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130 lines (122 loc) · 1.89 KB

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130 lines (122 loc) · 1.89 KB

Wave Generator

FW for sin waveform generator based on STM32 MCU with DAC (PA4) output

  • samples = 100
  • DC level = 1650[mv]
  • Amp. max = 1650[mv]
  • Freq. = 500:1500[Hz]

Several AT commands has been implemented:
COM port baud rate 115200 (Virtual COM port from NUCLEO)

  • Set parameters

CMD+SET=< AMP >&< Freq >+END

Amp - Amplitude in [mv]
Freq - Frequency in [Hz]

Send: CMD+SET=1650&1000+END
Receive: CMD+ARG: amp=1650[mv] freq=1000[Hz] samples=100 wave: 2048 2176 2304 2431 2557 2680 2801 2919 3034 3145 3251 3353 3449 3540 3626 3704 3777 3842 3901 3952 3995 4031 4059 4079 4091 4095 4091 4079 4059 4031 3995 3952 3901 3842 3777 3704 3626 3540 3449 3353 3251 3145 3034 2919 2801 2680 2557 2431 2304 2176 2048 1919 1791 1664 1538 1415 1294 1176 1061 950 844 742 646 555 469 391 318 253 194 143 100 64 36 16 4 0 4 16 36 64 100 143 194 253 318 391 469 555 646 742 844 950 1061 1176 1294 1415 1538 1664 1791 1919 +OK+END

  • Get parameters