Twin server is an RMB server that exposes the functionality of the grid3 client over RMB.
- Redis server
- RMB server should be installed and running
Add substrate url and account's mnemonics in config.json
in server directory before running the server. see
"network": "<network environment dev or test>",
"mnemonic": "<your account mnemonics>",
"rmb_proxy": false, // in case http rmb proxy needs to be used
"storeSecret": "secret", // secret used for encrypting/decrypting the values in tfkvStore
"keypairType": "sr25519" // keypair type for the account created on substrate
- User from the outside sends an execution request(command with payload) to the RMB server.
- RMB server puts this request in Redis.
- Twin server checks if there is an execution request that its command is registered on the Twin server.
- If this command is registered, the Twin server will pick up this request.
- Twin server starts to execute it using the Grid3 client.
- After finishing the execution, the Twin server puts the result back to Redis.
- RMB keeps checking for the result is ready, and sends it back to the user once it's ready.
npm run server
yarn run server
This is an example of getting a twin.
Put the following content in a file test_twin.ts
import { MessageBusClient } from "ts-rmb-redis-client"
async function main() {
const myTwinId = 3
const cmd = "twinserver.twins.get"
const payload = JSON.stringify({ 'id': 1 })
const rmb = new MessageBusClient();
const msg = rmb.prepare(cmd, [myTwinId], 0, 2);
const message = await rmb.send(msg, payload);
const result = await
And then run this file by yarn run ts-node test_twin.ts
see more examples in modules