All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.4.0 (2022-12-19)
- deps: added HowlerJS for playing sonic feedback (91cbc09)
- manifest: added few more permissions for upcoming WebSonic functionality (5240cb5)
- manifest: apply Universal tweaks to http:// and file:// protocols too (c12d564)
- universal: added the outer region functionality (422cbd0)
- universal: feature for implementing the region for the elements (1cda649)
- common: fixed outputAlert element was not removing automatically (58ad1dc)
- added hotkey library from GitHub (5d9e78e)
- added the semver versioning support and auto changelog generation support (eae80c3)
- common: added 'copyElementSelector' function (e8f3829)
- common: added 'getElementSelector' function for getting the CSS selector of the element (bfed478)
- common: added
function (df2eca1) - common: added a function to copy the HTML code of the element to the clipboard (1/2) (d1da3d9)
- common: added a function to output an alert (3995a33)
- common: added getElementHTML function to increase code reuse and modularity (63df34a)
- common: added the function to get and copy the XPath of an element (1/3) (34f0e68)
- common: implemented the statusAlert const naming (3feff19)
- common: implemented the styling for the outputAlert element for visibility (be9de1f)
- common: increased the timeout for outputAlert function to 10 seconds (26db2a4)
- deps: added @medv/finder for getting CSS selectors of the elements (879c3f2)
- deps: added
library for efficiently capturing the keyboard events (71a3071) - docs: added the feature to copy the XPath of an element (3/3) (85961d9)
- GitHub: added hotkey for
star repository
button (42843af) - GitHub: added the "installHotkeys` function (2f71891)
- GitHub: added the access key for
tab (ffce251) - GitHub: added the hotkey for
Pull Requests
tab (7d264f7) - GitHub: added the hotkey for
Create New
menu (c23e67f) - GitHub: added the hotkey for the
page (84bca0e) - GitHub: replaced the accss keys with full fledged hotkeys (3954bf2)
- GitHub: star counts will be announced while starring/unstarring (3edc137)
- universal: added a function to copy the HTML code of the element to the clipboard (2/2) (e384136)
- universal: added hotkey for quickly copying the HTML element selector to the clipboard (7d19e79)
- universal: added the announcements for all actions (c377af5)
- universal: added the feature to copy the XPath of an element (2/3) (5808fc0)
- universal: added TorchMode (6328bfb)
- universal: updated the source copying command in Torch mode (9a62b89)
- ChangeLog: fixed the ChangeLog generation (4d68780)
- GitHub: fixed Star and Unstar control selectors (c3c6de8)
- GitHub: Fixed the
star repository
selector (644865c) - GitHub: updated the comments and their line spacings (5363c2c)
- GitHub: updated the selectors (f9f2434)
- universal: fixed the keybinding (75affa4)
- universal: refactored the code (731456f)
- added the semver versioning support and auto changelog generation support (eae80c3)
- GitHub: added the access key for
tab (ffce251)
- ChangeLog: fixed the ChangeLog generation (3f57367)