🎉😄 Welcome to the Assurance Platform repository! 😄🎉
We hope that the information provided in this document will make it as easy as possible for you to get involved.
This document explains how you can contribute to the project through this repository and other means of engagement.
There are several ways you can contribute:
- Improve code or features in the platform 💻
- Improve our documentation (e.g. fixing typos or reporting bugs) 🪲
- Support with community building 👥
The following sections explain each of these forms of contribution in more detail, and offer guidance for contribution in general.
All forms of contribution can be made through the following mechanisms:
- Opening a pull request
- Raising an issue
- Opening a thread for discussion
Before doing work or opening a pull request, it would be worth checking our projects' page to see how the contribution may align or conflict with proposed work.
When raising an issue, please check the open and closed issues to avoid duplication.
Before opening a new thread for discussion, please check for existing threads that cover the same or similar points to avoid duplication.
Please remember to enable pre-commit
and run it before any push or PR.
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files
We use Material for MkDocs to generate our documentation site. All documentation is written in markdown, and any contributions should be made following this format.
If you are new to Markdown, GitHub has a helpful page on getting started with writing and formatting on GitHub. And, the documentation for Material for MkDocs also has excellent support on additional syntax and styling.
When writing in Markdown, please start each new sentence on a new line. Having each sentence on a new line will make no difference to how the text is displayed, there will still be paragraphs, but it makes the diffs produced during the pull request review easier to read! ✨
We are grateful for all suggestions and contributions. This can include typos, content issues (e.g. missing references, false or problematic statements), improvements to our community documentation (e.g. README files), and any technical issues (e.g. problems with pages not rendering correctly, or improvements to the code base). If you are unsure of whether a more substantive contribution is likely to be accepted (e.g. new section), please feel free to reach out in advance (e.g. open a new issue or discussion).
We welcome and recognise all kinds of contributions, from fixing small errors, to developing documentation, maintaining the project infrastructure, writing chapters or reviewing existing resources. The Assurance Platform repository follows the all-contributors specifications. The all-contributors bot usage is described here. You can see a list of current contributors here. 😍
To add yourself or someone else as a contributor, comment on this issue using the following statement:
@all-contributors please add <username> for <contributions>
You will need to edit this accordingly following the instructions on
the @all-contributors guide,
including the relevant contribution type. See
Emoji Key (Contribution Types Reference)
for a list of valid <contribution>
types. The bot will then create a Pull
Request to add the contributor and reply with the pull request details.
PLEASE NOTE: Only one contributor can be added with the bot at a time!