diff --git a/org-special-block-extras.org b/org-special-block-extras.org
index f089c14..0a64dbd 100644
--- a/org-special-block-extras.org
+++ b/org-special-block-extras.org
@@ -3339,7 +3339,6 @@ Such “open methods” are known as “multimethods”; e.g., see doc:cl-defgen
:CUSTOM_ID: Folded-Details
# (setq osbe-example-yaml-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
@@ -3435,23 +3434,15 @@ your Org file or place it into your ~org-html-head~ variable.
-* COMMENT Boxed Text
+* DONE COMMENT Boxed Text —Calling out super duper info
:CUSTOM_ID: Boxed-Text
- Folded regions, as implemented above, are displayed in a super neat text box
- which may be useful to enclose text to make it standout ---without having it
- folded away. As such, we provide the special block [[doc:org-block/box][box]] to enclosing text in
- boxes.
- #+latex_header: \usepackage{tcolorbox}
-Requires: src_latex[:exports code]{#+latex_header: \usepackage{tcolorbox}}
+# (setq osbe-example-yaml-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ osbe-example:~/org-special-block-extras/tests/box.yaml
-#+begin_details Implementation
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :title Implementation :folded t
(org-defblock box (title "" background-color nil shadow nil frame-color nil title-background-color nil)
"Enclose text in a box, possibly with a title.
@@ -3524,22 +3515,7 @@ In the future, I will likely expose more arguments."
title contents)))))
-Let's have some sanity tests...
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle tests.el
-(deftest "We have an HTML box enclosing the user's title (in
Pay Attention!
- (* anything)
- "This is the key insight"
- (* anything)))
- #+end_details
+** Three demos of [[doc:org-block/box][box]]
#+latex_header: \newunicodechar{ᵒ}{\ensuremath{{}^o}}
#+begin_box Example: A super boring observation presented obscurely :background-color blue
@@ -3573,12 +3549,12 @@ Or, with the header option ~:shadow (:left "inset cyan" :right "inset pink"
For further header options, see the documentation of [[doc:org-block/box][box]].
+** Subtle Colours
- In the first example above, /how did we get that nice light blue? What is its
- HTML code?/ That's not something I care to remember, so let's make a handy dandy
- utility … Now when users request a colour to ~box~ their text, it will be a
- ‘subtle colour’ ;-)
+ In the first example above, /how did we get that nice light blue? What
+ is its HTML code?/ That's not something I care to remember, so let's
+ make a handy dandy utility … Now when users request a colour to ~box~
+ their text, it will be a ‘subtle colour’ ;-)
#+begin_details Implementation for Subtle Colours
#+begin_src emacs-lisp -r -n
@@ -3605,12 +3581,10 @@ Names are very rough approximates.
-#+latex: \iffalse
+To use these colour names, you will need the following incantations in
+your Org file.
-To use these colour names, you will need the following incantations in your
-Org file.
+#+begin_src org :tangle no
#+latex_header: \usepackage{xcolor}
#+latex_header: \definecolor{teal} {HTML}{99FFCC}
@@ -3627,19 +3601,12 @@ Org file.
#+latex_header: \definecolor{custard}{HTML}{FFFFCC}
#+latex_header: \definecolor{cyan}{HTML}{00FFFF}
-#+latex_header: \definecolor{"cyan"}{HTML}{00FFFF}
In the future, it'd be nice to account for colours for LaTeX as well. ( E.g.,
src_latex[:exports code]{\color{blue}} is a nightmare. )
-#+latex: \fi
- It may be useful to /fuse/ the ~box~ and ~details~ concepts into one. Something for
- future me ---or another contributor--- to think about ;-)
* DONE COMMENT Nice Keystroke Renditions: kbd:C-h_h
:CUSTOM_ID: kbd:nice-keystroke-renditions
diff --git a/tests/box.yaml b/tests/box.yaml
index d2e453e..ea6a446 100644
--- a/tests/box.yaml
+++ b/tests/box.yaml
@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
input: |-
- #+begin_box Pay Attention!
- This is the key insight...
- (We have an HTML box enclosing the user's title and text)
- #+end_box
+ It can be useful to draw attention to some important text by
+ enclosing it in a [[doc:org-block/box][box]].
+ #+begin_box Uses of callout boxes
+ Such boxes often callout tips, warnings, cautionary info or
+ emphasises core information.
+ #+end_box
+Unmaintained: "For the LaTeX backend, the following call is required."
html: |-
+ It can be useful to draw attention to some important text by enclosing it in a
+ box.
Pay Attention!
Uses of callout boxes
- This is the key insight… (We have an HTML box enclosing the user's
- title and text)
+ Such boxes often callout tips, warnings, cautionary info or emphasises core
+ information.
latex: |-
- \begin{tcolorbox}[title={Pay Attention!},colback=red!5!white,colframe=red!75!black,colbacktitle=yellow!50!red,coltitle=red!25!black, fonttitle=\bfseries,subtitle style={boxrule=0.4pt, colback=yellow!50!red!25!white}]
- This is the key insight\ldots{}
- (We have an HTML box enclosing the user's title and text)
- \end{tcolorbox}
+ 🚫 The LaTex backend is intentionally unmaintained.
+ 🫠 Whoops, there seems to be an error:
+ (void-variable label)