All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Arguments: add a guild argument (8cff40d)
- add a name property to pieces (0e460c6)
- add a name property to pieces (2fb67fe)
- add a non-standard to standard cron converter (3a9f392)
- add a TaskPiece and a TaskPool (3c54a01)
- add more to the eval command (6c84bb1)
- add raw (unprocessed) arguments to commands (b4dc5ed)
- add the cron package (568ee50)
- add the moonlightReady event (29502f5)
- eval command (f68bccb)
- eval command (#23) (e728547)
- fetch guild prefix function (#32) (e408970)
- finally implement tasks! (1c1f4c1)
- help command (#28) (54ec963)
- help command basis (8b06114)
- implement documentation for tasks (400a58d)
- more things (a6511f0)
- paginator (#25) (578336a)
- paginator!!!! (0444cca)
- sweeper (#29) (ff9a36d)
- sweeper! (99a4425)
- add cooldowns && owners && fix a small bug (c9106c4)
- ArgumentParser: add it to commands (f98b9ed)
- ArgumentParser: more progress! (7f7265d)
- ArgumentParser: progress (01e3016)
- Arguments: add channel argument (32b67eb)
- Arguments: add User and Member argument and various improvements to the parser (0ba0295)
- Client: add a toggle for username and mention prefixes (956821d)
- cmd: add an owneronly option (ad61caa)
- Command: add the ability to customize invalid argument responses (860b31c)
- Command: add user and bot permission checking (b4e2e56)
- Commands: add a reload command (f4d4bea)
- Commands: add an enable and a disable command (bc0c82f)
- Commands: add an exec command (0d1ac20)
- Commands: add categories (8082b6f)
- Commands: add flags (e7f347f)
- Commands: finish help command (25fb2f3)
- Message: if a command errors then let the user know (cb227bf)
- Paginator: remove the retry page message after 10 seconds (be7bbd5)
- workflows: add initial workflow (427bb13)
- workflows: build docs (0c5260f)
- allow the mention prefix to be used even tho there's a set prefix for the guild (5b33830)
- bump github actions/setup-node action version (3da2798)
- LGTM stuff (1425f96)
- name of step (3e27834)
- pointed out things by yoshifan13 (3cdbcf0)
- remove typedoc-plugin-nojekyll (ca3d279)
- remove unused typedoc option (c75dac5)
- typedoc building (8906447)
- update typedoc (07e929f)
- ArgumentParser: don't remove that (1d30206)
- ArgumentParser: fix multi-argument parsing bug (ca7f274)
- ArgumentParser: fix optional arg bug (7d00496)
- ArgumentParser: optional bs (55228b9)
- BasePiece: enabling and disabling wasn't done properly (bdf3813)
- BasePool: bug (4ba7437)
- BasePool: categories on Unix (c8966ca)
- BasePool: hierarchy (17b5053)
- BasePool: oops (50e3615)
- ci: oopsie woopsie i did a fucky wucky (d9177de)
- client: made wrong dir readonly (268ecb0)
- Client: actually set the default for dErrors, use(Mention|Username)Prefix (8515dbc)
- command: don't persist flags from one command run to the other (73dd812)
- commands: import things correctly and remove test.ts (7b0f052)
- events: fix building (aadc1f4)
- Paginator: create reaction collector before reacting to message (48544f2)
- Paginator: create reaction collector before reacting to message (4d88f9c)
- Paginator: fix backward button not working bug (3ad028a)
- Paginator: order (4f895f4)
- reload: reload everything if no argument is provided (ae14f5d)
- apply cooldowns for users, not members, so cooldowns persist to other guilds and even to DMs (53f0660)
- don't throw a uncatched error if displayErrors is turned off (47c2337)
- forgot to change an import (c129f0b)
- forgot to replace this (3a8f55d)
- have cooldowns work member-wide not globally, no matter the user (ee7d4cc)
- it's TASKS dumbass (5082d1e)
- remove accidental import (0432870)
- remove the readonly property from owners, because we re-assign in later in code (e01bfa3)
- this too (5cb61c4)
- typo (9ff5d90)
- typo (#blametheoriginal) (fcf5a57)
- Client: use the displayErrors property from the client options (977c5ad)
- what the fuck (3b601f9)
- Message: ignore commands ran by bots (33a3ddd)
- Message: include check for ownerOnly (d6b6263)
- workflows: add the dev env to node (e895ae1)
- workflows: copy both package.json's (f8ad5a8)
- workflows: final fix, I hope (d313fa3)
- workflows: fix spacing (4c6b097)
- workflows: force pushes to the compiled branch in the future (1982755)
- workflows: gitignore (27c953c)
- workflows: huh (aa6b489)
- workflows: i hope (231e4a5)
- workflows: proper spacing (e65fc9e)
- workflows: sigh (73fea73)