diff --git a/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/__snapshots__/template.test.js.snap b/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/__snapshots__/template.test.js.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index aca371db65..0000000000
--- a/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/__snapshots__/template.test.js.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Input when it includes a hint renders the hint 1`] = `
- It’s on your National Insurance card, benefit letter, payslip or P60. For example, ‘QQ 12 34 56 C’.
-exports[`Input when it includes an error message renders the error message 1`] = `
- Error message goes here
-exports[`Input with dependant components renders with label 1`] = `
diff --git a/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/input.yaml b/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/input.yaml
index 09c74b6fe2..b54527b170 100644
--- a/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/input.yaml
+++ b/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/input.yaml
@@ -180,8 +180,6 @@ examples:
text: National Insurance number
- hint:
- text: It’s on your National Insurance card, benefit letter, payslip or P60. For example, ‘QQ 12 34 56 C’.
id: input-with-error-message
name: test-name-3
@@ -304,6 +302,12 @@ examples:
name: autocapitalize
type: text
autocapitalize: none
+ - name: disabled
+ options:
+ label:
+ text: Disabled input
+ id: disabled-input
+ disabled: true
- name: with prefix
diff --git a/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/template.jsdom.test.js b/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/template.jsdom.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f87f1f81ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/template.jsdom.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+const { getExamples, render } = require('@govuk-frontend/lib/components')
+describe('Input', () => {
+ let examples
+ beforeAll(async () => {
+ examples = await getExamples('input')
+ })
+ describe('default example', () => {
+ let $component
+ let $label
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples.default)
+ $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ $label = document.querySelector('.govuk-label')
+ })
+ it('sets the `id` attribute based on the `id` option', () => {
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('id', 'input-example')
+ })
+ it('sets the `name` attribute based on the `name` option', () => {
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('name', 'test-name')
+ })
+ it('sets the `type` attribute to a default value of "text"', () => {
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('type', 'text')
+ })
+ it('includes a form group wrapper', () => {
+ const $formGroup = document.querySelector('.govuk-form-group')
+ expect($formGroup).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect($formGroup).toContainElement($component)
+ })
+ it('includes a label', () => {
+ expect($label).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('the input is named by the label', () => {
+ expect($component).toHaveAccessibleName($label.textContent.trim())
+ })
+ it('does not include the input wrapper', () => {
+ const $wrapper = document.querySelector(
+ '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper'
+ )
+ expect($wrapper).toBeNull()
+ })
+ it.each([
+ 'autocapitalize',
+ 'autocomplete',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'inputmode',
+ 'pattern',
+ 'spellcheck'
+ ])('does not set the `%s` attribute', (attribute) => {
+ expect($component).not.toHaveAttribute(attribute)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('custom options', () => {
+ it('includes additional classes from the `classes` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples.classes)
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveClass('app-input--custom-modifier')
+ })
+ it('sets the `type` attribute based on the `type` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples['custom type'])
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('type', 'number')
+ })
+ it('sets the `pattern` attribute based on the `pattern` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with pattern attribute']
+ )
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('pattern', '[0-9]*')
+ })
+ it('sets the `value` attribute based on the `value` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples.value)
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveValue('QQ 12 34 56 C')
+ })
+ it('sets the `value` attribute based on a `value` of "0"', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples['zero value'])
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveValue('0')
+ })
+ it('sets the `aria-describedby` attribute based on the `describedBy` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples['with describedBy'])
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute(
+ 'aria-describedby',
+ 'test-target-element'
+ )
+ })
+ it('sets any additional attributes based on the `attributes` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples.attributes)
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('data-attribute', 'my data value')
+ })
+ it('includes additional classes from the `formGroup.classes` option on the form group', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with optional form-group classes']
+ )
+ const $formGroup = document.querySelector('.govuk-form-group')
+ expect($formGroup).toHaveClass('extra-class')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when a hint is passed', () => {
+ let $component
+ let $hint
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples['with hint text'])
+ $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ $hint = document.querySelector('.govuk-hint')
+ })
+ it('includes the hint', () => {
+ expect($hint).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('associates the input as described by the hint', () => {
+ expect($component).toHaveAccessibleDescription($hint.textContent.trim())
+ })
+ it('associates the input as described by both the hint and the `describedBy` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['hint with describedBy']
+ )
+ const $additionalDescription = document.createElement('p')
+ $additionalDescription.id = 'test-target-element'
+ $additionalDescription.textContent = 'Additional description'
+ document.body.appendChild($additionalDescription)
+ const $input = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ const $hint = document.querySelector('.govuk-hint')
+ expect($input).toHaveAccessibleDescription(
+ [$additionalDescription, $hint]
+ .map((el) => el.textContent.trim())
+ .join(' ')
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when an error message is passed', () => {
+ let $component
+ let $errorMessage
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples['with error message'])
+ $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ $errorMessage = document.querySelector('.govuk-error-message')
+ })
+ it('includes the error message', () => {
+ expect($errorMessage).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('associates the input as described by the error message', () => {
+ expect($component).toHaveAccessibleDescription(
+ $errorMessage.textContent.trim()
+ )
+ })
+ it('associates the input as described by the error message and the `describedBy` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['error with describedBy']
+ )
+ const $additionalDescription = document.createElement('p')
+ $additionalDescription.id = 'test-target-element'
+ $additionalDescription.textContent = 'Additional description'
+ document.body.appendChild($additionalDescription)
+ const $input = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ const $errorMessage = document.querySelector('.govuk-error-message')
+ expect($input).toHaveAccessibleDescription(
+ [$additionalDescription, $errorMessage]
+ .map((el) => el.textContent.trim())
+ .join(' ')
+ )
+ })
+ it('includes the error modifier class on the input', () => {
+ expect($component).toHaveClass('govuk-input--error')
+ })
+ it('includes the error modifier class on the form group wrapper', () => {
+ const $formGroup = document.querySelector('.govuk-form-group')
+ expect($formGroup).toHaveClass('govuk-form-group--error')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when both a hint and an error message are passed', () => {
+ it('associates the input as described by both the hint and the error message', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples['with error and hint'])
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ const $errorMessage = document.querySelector('.govuk-error-message')
+ const $hint = document.querySelector('.govuk-hint')
+ expect($component).toHaveAccessibleDescription(
+ [$hint, $errorMessage].map((el) => el.textContent.trim()).join(' ')
+ )
+ })
+ it('associates the input as described by the hint, error message and the `describedBy` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with error, hint and describedBy']
+ )
+ const $additionalDescription = document.createElement('p')
+ $additionalDescription.id = 'test-target-element'
+ $additionalDescription.textContent = 'Additional description'
+ document.body.appendChild($additionalDescription)
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ const $errorMessage = document.querySelector('.govuk-error-message')
+ const $hint = document.querySelector('.govuk-hint')
+ expect($component).toHaveAccessibleDescription(
+ [$additionalDescription, $hint, $errorMessage]
+ .map((el) => el.textContent.trim())
+ .join(' ')
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when the `spellcheck` option is set', () => {
+ it('sets the `spellcheck` attribute to "true" if the option is true', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with spellcheck enabled']
+ )
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('spellcheck', 'true')
+ })
+ it('sets the `spellcheck` attribute to "false" if the option is false', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with spellcheck disabled']
+ )
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('spellcheck', 'false')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when the `autocapitalize` option is set', () => {
+ it('sets the `autocapitalize` attribute based on the option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with autocapitalize turned off']
+ )
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('autocapitalize', 'none')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when the `autocomplete` option is set', () => {
+ it('sets the `autocomplete` attribute based on the option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with autocomplete attribute']
+ )
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('autocomplete', 'postal-code')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when the `inputmode` option is set', () => {
+ it('sets the `inputmode` attribute based on the option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples.inputmode)
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toHaveAttribute('inputmode', 'decimal')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when the `disabled` option is set', () => {
+ it('disables the input', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples.disabled)
+ const $component = document.querySelector('.govuk-input')
+ expect($component).toBeDisabled()
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when it includes a prefix', () => {
+ let $wrapper
+ let $prefix
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples['with prefix'])
+ $wrapper = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__wrapper')
+ $prefix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__prefix')
+ })
+ it('renders the input wrapper', () => {
+ expect($wrapper).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('renders the prefix inside the wrapper', () => {
+ expect($wrapper).toContainElement($prefix)
+ })
+ it('renders the text in the prefix', () => {
+ expect($prefix).toHaveTextContent('£')
+ })
+ it('hides the prefix from screen readers using `aria-hidden`', () => {
+ expect($prefix).toHaveAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true')
+ })
+ it('escapes HTML entities when using the `text` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with prefix with html as text']
+ )
+ const $prefix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__prefix')
+ expect($prefix).toHaveTextContent('£')
+ })
+ it('allows HTML to be passed when using the `html` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with prefix with html']
+ )
+ const $prefix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__prefix')
+ expect($prefix).toContainHTML('£')
+ })
+ it('includes additional classes from the `prefix.classes` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with prefix with classes']
+ )
+ const $prefix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__prefix')
+ expect($prefix).toHaveClass('app-input__prefix--custom-modifier')
+ })
+ it('sets additional attributes from the `prefix.attributes` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with prefix with attributes']
+ )
+ const $prefix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__prefix')
+ expect($prefix).toHaveAttribute('data-attribute', 'value')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when it includes a suffix', () => {
+ let $wrapper
+ let $suffix
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render('input', examples['with suffix'])
+ $wrapper = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__wrapper')
+ $suffix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__suffix')
+ })
+ it('renders the input wrapper', () => {
+ expect($wrapper).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('renders the suffix inside the wrapper', () => {
+ expect($wrapper).toContainElement($suffix)
+ })
+ it('renders the text in the suffix', () => {
+ expect($suffix).toHaveTextContent('kg')
+ })
+ it('hides the suffix from screen readers using `aria-hidden`', () => {
+ expect($suffix).toHaveAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true')
+ })
+ it('escapes HTML entities when using the `text` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with suffix with html as text']
+ )
+ const $suffix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__suffix')
+ expect($suffix).toHaveTextContent('kg')
+ })
+ it('allows HTML to be passed when using the `html` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with suffix with html']
+ )
+ const $suffix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__suffix')
+ expect($suffix).toContainHTML('kg')
+ })
+ it('includes additional classes from the `prefix.classes` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with prefix with classes']
+ )
+ const $prefix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__prefix')
+ expect($prefix).toHaveClass('app-input__prefix--custom-modifier')
+ })
+ it('sets additional attributes from the `prefix.attributes` option', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with prefix with attributes']
+ )
+ const $prefix = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__prefix')
+ expect($prefix).toHaveAttribute('data-attribute', 'value')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when it includes both a prefix and a suffix', () => {
+ it('renders the prefix before the suffix', () => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with prefix and suffix']
+ )
+ expect(
+ document.querySelector('.govuk-input__prefix ~ .govuk-input__suffix')
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ })
+ describe('when it includes the input wrapper', () => {
+ let $wrapper
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ document.body.innerHTML = render(
+ 'input',
+ examples['with customised input wrapper']
+ )
+ $wrapper = document.querySelector('.govuk-input__wrapper')
+ })
+ it('includes additional classes from the `inputWrapper.classes` option', () => {
+ expect($wrapper).toHaveClass('app-input-wrapper--custom-modifier')
+ })
+ it('renders the input wrapper with custom attributes', () => {
+ expect($wrapper).toHaveAttribute('data-attribute', 'value')
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/template.test.js b/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/template.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d8795ba14a..0000000000
--- a/packages/govuk-frontend/src/govuk/components/input/template.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-const { render } = require('@govuk-frontend/helpers/nunjucks')
-const { htmlWithClassName } = require('@govuk-frontend/helpers/tests')
-const { getExamples } = require('@govuk-frontend/lib/components')
-const WORD_BOUNDARY = '\\b'
-const WHITESPACE = '\\s'
-describe('Input', () => {
- let examples
- beforeAll(async () => {
- examples = await getExamples('input')
- })
- describe('default example', () => {
- it('renders with id', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('id')).toBe('input-example')
- })
- it('renders with name', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('name')).toBe('test-name')
- })
- it('renders with type="text" by default', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('type')).toBe('text')
- })
- it('renders with a form group wrapper', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $formGroup = $('.govuk-form-group')
- expect($formGroup.length).toBeTruthy()
- })
- })
- describe('custom options', () => {
- it('renders with classes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.classes)
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.hasClass('app-input--custom-modifier')).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('allows you to override the type', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['custom type'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('type')).toBe('number')
- })
- it('renders with pattern attribute', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with pattern attribute'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('pattern')).toBe('[0-9]*')
- })
- it('renders with value', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.value)
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.val()).toBe('QQ 12 34 56 C')
- })
- it('renders with zero value', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['zero value'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.val()).toBe('0')
- })
- it('renders with aria-describedby', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with describedBy'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('aria-describedby')).toMatch('test-target-element')
- })
- it('renders with attributes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.attributes)
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('data-attribute')).toBe('my data value')
- })
- it('renders with a form group wrapper that has extra classes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with optional form-group classes'])
- const $formGroup = $('.govuk-form-group')
- expect($formGroup.hasClass('extra-class')).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it("doesn't render the input wrapper", () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $wrapper = $('.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper')
- expect($wrapper.length).toBeFalsy()
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes a hint', () => {
- it('renders the hint', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with hint text'])
- expect(htmlWithClassName($, '.govuk-hint')).toMatchSnapshot()
- })
- it('associates the input as "described by" the hint', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with hint text'])
- const $input = $('.govuk-input')
- const hintId = $('.govuk-hint').attr('id')
- const describedBy = new RegExp(
- )
- expect($input.attr('aria-describedby')).toMatch(describedBy)
- })
- it('associates the input as "described by" the hint and parent fieldset', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['hint with describedBy'])
- const $input = $('.govuk-input')
- const hintId = $('.govuk-hint').attr('id')
- const describedBy = new RegExp(
- `${WORD_BOUNDARY}test-target-element${WHITESPACE}${hintId}${WORD_BOUNDARY}`
- )
- expect($input.attr('aria-describedby')).toMatch(describedBy)
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes an error message', () => {
- it('renders the error message', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with error message'])
- expect(htmlWithClassName($, '.govuk-error-message')).toMatchSnapshot()
- })
- it('associates the input as "described by" the error message', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with error message'])
- const $input = $('.govuk-input')
- const errorMessageId = $('.govuk-error-message').attr('id')
- const describedBy = new RegExp(
- `${WORD_BOUNDARY}${errorMessageId}${WORD_BOUNDARY}`
- )
- expect($input.attr('aria-describedby')).toMatch(describedBy)
- })
- it('associates the input as "described by" the error message and parent fieldset', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['error with describedBy'])
- const $input = $('.govuk-input')
- const errorMessageId = $('.govuk-error-message').attr('id')
- const describedBy = new RegExp(
- `${WORD_BOUNDARY}test-target-element${WHITESPACE}${errorMessageId}${WORD_BOUNDARY}`
- )
- expect($input.attr('aria-describedby')).toMatch(describedBy)
- })
- it('includes the error class on the input', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with error message'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.hasClass('govuk-input--error')).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders with a form group wrapper that has an error state', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with error message'])
- const $formGroup = $('.govuk-form-group')
- expect($formGroup.hasClass('govuk-form-group--error')).toBeTruthy()
- })
- })
- describe('when it has the spellcheck attribute', () => {
- it('renders with spellcheck attribute set to true', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with spellcheck enabled'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('spellcheck')).toBe('true')
- })
- it('renders with spellcheck attribute set to false', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with spellcheck disabled'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('spellcheck')).toBe('false')
- })
- it('renders without spellcheck attribute by default', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('spellcheck')).toBeUndefined()
- })
- })
- describe('when it has the autocapitalize attribute', () => {
- it('renders without autocapitalize attribute by default', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('autocapitalize')).toBeUndefined()
- })
- it('renders with autocapitalize attribute when set', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with autocapitalize turned off'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('autocapitalize')).toBe('none')
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes both a hint and an error message', () => {
- it('associates the input as described by both the hint and the error message', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with error and hint'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- const errorMessageId = $('.govuk-error-message').attr('id')
- const hintId = $('.govuk-hint').attr('id')
- const describedByCombined = new RegExp(
- `${WORD_BOUNDARY}${hintId}${WHITESPACE}${errorMessageId}${WORD_BOUNDARY}`
- )
- expect($component.attr('aria-describedby')).toMatch(describedByCombined)
- })
- it('associates the input as described by the hint, error message and parent fieldset', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with error, hint and describedBy'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- const errorMessageId = $('.govuk-error-message').attr('id')
- const hintId = $('.govuk-hint').attr('id')
- const describedByCombined = new RegExp(
- `${WORD_BOUNDARY}test-target-element${WHITESPACE}${hintId}${WHITESPACE}${errorMessageId}${WORD_BOUNDARY}`
- )
- expect($component.attr('aria-describedby')).toMatch(describedByCombined)
- })
- })
- describe('with dependant components', () => {
- it('have correct nesting order', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $component = $('.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input')
- expect($component.length).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders with label', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- expect(htmlWithClassName($, '.govuk-label')).toMatchSnapshot()
- })
- it('renders label with "for" attribute reffering the input "id"', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.default)
- const $label = $('.govuk-label')
- expect($label.attr('for')).toBe('input-example')
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes an autocomplete attribute', () => {
- it('renders the autocomplete attribute', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with autocomplete attribute'])
- const $component = $('.govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('autocomplete')).toBe('postal-code')
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes an inputmode', () => {
- it('renders with an inputmode attached to the input', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples.inputmode)
- const $component = $('.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input')
- expect($component.attr('inputmode')).toBe('decimal')
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes a prefix', () => {
- it('renders the input wrapper', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix'])
- const $wrapper = $('.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper')
- expect($wrapper.length).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders the prefix inside the wrapper', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix'])
- const $prefix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix'
- )
- expect($prefix.length).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders the text in the prefix', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix'])
- const $prefix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix'
- )
- expect($prefix.html()).toBe('£')
- })
- it('allows prefix text to be passed whilst escaping HTML entities', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix with html as text'])
- const $prefix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix'
- )
- expect($prefix.html()).toBe('<span>£</span>')
- })
- it('allows prefix HTML to be passed un-escaped', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix with html'])
- const $prefix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix'
- )
- expect($prefix.html()).toBe('£')
- })
- it('hides the prefix from screen readers using the aria-hidden attribute', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix'])
- const $prefix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix'
- )
- expect($prefix.attr('aria-hidden')).toBe('true')
- })
- it('renders with classes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix with classes'])
- const $prefix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix'
- )
- expect(
- $prefix.hasClass('app-input__prefix--custom-modifier')
- ).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders with attributes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix with attributes'])
- const $prefix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix'
- )
- expect($prefix.attr('data-attribute')).toBe('value')
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes a suffix', () => {
- it('renders the input wrapper', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with suffix'])
- const $wrapper = $('.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper')
- expect($wrapper.length).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders the suffix inside the wrapper', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with suffix'])
- const $suffix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__suffix'
- )
- expect($suffix.length).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders the text in the prefix', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix'])
- const $prefix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix'
- )
- expect($prefix.html()).toBe('£')
- })
- it('allows suffix text to be passed whilst escaping HTML entities', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with suffix with html as text'])
- const $suffix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__suffix'
- )
- expect($suffix.html()).toBe('<span>kg</span>')
- })
- it('allows suffix HTML to be passed un-escaped', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with suffix with html'])
- const $suffix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__suffix'
- )
- expect($suffix.html()).toBe('kg')
- })
- it('hides the suffix from screen readers using the aria-hidden attribute', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with suffix'])
- const $suffix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__suffix'
- )
- expect($suffix.attr('aria-hidden')).toBe('true')
- })
- it('renders with classes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with suffix with classes'])
- const $suffix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__suffix'
- )
- expect(
- $suffix.hasClass('app-input__suffix--custom-modifier')
- ).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders with attributes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with suffix with attributes'])
- const $suffix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__suffix'
- )
- expect($suffix.attr('data-attribute')).toBe('value')
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes both a prefix and a suffix', () => {
- it('renders the prefix before the suffix', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with prefix and suffix'])
- const $prefixBeforeSuffix = $(
- '.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper > .govuk-input__prefix ~ .govuk-input__suffix'
- )
- expect($prefixBeforeSuffix.length).toBeTruthy()
- })
- })
- describe('when it includes the input wrapper', () => {
- it('renders the input wrapper with custom classes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with customised input wrapper'])
- const $wrapper = $('.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper')
- expect(
- $wrapper.hasClass('app-input-wrapper--custom-modifier')
- ).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('renders the input wrapper with custom attributes', () => {
- const $ = render('input', examples['with customised input wrapper'])
- const $wrapper = $('.govuk-form-group > .govuk-input__wrapper')
- expect($wrapper.attr('data-attribute')).toBe('value')
- })
- })