diff --git a/src/alr/alr-commands-test2.adb b/src/alr/alr-commands-test2.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51375fb91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/alr/alr-commands-test2.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+with Alire.Directories;
+with Alr.Test_Runner;
+package body Alr.Commands.Test2 is
+ overriding procedure Execute
+ (Cmd : in out Command; Args : AAA.Strings.Vector)
+ is
+ use Alire.Directories;
+ use GNAT.Strings;
+ Subfolder : constant String :=
+ (if Cmd.Directory.all /= "" then Cmd.Directory.all else "tests");
+ begin
+ Cmd.Requires_Workspace;
+ Cmd.Set (Alire.Roots.Load_Root (Cmd.Root.Path / Subfolder));
+ Cmd.Requires_Workspace (Sync => True);
+ declare
+ G : Guard (Enter_Folder (Cmd.Root.Path));
+ pragma Unreferenced (G);
+ begin
+ Alr.Test_Runner.Run
+ (Cmd.Root, AAA.Strings.Empty_Vector, Integer'Max (Cmd.Jobs, 0));
+ end;
+ end Execute;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Long_Description --
+ ----------------------
+ overriding function Long_Description
+ (Cmd : Command) return AAA.Strings.Vector is
+ (AAA.Strings.Empty_Vector.Append
+ ("Run tests in a predefined format using the (experimental) " &
+ "default alire test runner"));
+ --------------------
+ -- Setup_Switches --
+ --------------------
+ overriding procedure Setup_Switches
+ (Cmd : in out Command;
+ Config : in out CLIC.Subcommand.Switches_Configuration)
+ is
+ use CLIC.Subcommand;
+ begin
+ Define_Switch
+ (Config, Cmd.Jobs'Access, "-j:", "--jobs=",
+ "Run up to N tests in parallel, or as many as processors " &
+ "if 0 (default)", Default => 0, Argument => "N");
+ Define_Switch
+ (Config, Cmd.Directory'Access, Long_Switch => "--dir=",
+ Help => "Run tests from the given folder (default: tests)",
+ Argument => "
+ end Setup_Switches;
+end Alr.Commands.Test2;
diff --git a/src/alr/alr-commands-test2.ads b/src/alr/alr-commands-test2.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0e096c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/alr/alr-commands-test2.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+with AAA.Strings;
+with GNAT.Strings;
+package Alr.Commands.Test2 is
+ type Command is new Commands.Command with private;
+ overriding function Name
+ (Cmd : Command) return CLIC.Subcommand.Identifier is
+ ("test2");
+ overriding procedure Execute
+ (Cmd : in out Command; Args : AAA.Strings.Vector);
+ overriding function Long_Description
+ (Cmd : Command) return AAA.Strings.Vector;
+ overriding procedure Setup_Switches
+ (Cmd : in out Command;
+ Config : in out CLIC.Subcommand.Switches_Configuration);
+ overriding function Short_Description (Cmd : Command) return String is
+ ("Test the current crate with the default alire test runner");
+ overriding function Usage_Custom_Parameters (Cmd : Command) return String is
+ ("");
+ type Command is new Commands.Command with record
+ Jobs : aliased Integer;
+ Directory : aliased GNAT.Strings.String_Access;
+ end record;
+end Alr.Commands.Test2;
diff --git a/src/alr/alr-commands.adb b/src/alr/alr-commands.adb
index acaf016a1..310eec86c 100644
--- a/src/alr/alr-commands.adb
+++ b/src/alr/alr-commands.adb
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ with Alr.Commands.Search;
with Alr.Commands.Settings;
with Alr.Commands.Show;
with Alr.Commands.Test;
+with Alr.Commands.Test2;
with Alr.Commands.Toolchain;
with Alr.Commands.Update;
with Alr.Commands.Version;
@@ -770,6 +771,7 @@ begin
Sub_Cmd.Register ("Testing", new Action.Command);
Sub_Cmd.Register ("Testing", new Dev.Command);
Sub_Cmd.Register ("Testing", new Test.Command);
+ Sub_Cmd.Register ("Testing", new Test2.Command);
-- Help topics --
Sub_Cmd.Register (new Topics.Aliases.Topic);
diff --git a/src/alr/alr-test_runner.adb b/src/alr/alr-test_runner.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae17cf47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/alr/alr-test_runner.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+with Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps;
+with Ada.Text_IO;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with System.Multiprocessors;
+with Alire;
+with Alire.Directories; use Alire.Directories;
+with Alire.OS_Lib;
+with Alire.Utils.Text_Files; use Alire.Utils;
+with CLIC.TTY;
+package body Alr.Test_Runner is
+ protected Driver is
+ -- Protected driver for synchronising stats and output
+ procedure Pass (Msg : String);
+ -- Report a passing test with a message
+ procedure Fail (Msg : String; Output : AAA.Strings.Vector);
+ -- Report a failing test with a message and its output
+ function Total_Count return Natural;
+ -- Get the total number of tests that have been run
+ function Fail_Count return Natural;
+ -- Get the number of failed tests
+ private
+ Passed : Natural := 0;
+ Failed : Natural := 0;
+ end Driver;
+ protected body Driver is
+ procedure Pass (Msg : String) is
+ begin
+ Passed := Passed + 1;
+ Alr.Trace.Always ("[ " & CLIC.TTY.OK ("PASS") & " ] " & Msg);
+ end Pass;
+ procedure Fail (Msg : String; Output : AAA.Strings.Vector) is
+ begin
+ Failed := Failed + 1;
+ Alr.Trace.Always ("[ " & CLIC.TTY.Error ("FAIL") & " ] " & Msg);
+ if not Output.Is_Empty then
+ Alr.Trace.Info ("*** Test output ***");
+ for L of Output loop
+ Alr.Trace.Info (CLIC.TTY.Dim (L));
+ end loop;
+ Alr.Trace.Info ("*** End Test output ***");
+ end if;
+ end Fail;
+ function Total_Count return Natural is (Passed + Failed);
+ function Fail_Count return Natural is (Failed);
+ end Driver;
+ procedure Create_Gpr_List
+ (Root : Alire.Roots.Root; List : AAA.Strings.Vector)
+ -- Create a gpr file containing a list of the test files
+ -- (named `Test_Files`).
+ is
+ File_Path : constant Alire.Absolute_Path :=
+ Root.Path / "config" / (Root.Name.As_String & "_list_config.gpr");
+ File : Text_Files.File := Text_Files.Create (File_Path);
+ Lines : access AAA.Strings.Vector renames File.Lines;
+ First : Boolean := True;
+ Indent : constant String := " ";
+ Root_Name : constant String :=
+ AAA.Strings.To_Mixed_Case (Root.Name.As_String);
+ begin
+ Touch (File_Path, True);
+ Lines.Append_Line ("abstract project " & Root_Name & "_List_Config is");
+ Lines.Append_Line (Indent & "Test_Files := (");
+ for Name of List loop
+ Lines.Append_Line (Indent & Indent);
+ if First then
+ Lines.Append_To_Last_Line (" ");
+ First := False;
+ else
+ Lines.Append_To_Last_Line (",");
+ end if;
+ Lines.Append_To_Last_Line ("""" & Name & ".adb""");
+ end loop;
+ Lines.Append_Line (Indent & ");");
+ Lines.Append_Line ("end " & Root_Name & "_List_Config;");
+ end Create_Gpr_List;
+ procedure Run_All_Tests
+ (Root : Alire.Roots.Root; Test_List : AAA.Strings.Vector; Jobs : Positive)
+ is
+ use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+ function Cmp (A, B : Process_Id) return Boolean is
+ (Pid_To_Integer (A) < Pid_To_Integer (B));
+ package Map is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps
+ (Process_Id, String, "<" => Cmp);
+ Running_Tests : Map.Map := Map.Empty_Map;
+ Output_Files : Map.Map := Map.Empty_Map;
+ procedure Spawn_Test (Test_Name : String) is
+ Exe_Name : constant String := Test_Name & Alire.OS_Lib.Exe_Suffix;
+ Filename : constant String := "output_" & Test_Name & ".tmp";
+ Args : constant Argument_List := (1 .. 0 => <>);
+ Pid : Process_Id;
+ begin
+ Pid := Non_Blocking_Spawn (Root.Path / "bin" / Exe_Name,
+ Args, Filename, Err_To_Out => True);
+ if Pid = Invalid_Pid then
+ Driver.Fail (Test_Name & " (failed to start!)",
+ AAA.Strings.Empty_Vector);
+ else
+ Running_Tests.Insert (Pid, Test_Name);
+ Output_Files.Insert (Pid, Filename);
+ end if;
+ end Spawn_Test;
+ Pid : Process_Id;
+ Success : Boolean;
+ Remaining : AAA.Strings.Vector := Test_List;
+ begin
+ -- start the first `Jobs` tests
+ for I in 1 .. Natural'Min (Jobs, Natural (Test_List.Length)) loop
+ Spawn_Test (Remaining.First_Element);
+ Remaining := Remaining.Tail;
+ end loop;
+ loop
+ -- wait for one test to finish
+ Wait_Process (Pid, Success);
+ if Pid = Invalid_Pid then
+ -- if no process was running, end the loop
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ if Success then
+ Driver.Pass (Running_Tests (Pid));
+ else
+ declare
+ use Alire.Utils.Text_Files;
+ Output : File := Load (Output_Files (Pid), False);
+ begin
+ Driver.Fail (Running_Tests (Pid), Output.Lines.all);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Delete_File (Output_Files (Pid), Success);
+ Running_Tests.Delete (Pid);
+ Output_Files.Delete (Pid);
+ if not Remaining.Is_Empty then
+ -- start up a new test
+ Spawn_Test (Remaining.First_Element);
+ Remaining := Remaining.Tail;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Run_All_Tests;
+ procedure Run
+ (Root : in out Alire.Roots.Root;
+ Args : AAA.Strings.Vector := AAA.Strings.Empty_Vector;
+ Jobs : Natural := 0)
+ is
+ Job_Count : constant Positive :=
+ (if Jobs = 0 then Positive (System.Multiprocessors.Number_Of_CPUs)
+ else Jobs);
+ Path : constant Alire.Absolute_Path := Root.Path;
+ Test_List : AAA.Strings.Vector;
+ procedure Append (Dir_Entry : Adirs.Directory_Entry_Type) is
+ -- Helper function to append all .adb files in a folder
+ -- to the `Test_List` vector
+ Name : constant String := Adirs.Simple_Name (Dir_Entry);
+ begin
+ if Name'Length > 4 and then Name (Name'Last - 3 .. Name'Last) = ".adb"
+ then
+ Test_List.Append (Name (Name'First .. Name'Last - 4));
+ end if;
+ end Append;
+ begin
+ Adirs.Search (Path / "src", "", Process => Append'Access);
+ Create_Gpr_List (Root, Test_List);
+ Alr.Trace.Info ("Building tests");
+ if Alire.Roots.Build (Root, Args, Build_All_Deps => True) then
+ Alr.Trace.Info ("Running" & Test_List.Length'Image & " tests");
+ Run_All_Tests (Root, Test_List, Job_Count);
+ Alr.Trace.Info ("Total:" & Driver.Total_Count'Image & " tests");
+ Ada.Text_IO.Flush;
+ if Driver.Fail_Count /= 0 then
+ Alr.Trace.Error ("failed" & Driver.Fail_Count'Image & " test");
+ Ada.Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status (Ada.Command_Line.Failure);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Run;
+end Alr.Test_Runner;
diff --git a/src/alr/alr-test_runner.ads b/src/alr/alr-test_runner.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..786b8fdc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/alr/alr-test_runner.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+with Alire.Roots;
+with AAA.Strings;
+package Alr.Test_Runner is
+ procedure Run
+ (Root : in out Alire.Roots.Root;
+ Args : AAA.Strings.Vector := AAA.Strings.Empty_Vector;
+ Jobs : Natural := 0);
+ -- Run all .adb files in the `src` folder of the given root as
+ -- separate tests.
+end Alr.Test_Runner;