steps:
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-saltstack-lab
$ vagrant up
# Check if reboot is done and SELINUX is disabled:
$ vagrant ssh saltmaster -c getenforce
$ vagrant ssh saltminion -c getenforce
# If SELINUX is disabled, provision again:
$ vagrant up --provision
# Once provisioning is complete, enter Salt Master
$ vagrant ssh saltmaster
# Inside VM
$ sudo salt '*'