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96 lines (77 loc) · 3.97 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (77 loc) · 3.97 KB


Some incredibly useful parsers for importing, remapping and exporting various common datatypes in eDiscovery workflows (Concordance, Opticon, IDX). Includes various C# Powershell Cmdlets.

Installation instructions

Open the solution in a recent version of Visual Studio (developed on VS2017 Community). Ensure references are configured correctly. Currently there are 2 dependencies.

  • System.Management.Automation - which is required for Powershell integration, the latest version of which can be acquired from NuGet.

  • PSUtils - binary is included and includes some handy helper functions for splitting streams and converting Encoding from a Powershell enum to a System.Text.Encoding object. Source code in the following repo:

Once up and running you can build the solution using the flag, you can then use the output dll in directly powershell via some handy cmdlet wrappers.

  Import-Module edtools.dll
  Import-Concordance "file.dat" -Verbose
  Get-Content "file.dat" | ConvertFrom-Concordance
  Import-OPT "images.opt"
  Import-IDX "big.idx" -Parallel

Packaging for a release

In the future this should be automated. But its a 3 step process.

  1. Build the solution using Release configuration
  2. Create a copy of the 'ED-Tools' directory in the root of the repository somewhere locally
  3. Set the relevant version in the new .psd1 file
  4. You're good to go!


  • Concordance Data

    • Import-Concordance
    • Export-Concordance
    • ConvertFrom-Concordance
    • ConvertTo-Concordance
  • Opticon Data

    • Import-OPT
    • Export-OPT
    • ConvertFrom-OPT
    • ConvertTo-OPT
  • IDX Data

    • Import-IDX
    • ConvertFrom-IDX


Still in development! .NET classes and corresponding Cmdlets that can remap input data columns, parse dates, delimited fields and email data.

Create mapping.json file containing a list of all mappings & transformations. Below is a list of currently available options.

  • Mapping

    • DirectMapping - Takes data from input as is
      • inputField - The field from the input data you would like to map
    • FirstAvailableMapping - Gets first available field from input data
      • inputFields - Array of input fields you want to check (in order)
    • TemplateMapping - Can concatenate data in a template format
      • template - Template to use for mapping, wrap field names in $[] (e.g. "Title is $[Title]")
    • ScriptMapping - Can use Powershell to map data*
      • script - Powershell script that returns data, $inputValues dictionary available
  • Transformations

    • SplitStringTransformation
      • delimiter - The delimiter you'd like to split on
    • SearchStringTransformation - Searches for a pattern in the string
      • pattern - The regular expression you want to search format
      • group - The capture group you're interested in (defaults to 0)
    • FindReplaceStringTransformation - Replaces string / pattern with another string
      • find - String / pattern
      • replace - Replace String
      • regex - Boolean indicating whether to use a regular expression search
    • ConvertToDateTransformation - Converts input data to a DateTime object
      • format - Date input Transformations
      • ignoreInvalid - if false, throws exception on invalid data
    • ConvertFromDateTransformation - Converts input date object to a string
      • format - Desired data output format
    • HashStringTransformation - Hashes the input string
      • algorithm (md5 / sha256)
    • ReadFileTransformation - Reads file at the provided file path into a string
      • encoding - File encoding (utf8 / ansii / utf16)
    • HashFileTransformation
      • algorithm (md5 / sha256)
    • ScriptTransformation - Can use Powershell to transform data*
      • script - Powershell script that returns data, $inputValue object available


  • Increase test coverage of C# classes
  • Implement basic Pester tests for Cmdlets
  • Finalise remapping API and fully implement in Powershell