As this is a microservice of Courtlistener, tests are designed to be run from a Mock Courtlistener instance to verify that the service works as expected and also works across a docker network.
docker-compose -f up --build -d
Testing is setup with the following default that our tests are run from a container on the same network as the Doctor machine. This is modeled after how we plan to use the Doctor image for CL.
docker-compose -f up --build -d
Starts the Doctor Container and the Mock CL Container that we run our tests from.
docker exec -it mock_cl_doctor python3 -m unittest doctor.tests
This is a duplicate of the Doctor container, which we use for simplicity, but it makes the requests across the docker network.
Bump the version number in version.txt.
make image --file docker/Makefile
to build or runmake push--file docker/Makefile
to push.