Italian implementation of the Foundation Library, maintained by the ALAN IF community.
Based on the Alan Italian project (2018–), by Tristano Ajmone.
Table of Contents
— Italian Foundation Library:Library.i
— main library module that loads all others:*.i
— various library modules.
— Foundation Library Changelog.
— Cloak of Darkness sample adventure (WIP)./tests/
— Italian Test suite.
The Italian Foundation Library is actively developed by Tristano Ajmone, who has implemented a novel approach to handle the Italian grammar in the library at initialization time, which simplifies using the library.
Our goal for the new Foundation Library is to take advantage of the new ALAN 3 features that were introduced in the course of time, and strive to have all library translations mirror each other in terms of new features and design choices.
Until the library reaches its first stable release with v1.0.0, its code will be subject to frequent changes, including backwards compatibility breaking changes; furthermore, we can't guarantee that its documentation will always be up to date with its latest code changes.
To build outdated assets within the Italian directory alan_it/
$ rake lib:it:all
To forcefully rebuild all assets in the Italian directory:
$ rake lib:it:all -B
The Library.i
file is the main library module that imports all others.
In order to use the library is sufficient to import this single module from your main adventure source file:
Import 'Library.i'.
and add the library folder to the import paths when invoking the compiler:
alan -include Foundation my_adventure.alan
The ALAN Foundation Library is released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.