A shell implementation of FamilyCloudSpeeder, ESurfing, runs properly on almost all linux platform.
Assuming you've installed git, then
git clone -b beta https://github.com/vcheckzen/FamilyCloudSpeederInShell.git
# CloudDisk
cd FamilyCloudSpeederInShell/CloudDisk
# FamilyCloud
cd FamilyCloudSpeederInShell/FamilyCloud
Fill in the config.json
file, following this and this guide. Note that you should open CloudDisk APP rather than FamilyCloud. Then, get parameters from the request below.
Host: api.cloud.189.cn
Path: login4MergedClient.action, loginByOpen189AccessToken.action
# Requirements on OpenWRT, Padavan and other RouterOS based on entware or optware environment
opkg update && \
opkg install coreutils-nohup libreadline libcurl libopenssl bash curl wget openssl-util ca-certificates ca-bundle
# Test https and grep, a normal output is like "ip":""
curl -s https://ipconfig.io/json | grep -Eo "\"ip\":\"[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\""
wget -qO- https://ipconfig.io/json | grep -Eo "\"ip\":\"[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\""
chmod +x speedup.sh utils.sh
Successful on Pandavan3.4.3.9 and PandoraBox 17.01. At first, please ensure that speedup.sh can works correctly.
It is recommended that you edit in your router's WEB control panel, or run this shell.
Please note that certail_directory
should be replaced. For more details, please find out the crontab syntax.
crontab -l > conf && echo "*/10 * * * * /certail_directory/speedup_router.sh" >> conf && crontab conf && rm -f conf
Please note that certail_directory
should be replaced.
nohup /certail_directory/speedup.sh > /certail_directory/speedup.log 2>&1 &
You can add nohup command to /etc/rc.local
, if the file exists in your system.
echo \
"nohup /certail_directory/speedup.sh > /certail_directory/speedup.log 2>&1 &" \
>> /etc/rc.local