Boundary Line (BL) data - October 2020 - data in S3 bucket
ONS Postcode (ONSPD) data - November 2020 - data in S3 bucket
- Aylesbury Vale (E07000004), Chiltern (E07000005), South Bucks (E07000006) and Wycombe (E07000007) have now been merged with Buckinghamshire council, and their GSS codes are now inactive.
- Buckinghamshire county (E10000002) is now a unitary authority UTA (E06000060)
As elections have not yet taken place for Buckinghamshire to use its new wards, the old wards still need to exist, which has been updated and covered in this Mysociety issue and this PR
We may want to revert some of this code in future once the elections have taken place, or wait for Mysociety to make the changes and pull them upstream.
See for more information.