+import warnings
+import re
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+from pydantic import validate_call
+from .util import get_iesopt_module_attr
+from .julia import jl_isa
+class ddict(dict):
+ """Wrapper to enable dot.notation access to dictionary attributes."""
+ __getattr__ = dict.get
+ __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
+ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
+class JuliaCallPyConvertReadWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, obj):
+ import juliacall
+ self._juliacall = juliacall
+ self._obj = obj
+ def keys(self):
+ if isinstance(self._obj, dict | self._juliacall.DictValue):
+ return dict(self._obj).keys()
+ raise TypeError(f"Object of type '{type(self._obj)}' inside JuliaCallPyConvertReadWrapper has no keys")
+ def __len__(self):
+ if isinstance(self._obj, dict | list | tuple | self._juliacall.DictValue | self._juliacall.VectorValue):
+ return len(self._obj)
+ raise TypeError(f"Object of type '{type(self._obj)}' inside JuliaCallPyConvertReadWrapper has no length")
+ def _rewrap_return(self, value):
+ if isinstance(value, self._juliacall.ArrayValue):
+ return value.to_numpy(copy=False)
+ if isinstance(value, float | int | str | bool | type(None)):
+ return value
+ if isinstance(value, self._juliacall.DictValue):
+ return JuliaCallPyConvertReadWrapper(value)
+ # Some other/unknown type, rewrap it.
+ return JuliaCallPyConvertReadWrapper(value)
+ def __getattr__(self, name: str):
+ return self._rewrap_return(getattr(self._obj, name))
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self._rewrap_return(self._obj.get(key))
class Results:
+ _valid_attrs = ["attributes", "model", "custom", "input", "info", "snapshots", "components"]
+ @validate_call
+ def __init__(self, *, file: str = None, model=None):
+ """
+ Create a new `Results` object, either from a file or from an IESopt model. Make sure to pass either a file or a
+ model explicitly using a keyword argument.
+ Keyword Arguments
+ file : Optional[str]
+ Path to the results file to load, by default None
+ model : Optional[IESopt.Model]
+ IESopt model to extract results from, by default None
+ """
+ self._attributes = None
+ self._model = None
+ self._snapshots = None
+ self._components = None
+ self._custom = None
+ self._input = None
+ self._info = None
+ self._source = None
+ self._cache = None
+ self._IESopt = get_iesopt_module_attr("IESopt")
+ self._julia = get_iesopt_module_attr("julia")
+ if (int(file is None) + int(model is None)) != 1:
+ raise Exception("Either file or model must be set, not both and not none of them.")
+ elif file is not None:
+ if not isinstance(file, str):
+ raise Exception("File must be a `str`, did you try passing a model without `model=your_model`?")
+ self._from_file(file)
+ elif model is not None:
+ self._from_model(model)
+ # Allow dot access to attributes of "model" results, to align with access to the models structure.
+ self._model = ddict(self._model)
+ @property
+ def components(self):
+ return JuliaCallPyConvertReadWrapper(self._model["components"])
+ @property
+ def objectives(self):
+ return JuliaCallPyConvertReadWrapper(self._model["objectives"])
+ @property
+ def customs(self):
+ return JuliaCallPyConvertReadWrapper(self._model["customs"])
+ @validate_call
+ def get(
+ self,
+ result: str,
+ component: str,
+ fieldtype: str,
+ field: str,
+ *,
+ mode: str = "primal",
+ build_cache: bool = False,
+ ):
+ if result not in ["component", "objective", "custom"]:
+ raise ValueError(f"`result` must be 'component', 'objective', or 'custom', got '{result}'")
+ if result in ["objective", "custom"]:
+ # TODO: Implement and remove this
+ raise NotImplementedError("Accessing objectives and custom results is not yet supported using `get(...)`")
+ if mode == "dual":
+ field = field + "__dual"
+ elif mode != "primal":
+ raise ValueError(f"`mode` must be 'primal' or 'dual', got '{mode}'")
+ if build_cache:
+ self._build_cache()
+ if self._has_cache():
+ t = (component, fieldtype, field)
+ if t in self._cache:
+ return self._cache[t]
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to access result '{fieldtype}.{field}' in component '{component}'")
+ return self._get_safe(component, fieldtype, field, mode)
+ def query_available_results(self, component: str, mode: str = "both"):
+ """
+ Query the available results for a specific component, optionally filtered by `mode`.
+ Arguments:
+ component : str
+ Component to query results for
+ mode : Optional[str]
+ Mode to query results for, either "both", "primal", or "dual", by default "both"
+ """
+ regex = re.compile(component)
+ if not self._has_cache():
+ self._build_cache()
+ if mode == "both":
+ return [
+ (it[1], (x := it[2].split("__"))[0], "primal" if len(x) == 1 else "dual")
+ for it in self._cache
+ if re.search(regex, it[0])
+ ]
+ elif mode == "primal":
+ return [(it[1], it[2]) for it in self._cache if re.search(regex, it[0]) and "__dual" not in it[2]]
+ elif mode == "dual":
+ return [
+ (it[1], it[2].split("__")[0]) for it in self._cache if re.search(regex, it[0]) and "__dual" in it[2]
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid mode, must be either 'both', 'primal', or 'dual'")
+ def entries(self, field: str = None):
+ """
+ Get all available entries for a specific field, or all fields if `field` is `None`.
+ Arguments:
+ field : Optional[str]
+ Field to get entries for, by default None which returns all fields
+ """
+ if field is None:
+ return [it for it in Results._valid_attrs if getattr(self, f"_{it}") is not None]
+ return sorted(getattr(self, field).keys())
+ def to_dict(self, filter=None, field_types=None, build_cache: bool = True) -> dict:
+ """
+ Extract results from the `Results` object and return them as a dictionary.
+ Arguments:
+ filter : Optional[Callable]
+ Filter function to apply to the results, by default None, must take three arguments: (c, t, f) where `c` is
+ the component's name, `t` is the field type ("var", "exp", "con", or "obj"), and `f` is the field name.
+ field_types : Optional[list[str]]
+ Field types to extract, by default None, which extracts all field types.
+ build_cache : Optional[bool]
+ Whether to build a cache of the results, by default True.
+ Returns:
+ Dictionary of results, with keys as tuples of (component, fieldtype, field) and values as the result.
+ """
+ if build_cache:
+ self._build_cache()
+ if field_types is None:
+ field_types = ["var", "exp", "con", "obj", "res"]
+ entries = {}
+ if self._cache is None:
+ for c in self._model["components"].keys():
+ for t in field_types:
+ container = getattr(self._model["components"][c], t)
+ for f in [str(it) for it in self._julia.Main.keys(container)]:
+ if (filter is None) or filter(c, t, f):
+ entries[(c, t, f)] = Results._safe_convert(getattr(container, f))
+ else:
+ for c, t, f in self._cache.keys():
+ if (t in field_types) and ((filter is None) or filter(c, t, f)):
+ entries[(c, t, f)] = self._cache[(c, t, f)]
+ return entries
+ def to_pandas(self, filter=None, field_types=None, orientation: str = "long", build_cache: bool = True):
+ """
+ Extract results from the `Results` object and return them as :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :py:class:`pandas.Series` (depending on the
+ shape of the included results).
+ Arguments:
+ filter : Optional[Callable]
+ Filter function to apply to the results, by default None, must take three arguments: (c, t, f) where `c` is
+ the component's name, `t` is the field type ("var", "exp", "con", or "obj"), and `f` is the field name
+ field_types : Optional[list[str]]
+ Field types to extract, by default None, which extracts all field types
+ orientation : Optional[str]
+ Orientation of the resulting DataFrame, either "wide" or "long", by default "long"
+ build_cache : Optional[bool]
+ Whether to build a cache of the results, by default True.
+ Returns:
+ DataFrame or Series of results, depending on the orientation and shape of the results.
+ """
+ _dict = self.to_dict(filter, field_types, build_cache)
+ # Check if we can cast to `pd.Series` (no matter the orientation).
+ _result_types = set(type(it) for it in _dict.values())
+ if len(_result_types) == 1:
+ _rt = _result_types.pop()
+ if _rt in [int, float]:
+ return pd.Series(_dict)
+ if _rt == np.ndarray:
+ if len(_dict) == 1:
+ k, v = next(iter(_dict.items()))
+ if isinstance(v, int | float):
+ return pd.Series(v, index=k)
+ value_shape = v.shape
+ if len(value_shape) == 1:
+ if value_shape[0] == len(self._snapshots):
+ return pd.Series(v, index=self._snapshots, name=k)
+ if orientation == "wide":
+ return pd.DataFrame(_dict, index=self._snapshots)
+ if orientation == "wide":
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Results must be of the same shape (= length) to create a DataFrame, with `orientation='wide'`. "
+ "Falling back to `orientation='long'`. This warning can be prevented by calling `results.to_pandas("
+ "orientation='long') instead, or by applying filters (using `filter` and/or `field_types`) that only "
+ "select results of the same shape (example: objectives are always scalars, while most variables - "
+ "except Decisions - are vector valued, indexed over all snapshots)."
+ )
+ warnings.warn(f"Got the following result types: {_result_types}")
+ orientation = "long"
+ if orientation == "long":
+ n_snapshots = len(self._snapshots)
+ _data = {c: [] for c in ["snapshot", "component", "fieldtype", "field", "value", "mode"]}
+ for (c, t, f), v in _dict.items():
+ m = "primal"
+ if f.endswith("__dual"):
+ f = f[:-6]
+ m = "dual"
+ if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
+ _data["snapshot"].append(None)
+ _data["component"].append(c)
+ _data["fieldtype"].append(t)
+ _data["field"].append(f)
+ _data["value"].append(v)
+ _data["mode"].append(m)
+ else:
+ _data["snapshot"].extend(self._snapshots)
+ _data["component"].extend([c] * n_snapshots)
+ _data["fieldtype"].extend([t] * n_snapshots)
+ _data["field"].extend([f] * n_snapshots)
+ _data["value"].extend(v)
+ _data["mode"].extend([m] * n_snapshots)
+ try:
+ return pd.DataFrame(_data)
+ except Exception:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Failed to create DataFrame. This is mostlikely due to non aligned result shapes. A "
+ "common cause are custom results, registered inside an addon, that have a different "
+ "temporal resolution than the main model results. Consider filtering out such results."
+ )
+ return None
+ raise ValueError(f"`orientation` can be 'wide' or 'long', got '{orientation}'.")
+ @validate_call
+ def overview(self, component: str, *, temporal: bool, mode: str = "both"):
+ regex = re.compile(component)
+ if not self._has_cache():
+ self._build_cache()
+ if mode == "both":
+ ret = {
+ (k[0], k[1], (x := k[2].split("__"))[0], "primal" if len(x) == 1 else "dual"): v
+ for (k, v) in self._cache.items()
+ if re.search(regex, k[0]) and isinstance(v, int | float) != temporal
+ }
+ elif mode == "primal":
+ ret = {
+ (k[0], k[1], k[2], "primal"): v
+ for (k, v) in self._cache.items()
+ if re.search(regex, k[0]) and "__dual" not in k[2] and isinstance(v, int | float) != temporal
+ }
+ elif mode == "dual":
+ ret = {
+ (k[0], k[1], k[2].split("__")[0], "dual"): v
+ for (k, v) in self._cache.items()
+ if re.search(regex, k[0]) and "__dual" in k[2] and isinstance(v, int | float) != temporal
+ }
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid mode, must be either 'both', 'primal', or 'dual'")
+ if len(ret) == 0:
+ return None
+ if temporal:
+ return pd.DataFrame(ret, index=self._snapshots).sort_index(axis=1)
+ else:
+ return pd.Series(ret)
+ # def __getattr__(self, attr: str):
+ # if attr not in Results._valid_attrs:
+ # raise Exception(f"Attribute '{attr}' is not accessible, pick one of {Results._valid_attrs}")
+ # if not hasattr(self, f"_{attr}"):
+ # raise Exception(f"`Results` object has no attribute '{attr}'")
+ # if getattr(self, f"_{attr}") is None:
+ # raise Exception(f"Attribute '{attr}' not properly loaded, consider checking `results.entries()` first")
+ # return getattr(self, f"_{attr}")
+ def _build_cache(self):
+ if self._cache is None:
+ self._cache = self.to_dict(build_cache=False)
+ def _has_cache(self):
+ return self._cache is not None
+ def _get_safe(self, component: str, fieldtype: str, field: str, mode: str = "primal"):
+ if mode not in ["primal", "dual"]:
+ raise ValueError(f"`mode` must be 'primal' or 'dual', got '{mode}'.")
+ try:
+ components = self._model["components"]
+ except Exception:
+ raise ValueError("Failed to access `components` in model results")
+ try:
+ all_results = components[component]
+ except Exception:
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to access component '{component}' in model results")
+ try:
+ container = getattr(all_results, fieldtype)
+ except Exception:
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to access results for `fieldtype` '{fieldtype}' in component '{component}'")
+ try:
+ result = getattr(container, field)
+ except Exception:
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to access result '{field}' in component '{component}'")
+ return Results._safe_convert(result)
+ def _from_file(self, file: str):
+ results = self._IESopt.load_results(file)
+ result_entries = ddict({})
+ for key in results.keys():
+ _current = result_entries
+ _keys = key.split("/")
+ for i in range(len(_keys)):
+ if i == len(_keys) - 1:
+ _current[_keys[i]] = Results._safe_convert(results[key])
+ else:
+ _current[_keys[i]] = _current.get(_keys[i], ddict({}))
+ _current = _current[_keys[i]]
+ for key in result_entries.keys():
+ if hasattr(self, f"_{key}"):
+ if getattr(self, f"_{key}") is None:
+ setattr(self, f"_{key}", result_entries[key])
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f"Duplicate result entry: {key}")
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f"Unknown result entry: {key}")
+ snapshots = results["model/snapshots"]
+ self._snapshots = [snapshots[t].name for t in sorted(snapshots.keys())]
+ self._components = sorted(results["model/components"].keys())
+ self._source = file
+ def _from_model(self, model):
+ self._source = "an IESopt model"
+ self._model = {
+ "components": model.internal.results.components,
+ "objectives": model.internal.results.objectives,
+ "custom": model.internal.results.customs,
+ }
+ self._snapshots = [model.internal.model.snapshots[t].name for t in model.internal.model.T]
+ self._components = sorted(model.internal.results.components.keys())
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ _sep = "', '"
+ return (
+ "An IESopt result object:"
+ + f"\n\tsource: {self._source}"
+ + "\n\tattributes: "
+ + (
+ f"'{self.entries('attributes')[0]}', ..., '{self.entries('attributes')[-1]}'"
+ if self._attributes is not None
+ else "none"
+ )
+ + f"\n\tmodel results: {'yes' if self._model is not None else 'no'}"
+ + "\n\tcustom results: "
+ + (f"{len(self._custom)}" if self._custom is not None and len(self._custom) > 0 else "no")
+ + "\n\tinput fields: "
+ + (f"'{_sep.join(self._input)}'" if self._input is not None else "none")
+ + "\n\tinfo fields: "
+ + (f"'{_sep.join(self._info)}'" if self._info is not None else "none")
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def _safe_convert(cls, value):
+ # TODO: ensure recursive conversion of all multi-element types
+ if jl_isa(value, "AbstractVector"):
+ return value.to_numpy(copy=False)
+ if jl_isa(value, "AbstractDict"):
+ return dict(value)
+ if jl_isa(value, "AbstractSet"):
+ return set(value)
+ return value