First, thanks for your interest in RobOptim!
Before sending a pull request, please make sure that at least:
- Your pull request compiles successfully.
For roboptim-core, Travis can check this for you one more time after you sent your pull request. See
The test suite is running ok (or if it was not running ok before for some reason, make sure that additional tests are not failing).
Your patches must follow the RobOptim coding style. Please try to mimic the current code layout as much as possible in both interfaces and implementation files.
Do not break the API! If you do so for a good reason, explain it thoroughly into your pull request message.
RobOptim is licensed under LGPL-3. Make sure:
- you agree with this license,
- you are allowed to license your work under LGPL-3 (if you are contributing to RobOptim as a part of a paid work, check with your employer).
Do not wait before sending pull requests, RobOptim authors will help you enhance your patch so that they make it into the master branch!
Thank you again for your participation, The RobOptim team.