2017-10-18 Version 0.4.1 - Fix in GLR parser. Parser reference not set on the parser context.
2017-10-18 Version 0.4 - Added regex-like syntax extension for grammar language (?, *, +).
Issue: igordejanovic#3
Rule actions can be defined in grammar using @ syntax for both built-in actions and user supplied ones. Issues: igordejanovic#1
Introduced named matches (a.k.a. assignments). Python classes created for each rule using named matches. Issue: igordejanovic#2
Introduced built-in action for creating Python object for rules using named matches.
Colorized and nicely formatted debug/trace output based on click package. Issue: igordejanovic#8
Introduced build_tree parameter for explicitly configuring parser for building a parse tree.
Introducing default actions that build nested lists. Simplifying actions writing.
Added input_str to parser context.
Added click dependency.
Reworked pglr CLI to use click.
Docs reworkings/updates.
Various bugfixes + tests.
2017-08-24 Version 0.3
- Dynamic disambiguation filters. Introducing dynamic disambiguation rule in the grammar.
- Terminal definitions with empty bodies.
- Improved error reporting in recovery.
- Report LR state symbol in conflict debug output.
- Report killing head on unsuccessful recovery.
- Parameter rename layout_debug -> debug_layout
- GLR visual tracing parameter is separated from debug.
- Fixing GLR trace visualization.
2017-08-09 Version 0.2
- GLR parsing. Support for epsilon grammars, cyclic grammars and grammars with infinite ambiguity.
- Lexical recognizers. Parsing the stream of arbitrary objects.
- Error recovery. Builtin default recovery, custom user defined.
- Common semantic actions.
- Documentation.
- pglr CLI command.
- Automata visualization, GLR visual tracing.
- Lexical disambiguation improvements.
- Support for epsilon grammar (empty productions).
- Support for comments in grammars.
- finish and prefer terminal rules.
- Change in the grammar language = - > :
- Additions to examples and tests.
- Various optimizations and bug fixes.
2017-02-02 - Version 0.1
Textual syntax for grammar specification. Parsed with parglare.
SLR and LALR tables calculation (LALR is the default)
Scannerless LR(1) parsing - Scanner is integrated into parsing. This give more power as the token
recognition is postponed and done in the parsing context at the current parsing location.
Declarative associativity and priority based conflict resolution for productions - See the calc example, or the quick intro bellow.
Lexical disambiguation strategy. - The default strategy is longest-match first and then str over regex
match (i.e. the most specific match). Terminal priority can be provided for override if necessary.
Semantic actions and default actions which builds the parse tree (controlled by actions and default_actions parameters for the Parser class). - If no actions are provided and the default actions are explicitely
disabled parser works as a recognizer, i.e. no reduction actions are called and the only output of the parser is whether the input was recognized or not.
Support for language comments/whitespaces using special rule LAYOUT.
Debug print/tracing (set debug=True and/or debug_layout=True`to the `Parser instantiation).
Few examples (see examples folder)