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Number Format 🍀 GitHub license npm version Build Status

Utility for formatting numbers for Node and Browser that handles floating point number imprecission.


npm install --save @alesmenzel/number-format

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
    1. Format
    2. Create Formatter (chainable)
    3. Round
    4. Humanize
    5. Separators
    6. Plus
    7. Percentage
    8. Prefix
    9. Suffix
    10. Custom formatter
  2. Request a feature
  3. License



Formatter unifies all of the formating functions into a single interface. Formatter accepts configuration object and returns a formatting function.


Name Type Description Default
options Object The configuration object. See below
options.decimalPoint String Decimal point. (e.g. 123.56) '.' (dot)
options.thousandsSeparator String Thousand separators. (e.g. 1 000 000) '' (empty string)
options.round Number|Falsy Precision (e.g. 0.001 for 3 decimal places or 1000 for rounding to thousands, use 1 to round to whole numbers). false
options.percentage Boolean Whether to add _% (space percentage) suffix and times the number by 100. (e.g. 0.124 -> 12.4 %) false
options.humanize Object|Falsy Whether to transform the number into a human readable format. See humanize for available options. The only difference is that the transform() function runs after adding decimal/thousands separators and plus sign. false Boolean Whether to append + to numbers greater then zero. false
options.prefix String Prepends the given prefix. '' (empty string)
options.suffix String Appends the given suffix. '' (empty string)

Default configuration object

    decimalPoint = '.',
    thousandsSeparator = '',
    round = false,
    percentage = false,
    humanize = false,
    plus = false,
    prefix = '',
    suffix = '',
import { format: formatter, SI_SUFFIXES } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

const input = 12345607.55678;
const format = formatter({
  round: 0.1,
  plus: true,
  humanize: {
    suffixes: SI_SUFFIXES,
format(input); // '+12.3MB'

Create Formatter

Formatter is just a different interface for format functoin. Instead of passing a single config object, it allows you to configure the formatter by chaining format methods.

import { createFormatter, SI_SUFFIXES } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

const input = 12345607.55678;
const formatter = createFormatter({
  round: 0.1,
  plus: true,
  humanize: {
    suffixes: SI_SUFFIXES,
// Call `fnc()` to get formatting function
const format = formatter.fnc();

format(input); // '+12.3MB'


Round number to given precision. Handles rounding of integers as well as decimals. Precision is given as base 10 number (e.g. 1e3 = 1000 to round to thousands or 1e-2 = 0.01 to round to 2 decimal places). Handles imprecision caused by JavaScript´s floating point system (e.g. formatting 0.1 + 0.2).


Name Type Description Default
precision Number The precision to round to. Should be a multiple of 10 (e.g. '1000' or '0.01') -
import { round } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

const format = round(1000);
format(12345.123); // 12000

const format = round(1);
format(12345.123); // 12345

const format = round(0.01);
format(12345.12345); // 12345.12


Converts number to a human readable format. Handles numbers up to trilions.


Name Type Description Default
options Object Options See defaulto options below
options.transform Function(Number => Number|String) Function to transform the number before appending the sufix (e.g. to be used for rounding). indentity(Number => Number)
options.base Number Base for the numbers. 1000
options.suffixes Object Suffixes to use after the number. GENERAL_SUFFIXES
options.suffixes.big Array Enable adding suffixes for big numbers (x >= 0). E.g. 12MB true
options.suffixes.small Array Enable adding suffixes for small numbers (x < 0). E.g. 12 nanoseconds true

Default options

    transform = identity,
    suffixes = GENERAL_SUFFIXES,
    base = 1000,
    big = true,
    small = true,

Available suffixes

// Numbers:
  big: ['', 'k', 'M', 'B', 'T' /* ... */],
  small: ['m', 'µ', 'n' /* ... */],
  big: ['', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion' /* ... */],
  small: ['thousandth', 'millionth', 'billionth' /* ... */],

// Bytes:
const SI_SUFFIXES = {
  big: ['', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' /* ... */],
  small: [],
  big: ['byte', 'kilobyte', 'megabyte', 'gigabyte' /* ... */],
  small: [],

// Bytes:
const IT_SUFFIXES = {
  big: ['', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb' /* ... */],
  small: [],
  big: ['byte', 'kibibyte', 'mebibyte', 'gibibyte' /* ... */],
  small: [],

// Time:
  big: ['', 'ks', 'Ms', 'Gs' /* ... */],
  small: ['ms', 'µs', 'ns' /* ... */],
  big: ['', 'kilosecond', 'megasecond', 'gigasecond' /* ... */],
  small: ['millisecond', 'microsecond', 'nanosecond' /* ... */],

Sample usage

import { humanize, round } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

const format = humanize();

format(123000); // 123k
format(123456789); // 123.456789M
format(-123456789); // -123.456789M
format(100); // 100

const formatAndRound = humanize({
  transform: round(0.01),

formatAndRound(123456789); // 123.46M

const formatBytes = humanize({
  transform: round(0.01),
  base: 1024,
  suffixes: {
    // Custom suffixes or you can use any of the predeffined (or combine them)
    big: ['', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'],
    small: [],
  big: true,
  small: false,

formatBytes(156949847); // 149.68MB


Change decimal and thousands separators.


Name Type Description Default
thousandsSeparator String Symbol for separating thousands. '' (empty string)
decimalSeparator String Symbol for separating decimals. . (dot)
import { changeSeparators } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

const czechFormat = changeSeparators(' ', '.');
czechFormat(1596849.19); // '1 596 849.19'

const usFormat = changeSeparators(',', '.');
usFormat(1596849.19); // '1,596,849.19'

const norwegianFormat = changeSeparators('.', ',');
norwegianFormat(1596849.19); // '1.596.849,19'


Simply times the value by 100.

import { percentage } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

percentage()(0.12); // 12
percentage()(0); // 0
percentage()(-1.23); // -123


Simply adds a plus for positive numbers.

import { plus } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

plus()(123456); // +123456
plus()(0); // 0
plus()(-123456); // -123456


Simply adds a prefix.


Name Type Description Default
prefix String Prepends a given prefix and returns a string. Number|String => String -
import { prefix } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

prefix('$')(123456); // $123456
prefix('$')(0); // $0
prefix('$')(-123456); // $-123456


Simply adds a suffix.


Name Type Description Default
suffix String Appends a given suffix and returns a string. Number|String => String -
import { suffix } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

suffix('€')(123456); // 123456€
suffix('€')(0); // 0€
suffix('€')(-123456); // -123456€


You can also compose formatters into a single one with the compose function.


Name Type Description Default
...functions Function[] Array of formatter functions. A formatter function accepts single value (Number or String) and returns a single value (Number or String). Number|String => Number|String -
import { compose, round, changeSeparators } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

const czechFormat = compose(round(0.1), changeSeparators(' ', '.'));
czechFormat(1596849.19); // '1 596 849.2'

const usFormat = compose(round(0.1), changeSeparators(',', '.'));
usFormat(1596849.19); // '1,596,849.2'

const norwegianFormat = compose(round(0.1), changeSeparators('.', ','));
norwegianFormat(1596849.19); // '1.596.849,2'

Custom formatter

Any formatter should be of type Number|String => Number|String.

import { compose, round, changeSeparators } from '@alesmenzel/number-format';

// Here we define our custom formatter that returns specified number of last digits
const lastDigits = options => {
  const { length } = options;

  return number => {
    return `${number}`.slice(-length);

const format = lastDigits({ length: 3 });

format(123456789); // 789

// Use it in composition
const format = compose(round(10), lastDigits({ length: 3 }));

format(123456789); // 790

Request a feature

If you are missing a feature, please open a new issue with the feature request. PRs are welcome as well.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.