diff --git a/src/govuk/components/task-list/template.jsdom.test.js b/src/govuk/components/task-list/template.jsdom.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63956d58c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/govuk/components/task-list/template.jsdom.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+const { getExamples, render } = require('@govuk-frontend/lib/components')
+describe('Task List', () => {
+ let examples
+ beforeAll(async () => {
+ examples = await getExamples('task-list')
+ })
+ it('renders the default example', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('task-list', examples.default)
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list')
+ expect($component.tagName).toBe('UL')
+ })
+ describe('when custom classes are passed', () => {
+ let $component
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('task-list', examples['custom classes'])
+ $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list')
+ })
+ it('includes additional classes from the `classes` option on the root', () => {
+ expect($component).toHaveClass('custom-class-on-component')
+ })
+ it('includes additional classes from the `item.classes` option on the item', () => {
+ const $listItem = $component.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__item')
+ expect($listItem).toHaveClass('custom-class-on-task')
+ })
+ it('includes additional classes from the `item.status.classes` option on the status', () => {
+ const $status = $component.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__status')
+ expect($status).toHaveClass('custom-class-on-status')
+ })
+ describe('when a task has a tag status', () => {
+ it('allows for custom classes on tags', () => {
+ const $tag = document.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__status .govuk-tag'
+ )
+ expect($tag).toHaveClass('custom-class-on-tag')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task has an href set', () => {
+ it('includes classes from the `item.title.classes` option on the link', () => {
+ const $itemWithLink = $component.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__item:first-child'
+ )
+ const $link = $itemWithLink.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__link')
+ expect($link).toHaveClass('custom-class-on-linked-title')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task does not have an href set', () => {
+ it('includes classes from the `item.title.classes` option on the wrapper div', () => {
+ const $itemWithoutLink = $component.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__item:last-child'
+ )
+ const $wrapper = $itemWithoutLink.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__name-and-hint div'
+ )
+ expect($wrapper).toHaveClass('custom-class-on-unlinked-title')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ it('sets any additional attributes based on the `attributes` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('task-list', examples['custom attributes'])
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('data-custom-attribute', 'custom-value')
+ })
+ it('sets any additional attributes on tags based on `item.status.tag.attributes` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('task-list', examples['custom attributes'])
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-tag')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('data-tag-attribute', 'tag-value')
+ })
+ describe('when a task has an href set', () => {
+ let $item
+ let $itemLink
+ beforeAll(function () {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('task-list', examples.default)
+ $item = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__item')
+ $itemLink = document.querySelector('a.govuk-task-list__link')
+ })
+ it('wraps the task title in a link', async () => {
+ expect($itemLink).toHaveAttribute('href', '#')
+ })
+ it('adds a with-link modifier class to the task', async () => {
+ expect($item).toHaveClass('govuk-task-list__item--with-link')
+ })
+ it('associates the task name link with the status using aria', async () => {
+ expect($itemLink).toHaveAccessibleDescription('Completed')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task does not have an href set', () => {
+ it('does not link the task title', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'task-list',
+ examples['example with hint text and additional states']
+ )
+ const $itemWithNoLink = document.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__item:last-child'
+ )
+ expect($itemWithNoLink.querySelector('a')).toBeNull()
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when using the `text` option', () => {
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'task-list',
+ examples['html passed as text']
+ )
+ })
+ describe('when a task has an href set', () => {
+ it('escapes HTML in the link', () => {
+ const $itemWithLink = document.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__item:first-child'
+ )
+ const $link = $itemWithLink.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__link')
+ expect($link).toHaveTextContent('Linked Title')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task does not have an href set', () => {
+ it('escapes the title', () => {
+ const $itemWithoutLink = document.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__item:last-child'
+ )
+ const $title = $itemWithoutLink.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__name-and-hint'
+ )
+ expect($title).toHaveTextContent('Unlinked Title')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task has a tag status', () => {
+ it('escapes HTML in the tag', () => {
+ const $tag = document.querySelector('.govuk-tag')
+ expect($tag).toHaveTextContent('Tag')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task has a non-tag status', () => {
+ it('escapes HTML in the status', () => {
+ const $status = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__status')
+ expect($status).toHaveTextContent('Status')
+ })
+ })
+ it('escapes HTML in the hint', () => {
+ const $hint = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__hint')
+ expect($hint).toHaveTextContent('Hint')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when using the `html` option', () => {
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('task-list', examples.html)
+ })
+ describe('when a task has an href set', () => {
+ it('does not escape HTML in the link', () => {
+ const $itemWithLink = document.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__item:first-child'
+ )
+ const $link = $itemWithLink.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__link')
+ expect($link).toContainHTML('Linked Title')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task does not have an href set', () => {
+ it('does not escape HTML in the title', () => {
+ const $itemWithoutLink = document.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__item:last-child'
+ )
+ const $title = $itemWithoutLink.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__name-and-hint'
+ )
+ expect($title).toContainHTML('Unlinked Title')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task has a tag status', () => {
+ it('does not escape HTML in the tag', () => {
+ const $tag = document.querySelector('.govuk-tag')
+ expect($tag).toContainHTML('Tag')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task has a non-tag status', () => {
+ it('does not escape HTML in the status', () => {
+ const $status = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__status')
+ expect($status).toContainHTML('Status')
+ })
+ })
+ it('does not escape HTML in the hint', () => {
+ const $hint = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__hint')
+ expect($hint).toContainHTML('Hint')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a task has a hint', () => {
+ let $component
+ beforeAll(function () {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'task-list',
+ examples['example with hint text and additional states']
+ )
+ $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list')
+ })
+ it('renders the hint', () => {
+ const $hintText = $component.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__hint')
+ expect($hintText).toHaveTextContent(
+ 'Ensure the plan covers objectives, strategies, sales, marketing and financial forecasts.'
+ )
+ })
+ it('associates the hint text and the status with the task link', () => {
+ const $task = $component.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-task-list__item:nth-child(3)'
+ )
+ const $link = $task.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__link')
+ const $hint = $task.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__hint')
+ const $status = $task.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__status')
+ expect($link).toHaveAccessibleDescription(
+ [$hint, $status].map((el) => el.textContent.trim()).join(' ')
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a custom idPrefix is used', () => {
+ let $component
+ beforeAll(function () {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'task-list',
+ examples['custom id prefix']
+ )
+ $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-task-list')
+ })
+ it('uses the id prefix for the hint id', () => {
+ const $hint = $component.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__hint')
+ expect($hint).toHaveAttribute('id', 'my-custom-id-1-hint')
+ })
+ it('uses the id prefix for the status', () => {
+ const $status = $component.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__status')
+ expect($status).toHaveAttribute('id', 'my-custom-id-1-status')
+ })
+ it('uses the id prefix for the aria-describedby association', () => {
+ const $link = $component.querySelector('.govuk-task-list__link')
+ expect($link).toHaveAttribute('aria-describedby')
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/src/govuk/components/task-list/template.test.js b/src/govuk/components/task-list/template.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a8af3bd9..0000000000
--- a/src/govuk/components/task-list/template.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-const { render } = require('@govuk-frontend/helpers/nunjucks')
-const { getExamples } = require('@govuk-frontend/lib/components')
-describe('Task List', () => {
- let examples
- beforeAll(async () => {
- examples = await getExamples('task-list')
- })
- it('renders the default example', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples.default)
- const $component = $('.govuk-task-list')
- expect($component.get(0).tagName).toBe('ul')
- })
- it('allows for custom classes on the root of the component', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom classes'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-task-list')
- expect($component.hasClass('custom-class-on-component')).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('allows for custom classes on each task', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom classes'])
- const $listItem = $('.govuk-task-list__item')
- expect($listItem.hasClass('custom-class-on-task')).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('allows for custom classes on each status', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom classes'])
- const $status = $('.govuk-task-list__status')
- expect($status.hasClass('custom-class-on-status')).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('allows for custom attributes', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom attributes'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-task-list')
- expect($component.attr('data-custom-attribute')).toBe('custom-value')
- })
- describe('when a task has an href set', () => {
- let $component
- beforeAll(function () {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples.default)
- $component = $('.govuk-task-list')
- })
- it('wraps the task title in a link', async () => {
- const $itemLink = $component.find('a.govuk-task-list__link')
- expect($itemLink.attr('href')).toBe('#')
- })
- it('adds a with-link modifier class to the task', async () => {
- const $itemLink = $component.find('.govuk-task-list__item')
- expect(
- $itemLink.hasClass('govuk-task-list__item--with-link')
- ).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('associates the task name link with the status using aria', async () => {
- const $itemLink = $component.find('.govuk-task-list__link')
- const $statusWithId = $component.find(
- `#${$itemLink.attr('aria-describedby')}`
- )
- expect($statusWithId.text()).toContain('Completed')
- })
- it('applies title classes to the link', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom classes'])
- const $itemWithLink = $('.govuk-task-list__item:first-child')
- const $itemWithLinkTitle = $itemWithLink.find('.govuk-task-list__link')
- expect(
- $itemWithLinkTitle.hasClass('custom-class-on-linked-title')
- ).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('escapes the title when passed as text', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['html passed as text'])
- const $itemWithLink = $('.govuk-task-list__item:first-child')
- const $itemWithLinkTitle = $itemWithLink.find('.govuk-task-list__link')
- expect($itemWithLinkTitle.text().trim()).toBe(
- 'Linked Title'
- )
- })
- it('allows HTML in the title when passed as html', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples.html)
- const $itemWithLink = $('.govuk-task-list__item:first-child')
- const $itemWithLinkTitle = $itemWithLink.find('.govuk-task-list__link')
- expect($itemWithLinkTitle.html().trim()).toBe(
- 'Linked Title'
- )
- })
- })
- describe('when a task does not have an href set', () => {
- it('does not link the task title', () => {
- const $ = render(
- 'task-list',
- examples['example with hint text and additional states']
- )
- const $itemWithNoLink = $('.govuk-task-list__item:last-child')
- const $itemWithNoLinkTitle = $itemWithNoLink.find('div')
- expect($itemWithNoLinkTitle.text()).toContain('Payment')
- })
- it('applies title classes to the title wrapper div', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom classes'])
- const $itemWithNoLink = $('.govuk-task-list__item:last-child')
- const $itemWithNoLinkTitle = $itemWithNoLink.find(
- '.govuk-task-list__name-and-hint div'
- )
- expect(
- $itemWithNoLinkTitle.hasClass('custom-class-on-unlinked-title')
- ).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('escapes the title when passed as text', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['html passed as text'])
- const $itemWithoutLink = $('.govuk-task-list__item:last-child')
- const $itemWithoutLinkTitle = $itemWithoutLink.find(
- '.govuk-task-list__name-and-hint'
- )
- expect($itemWithoutLinkTitle.text()).toContain(
- 'Unlinked Title'
- )
- })
- it('allows HTML in the title when passed as html', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples.html)
- const $itemWithoutLink = $('.govuk-task-list__item:last-child')
- const $itemWithoutLinkTitle = $itemWithoutLink.find(
- '.govuk-task-list__name-and-hint'
- )
- expect($itemWithoutLinkTitle.html()).toContain(
- 'Unlinked Title'
- )
- })
- })
- describe('when a task has a tag status', () => {
- it('escapes the tag when passed as text', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['html passed as text'])
- const $tag = $('.govuk-tag')
- expect($tag.text()).toContain('Tag')
- })
- it('allows HTML in the tag when passed as html', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples.html)
- const $tag = $('.govuk-tag')
- expect($tag.html()).toContain('Tag')
- })
- it('allows for custom classes on tags', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom classes'])
- const $tag = $('.govuk-task-list__status .govuk-tag')
- expect($tag.hasClass('custom-class-on-tag')).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('allows for custom attributes on tags', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom attributes'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-tag')
- expect($component.attr('data-tag-attribute')).toBe('tag-value')
- })
- })
- describe('when a task has a non-tag status', () => {
- it('escapes the status when passed as text', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['html passed as text'])
- const $status = $('.govuk-task-list__status')
- expect($status.text()).toContain('Status')
- })
- it('allows HTML in the tag when passed as html', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples.html)
- const $status = $('.govuk-task-list__status')
- expect($status.html()).toContain('Status')
- })
- })
- describe('when a task has a hint', () => {
- let $component
- beforeAll(function () {
- const $ = render(
- 'task-list',
- examples['example with hint text and additional states']
- )
- $component = $('.govuk-task-list')
- })
- it('renders the hint', () => {
- const $hintText = $component.find('.govuk-task-list__hint')
- expect($hintText.text()).toContain(
- 'Ensure the plan covers objectives, strategies, sales, marketing and financial forecasts.'
- )
- })
- it('associates the hint text with the task link using aria', () => {
- const $hintText = $component.find('.govuk-task-list__hint')
- expect($hintText.attr('id')).toBe('task-list-3-hint')
- const $itemAssociatedWithHint = $component.find(
- `.govuk-task-list__link[aria-describedby~="${$hintText.attr('id')}"]`
- )
- expect($itemAssociatedWithHint.text()).toContain('Business plan')
- })
- it('escapes the hint when passed as text', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['html passed as text'])
- const $hint = $('.govuk-task-list__hint')
- expect($hint.text()).toContain('Hint')
- })
- it('allows HTML in the hint when passed as html', () => {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples.html)
- const $hint = $('.govuk-task-list__hint')
- expect($hint.html()).toContain('Hint')
- })
- })
- describe('when a custom idPrefix is used', () => {
- let $component
- beforeAll(function () {
- const $ = render('task-list', examples['custom id prefix'])
- $component = $('.govuk-task-list')
- })
- it('uses the id prefix for the hint id', () => {
- const $hint = $component.find('.govuk-task-list__hint')
- expect($hint.attr('id')).toBe('my-custom-id-1-hint')
- })
- it('uses the id prefix for the status', () => {
- const $hint = $component.find('.govuk-task-list__status')
- expect($hint.attr('id')).toBe('my-custom-id-1-status')
- })
- it('uses the id prefix for the aria-describedby association', () => {
- const $hint = $component.find('.govuk-task-list__link')
- expect($hint.attr('aria-describedby')).toBe(
- 'my-custom-id-1-hint my-custom-id-1-status'
- )
- })
- })