- [
] - 👌 IMPROVE: Upgrade utility to v1 (#113) (fengmk2 <fengmk2@gmail.com>)
- [
] - fix: let scanner scan through regions (#101) (Khaidi Chu <i@2333.moe>)
- [
] - doc: fix history (#100) (zōng yǔ <gxcsoccer@users.noreply.github.com>)
- [
] - feat: add client.checkAnd* support (#99) (Khaidi Chu <i@2333.moe>) others - [
] - test: can't pass test because some incompatible code in mocha (#98) (Khaidi Chu <i@2333.moe>)
- [
] - feat: make zk as a parameter (#94) (zōng yǔ <gxcsoccer@users.noreply.github.com>)
- feat: Added RowFilter support to enable easier scans for specific group of rows.
- doc: Change url and name of hbase protobuf implementation
- Add SingleColumnValueFilter (@hase1031)
- Fixes HbaseObjectWritable when clazz not in CLASS_TO_CODE (@hase1031)
- Add Comparators for filter (@hase1031)
- add 0.96 help
- Parse latest version of hbase 0.94.x from the web
- Use push to add item to array (@wision)
- Call clearCachedLocationForServer while handling connection error (@wision)
- Fix tests & use Travis (@wision)
- multi upsert function (@tzolkincz)
- Fix mput object check (@wision)
- Add ColumnPrefixFilter & ColumnRangeFilter (@wision)
- Allow mput array of Put objects
- result add getRow()
- no need to delete cache region locations manually
- Raw option for mget (@wision)
- make test with custom config file
- Use config for tests + small fixes (@wision)
- Fix ConnectionClosedException for newer nodejs version (@wision)
- Add a CRUD get started
- add missing RegionOfflineException to errors
- fix _storeRegionInfo() return null TypeError
- RegionInfo getRegionNameAsString typeError bug fix
- processBatch() will retry when region server return org.apache.hadoop.hbase.* Exception fixed #55
- use dns.lookup to resolve domain. fixed #54
- key only filter test case value is length buffer int
- add missing filter name
- Support simple filter, like only scan row key.
- add null item
- dont change input data on mput()
- Support HBase 0.94.16 fixed #36
- mv benchmark to docs/. fixed #45
- connection refused error instead of connection timeout error. fixed #50
- make sure root meta update after hbase clusters restart. fixed #49
- org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException also retry
- ignore org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException on split demo
- action max retry 3 times
- Action retry with useCache = false when regionserver.WrongRegionException fixed #47
- support ping fixed #41
- remove bagpipe and fix tests
- TypeError: Cannot set property decodeStrings of undefined nodejs/readable-stream#66
- fix readFields data empty problems. And also remove mget bigpipe limit #39
- support coveralls
- mget: use bagpipe for order
- add support hbase version
- rm sending log
- support Connection timeout on connecting state.
- add more error info for debug
- change windows \r\n to \n
- NoSuchColumnFamilyException should not remove cached region locations. fixed #27
- add rpcTimeout (@coolme200)
- support client.getRow(table, row, "*", callback)
- fix mget: remove default kv.getValue().toString()
- add getRow select all columns support
- threshold set to 85
- add test config
- fixed #23 when logger not exists, use console default.
- copyright
- benchmark support args
- add mput & mdel fixed #8
- RegionServerStoppedException need to close connection. fixed #21; mget benchmark.
- support mget
- support delete
when querying, need to close the connection. fixed #17- long running for get benchmark
- use blanket instead of jscover
- remove unused codes
- clean cache regions when region server socket close. fixed #16 #10
- remove zkjs deps
- prefetch table all regions the first time; refetch regions when offline happen. #10 #16
- add communication protocol, diagram between client and server. fixed #14
- add benchmark results to readme
- fixed QPS caculate wrong
- show use time
- add getRow and get() benchmark
- add benchmark.js fixed #7
- fixed #13 Maximum call stack size exceeded
- #7 add benchmark
- fixed #12 , use node-zookeeper-client instead of zkjs.
- Bytes.toLong move to WritableUtils.toLong
- prefetchRegionCache() after getClosestRowBefore(). fixed #9 Scan meta, get a table region
- locateRegion all side region row with startKey #9
- add scan and scanner #9
- add scan writable
- add more debug info
- support Put fixed #3
- change prototype code style
- add coverage, remove htable.js
- not handle read after every call. fixed #4
- receiveResponse on nextTick; add more tests for network error cases. fixed #5
- fix interceptor's error
- add close, error, request timeout handle #5
- support
getRow(table, rowkey, columns, callback)
- use zookeeper-watcher
- one hostport one connection
- support get(table, Get) now.
- fixed client.prototype
- client.locateRegion() done
- remove config.js
- fixed writeLong 29
- get region from meta
- getProtocolVersion() and getClosestRowBefore()
- writable
- Result readFields
- move bytes.js to util/bytes.js; add HbaseObjectWrite
- rename outStream to DataOutPutBuffer
- Get readFields done
- add Get.js
- dir change
- add writeChar, writeByte, writeBoolean
- add writeLong and writeInt
- update readme
- add logo
- Initial commit