Clone the repository:
git clone powerbi-client
Navigate to the cloned directory
Install local dependencies:
npm install
npm run build
Or if using VScode: Ctrl + Shift + B
npm test
By default the tests run using PhantomJS
There are various command line arguments that can be passed to the test command to facilitate debugging:
Run tests with Chrome
npm test -- --chrome
Enable debug level logging for karma, and remove code coverage
npm test -- --debug
Disable single run to remain open for debugging
npm test -- --watch
These are often combined and typical command for debugging tests is:
npm test -- --chrome --debug --watch
You can debug by directly calling karma:
node node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --browsers=Firefox --single-run=false --watch
The build and tests use webpack to compile all the source modules into one bundled module that can execute in the browser.
Navigate to /demo
Install npm dependencies:
npm install
Serve the demo directory:
npm start
Open the address to view in the browser:
First run the command to build the docs and open it to verify the changes are as expected.
npm run gulp -- build:docs
There are errors during the TypeDoc compilation step due to some complication with modules however the documentation should still be generated. It's not clear if these are fixable by including more src files in the gulp task or if it's just the nature of TypeDoc lacking capabilities for this project structure.
If the docs are correct then you may publish them to gh-pages using this command
npm run gulp -- ghpages
Running demo fails with an error ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT This happens due to version 10 of http-server. To solve the problem, please install http-server@0.9.0 globally using:
npm install -g http-server@0.9.0