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.. currentmodule:: aiohttp.web

Web Server Advanced

Unicode support

aiohttp does :term:`requoting` of incoming request path.

Unicode (non-ASCII) symbols are processed transparently on both route adding and resolving (internally everything is converted to :term:`percent-encoding` form by :term:`yarl` library).

But in case of custom regular expressions for :ref:`aiohttp-web-variable-handler` please take care that URL is percent encoded: if you pass Unicode patterns they don't match to requoted path.

Peer disconnection

aiohttp has 2 approaches to handling client disconnections. If you are familiar with asyncio, or scalability is a concern for your application, we recommend using the handler cancellation method.

Raise on read/write (default)

When a client peer is gone, a subsequent reading or writing raises :exc:`OSError` or a more specific exception like :exc:`ConnectionResetError`.

This behavior is similar to classic WSGI frameworks like Flask and Django.

The reason for disconnection varies; it can be a network issue or explicit socket closing on the peer side without reading the full server response.

aiohttp handles disconnection properly but you can handle it explicitly, e.g.:

async def handler(request):
        text = await request.text()
    except OSError:
        # disconnected

Web handler cancellation

This method can be enabled using the handler_cancellation parameter to :func:`run_app`.

When a client disconnects, the web handler task will be cancelled. This is recommended as it can reduce the load on your server when there is no client to receive a response. It can also help make your application more resilient to DoS attacks (by requiring an attacker to keep a connection open in order to waste server resources).

This behavior is very different from classic WSGI frameworks like Flask and Django. It requires a reasonable level of asyncio knowledge to use correctly without causing issues in your code. We provide some examples here to help understand the complexity and methods needed to deal with them.


:term:`web-handler` execution could be canceled on every await or async with if client drops connection without reading entire response's BODY.

Sometimes it is a desirable behavior: on processing GET request the code might fetch data from a database or other web resource, the fetching is potentially slow.

Canceling this fetch is a good idea: the client dropped the connection already, so there is no reason to waste time and resources (memory etc) by getting data from a DB without any chance to send it back to the client.

But sometimes the cancellation is bad: on POST requests very often it is needed to save data to a DB regardless of connection closing.

Cancellation prevention could be implemented in several ways:

:func:`aiojobs.aiohttp.shield` can work well. The only disadvantage is you need to split the web handler into two async functions: one for the handler itself and another for protected code.


We don't recommend using :func:`asyncio.shield` for this because the shielded task cannot be tracked by the application and therefore there is a risk that the task will get cancelled during application shutdown. The function provided by aiojobs operates in the same way except the inner task will be tracked by the Scheduler and will get waited on during the cleanup phase.

For example the following snippet is not safe:

from aiojobs.aiohttp import shield

async def handler(request):
    await shield(request, write_to_redis(request))
    await shield(request, write_to_postgres(request))
    return web.Response(text="OK")

Cancellation might occur while saving data in REDIS, so the write_to_postgres function will not be called, potentially leaving your data in an inconsistent state.

Instead, you would need to write something like:

async def write_data(request):
    await write_to_redis(request)
    await write_to_postgres(request)

async def handler(request):
    await shield(request, write_data(request))
    return web.Response(text="OK")

Alternatively, if you want to spawn a task without waiting for its completion, you can use aiojobs which provides an API for spawning new background jobs. It stores all scheduled activity in internal data structures and can terminate them gracefully:

from aiojobs.aiohttp import setup, spawn

async def handler(request):
    await spawn(request, write_data())
    return web.Response()

app = web.Application()
app.router.add_get("/", handler)


Don't use :func:`asyncio.create_task` for this. All tasks should be awaited at some point in your code (aiojobs handles this for you), otherwise you will hide legitimate exceptions and result in warnings being emitted.

A good case for using :func:`asyncio.create_task` is when you want to run something while you are processing other data, but still want to ensure the task is complete before returning:

async def handler(request):
    t = asyncio.create_task(get_some_data())
    ...  # Do some other things, while data is being fetched.
    data = await t
    return web.Response(text=data)

One more approach would be to use :func:`aiojobs.aiohttp.atomic` decorator to execute the entire handler as a new job. Essentially restoring the default disconnection behavior only for specific handlers:

from aiojobs.aiohttp import atomic

async def handler(request):
    await write_to_db()
    return web.Response()

app = web.Application()
app.router.add_post("/", handler)

It prevents all of the handler async function from cancellation, so write_to_db will never be interrupted.

Passing a coroutine into run_app and Gunicorn

:func:`run_app` accepts either application instance or a coroutine for making an application. The coroutine based approach allows to perform async IO before making an app:

async def app_factory():
    await pre_init()
    app = web.Application()
    return app


Gunicorn worker supports a factory as well. For Gunicorn the factory should accept zero parameters:

async def my_web_app():
    app = web.Application()
    return app

Start gunicorn:

$ gunicorn my_app_module:my_web_app --bind localhost:8080 --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker
.. versionadded:: 3.1

Custom Routing Criteria

Sometimes you need to register :ref:`handlers <aiohttp-web-handler>` on more complex criteria than simply a HTTP method and path pair.

Although :class:`UrlDispatcher` does not support any extra criteria, routing based on custom conditions can be accomplished by implementing a second layer of routing in your application.

The following example shows custom routing based on the HTTP Accept header:

class AcceptChooser:

    def __init__(self):
        self._accepts = {}

    async def do_route(self, request):
        for accept in request.headers.getall('ACCEPT', []):
            acceptor = self._accepts.get(accept)
            if acceptor is not None:
                return (await acceptor(request))
        raise HTTPNotAcceptable()

    def reg_acceptor(self, accept, handler):
        self._accepts[accept] = handler

async def handle_json(request):
    # do json handling

async def handle_xml(request):
    # do xml handling

chooser = AcceptChooser()
app.add_routes([web.get('/', chooser.do_route)])

chooser.reg_acceptor('application/json', handle_json)
chooser.reg_acceptor('application/xml', handle_xml)

Static file handling

The best way to handle static files (images, JavaScripts, CSS files etc.) is using Reverse Proxy like nginx or CDN services.

But for development it's very convenient to handle static files by aiohttp server itself.

To do it just register a new static route by :meth:`RouteTableDef.static` or :func:`static` calls:

app.add_routes([web.static('/prefix', path_to_static_folder)])

routes.static('/prefix', path_to_static_folder)

When a directory is accessed within a static route then the server responses to client with HTTP/403 Forbidden by default. Displaying folder index instead could be enabled with show_index parameter set to True:

web.static('/prefix', path_to_static_folder, show_index=True)

When a symlink that leads outside the static directory is accessed, the server responds to the client with HTTP/404 Not Found by default. To allow the server to follow symlinks that lead outside the static root, the parameter follow_symlinks should be set to True:

web.static('/prefix', path_to_static_folder, follow_symlinks=True)


Enabling follow_symlinks can be a security risk, and may lead to a directory transversal attack. You do NOT need this option to follow symlinks which point to somewhere else within the static directory, this option is only used to break out of the security sandbox. Enabling this option is highly discouraged, and only expected to be used for edge cases in a local development setting where remote users do not have access to the server.

When you want to enable cache busting, parameter append_version can be set to True

Cache busting is the process of appending some form of file version hash to the filename of resources like JavaScript and CSS files. The performance advantage of doing this is that we can tell the browser to cache these files indefinitely without worrying about the client not getting the latest version when the file changes:

web.static('/prefix', path_to_static_folder, append_version=True)

Template Rendering

:mod:`aiohttp.web` does not support template rendering out-of-the-box.

However, there is a third-party library, :mod:`aiohttp_jinja2`, which is supported by the aiohttp authors.

Using it is rather simple. First, setup a jinja2 environment with a call to :func:`aiohttp_jinja2.setup`:

app = web.Application()

After that you may use the template engine in your :ref:`handlers <aiohttp-web-handler>`. The most convenient way is to simply wrap your handlers with the :func:`aiohttp_jinja2.template` decorator:

async def handler(request):
    return {'name': 'Andrew', 'surname': 'Svetlov'}

If you prefer the Mako template engine, please take a look at the aiohttp_mako library.


:func:`aiohttp_jinja2.template` should be applied before :meth:`RouteTableDef.get` decorator and family, e.g. it must be the first (most down decorator in the chain):

async def handler(request):
    return {'name': 'Andrew', 'surname': 'Svetlov'}

Reading from the same task in WebSockets

Reading from the WebSocket (await ws.receive()) must only be done inside the request handler task; however, writing (ws.send_str(...)) to the WebSocket, closing (await ws.close()) and canceling the handler task may be delegated to other tasks. See also :ref:`FAQ section <aiohttp_faq_terminating_websockets>`.

:mod:`aiohttp.web` creates an implicit :class:`asyncio.Task` for handling every incoming request.


While :mod:`aiohttp.web` itself only supports WebSockets without downgrading to LONG-POLLING, etc., our team supports SockJS, an aiohttp-based library for implementing SockJS-compatible server code.


Parallel reads from websocket are forbidden, there is no possibility to call :meth:`WebSocketResponse.receive` from two tasks.

See :ref:`FAQ section <aiohttp_faq_parallel_event_sources>` for instructions how to solve the problem.

Data Sharing aka No Singletons Please

:mod:`aiohttp.web` discourages the use of global variables, aka singletons. Every variable should have its own context that is not global.

Global variables are generally considered bad practice due to the complexity they add in keeping track of state changes to variables.

aiohttp does not use globals by design, which will reduce the number of bugs and/or unexpected behaviors for its users. For example, an i18n translated string being written for one request and then being served to another.

So, :class:`Application` and :class:`Request` support a :class:`` interface (i.e. they are dict-like objects), allowing them to be used as data stores.

Application's config

For storing global-like variables, feel free to save them in an :class:`Application` instance:

app['my_private_key'] = data

and get it back in the :term:`web-handler`:

async def handler(request):
    data =['my_private_key']

Rather than using :class:`str` keys, we recommend using :class:`AppKey`. This is required for type safety (e.g. when checking with mypy):

my_private_key = web.AppKey("my_private_key", str)
app[my_private_key] = data

async def handler(request: web.Request):
    data =[my_private_key]
    # reveal_type(data) -> str

In case of :ref:`nested applications <aiohttp-web-nested-applications>` the desired lookup strategy could be the following:

  1. Search the key in the current nested application.
  2. If the key is not found continue searching in the parent application(s).

For this please use :attr:`Request.config_dict` read-only property:

async def handler(request):
    data = request.config_dict[my_private_key]

The app object can be used in this way to reuse a database connection or anything else needed throughout the application.

See this reference section for more detail: :ref:`aiohttp-web-app-and-router`.

Request's storage

Variables that are only needed for the lifetime of a :class:`Request`, can be stored in a :class:`Request`:

async def handler(request):
  request['my_private_key'] = "data"

This is mostly useful for :ref:`aiohttp-web-middlewares` and :ref:`aiohttp-web-signals` handlers to store data for further processing by the next handlers in the chain.

Response's storage

:class:`StreamResponse` and :class:`Response` objects also support :class:`` interface. This is useful when you want to share data with signals and middlewares once all the work in the handler is done:

async def handler(request):
  [ do all the work ]
  response['my_metric'] = 123
  return response

Naming hint

To avoid clashing with other aiohttp users and third-party libraries, please choose a unique key name for storing data.

If your code is published on PyPI, then the project name is most likely unique and safe to use as the key. Otherwise, something based on your company name/url would be satisfactory (i.e.

ContextVars support

Asyncio has :mod:`Context Variables <contextvars>` as a context-local storage (a generalization of thread-local concept that works with asyncio tasks also).

aiohttp server supports it in the following way:

An example of context vars usage:

from contextvars import ContextVar

from aiohttp import web

VAR = ContextVar('VAR', default='default')

async def coro():
    return VAR.get()

async def handler(request):
    var = VAR.get()
    ret = await coro()
    return web.Response(text='\n'.join([var,

async def on_startup(app):
    print('on_startup', VAR.get())

async def on_cleanup(app):
    print('on_cleanup', VAR.get())

async def init():
    print('init', VAR.get())
    app = web.Application()
    app.router.add_get('/', handler)

    return app

print('done', VAR.get())
.. versionadded:: 3.5


:mod:`aiohttp.web` provides a powerful mechanism for customizing :ref:`request handlers<aiohttp-web-handler>` via middlewares.

A middleware is a coroutine that can modify either the request or response. For example, here's a simple middleware which appends ' wink' to the response:

from aiohttp.web import middleware

async def middleware(request, handler):
    resp = await handler(request)
    resp.text = resp.text + ' wink'
    return resp


As of version 4.0.0 "new-style" middleware is default and the @middleware decorator is not required (and is deprecated), you can simply remove the decorator. "Old-style" middleware (a coroutine which returned a coroutine) is no longer supported.


The example won't work with streamed responses or websockets

Every middleware should accept two parameters, a :class:`request <Request>` instance and a handler, and return the response or raise an exception. If the exception is not an instance of :exc:`HTTPException` it is converted to 500 :exc:`HTTPInternalServerError` after processing the middlewares chain.


Second argument should be named handler exactly.

When creating an :class:`Application`, these middlewares are passed to the keyword-only middlewares parameter:

app = web.Application(middlewares=[middleware_1,

Internally, a single :ref:`request handler <aiohttp-web-handler>` is constructed by applying the middleware chain to the original handler in reverse order, and is called by the :class:`~aiohttp.web.RequestHandler` as a regular handler.

Since middlewares are themselves coroutines, they may perform extra await calls when creating a new handler, e.g. call database etc.

Middlewares usually call the handler, but they may choose to ignore it, e.g. displaying 403 Forbidden page or raising :exc:`HTTPForbidden` exception if the user does not have permissions to access the underlying resource. They may also render errors raised by the handler, perform some pre- or post-processing like handling CORS and so on.

The following code demonstrates middlewares execution order:

from aiohttp import web

async def test(request):
    print('Handler function called')
    return web.Response(text="Hello")

async def middleware1(request, handler):
    print('Middleware 1 called')
    response = await handler(request)
    print('Middleware 1 finished')
    return response

async def middleware2(request, handler):
    print('Middleware 2 called')
    response = await handler(request)
    print('Middleware 2 finished')
    return response

app = web.Application(middlewares=[middleware1, middleware2])
app.router.add_get('/', test)

Produced output:

Middleware 1 called
Middleware 2 called
Handler function called
Middleware 2 finished
Middleware 1 finished


A common use of middlewares is to implement custom error pages. The following example will render 404 errors using a JSON response, as might be appropriate a JSON REST service:

from aiohttp import web

async def error_middleware(request, handler):
        response = await handler(request)
        if response.status != 404:
            return response
        message = response.message
    except web.HTTPException as ex:
        if ex.status != 404:
        message = ex.reason
    return web.json_response({'error': message})

app = web.Application(middlewares=[error_middleware])

Middleware Factory

A middleware factory is a function that creates a middleware with passed arguments. For example, here's a trivial middleware factory:

def middleware_factory(text):
    async def sample_middleware(request, handler):
        resp = await handler(request)
        resp.text = resp.text + text
        return resp
    return sample_middleware

Note that in contrast to regular middlewares, a middleware factory should return the function, not the value. So when passing a middleware factory to the app you actually need to call it:

app = web.Application(middlewares=[middleware_factory(' wink')])


Although :ref:`middlewares <aiohttp-web-middlewares>` can customize :ref:`request handlers<aiohttp-web-handler>` before or after a :class:`Response` has been prepared, they can't customize a :class:`Response` while it's being prepared. For this :mod:`aiohttp.web` provides signals.

For example, a middleware can only change HTTP headers for unprepared responses (see :meth:`StreamResponse.prepare`), but sometimes we need a hook for changing HTTP headers for streamed responses and WebSockets. This can be accomplished by subscribing to the :attr:`Application.on_response_prepare` signal, which is called after default headers have been computed and directly before headers are sent:

async def on_prepare(request, response):
    response.headers['My-Header'] = 'value'


Additionally, the :attr:`Application.on_startup` and :attr:`Application.on_cleanup` signals can be subscribed to for application component setup and tear down accordingly.

The following example will properly initialize and dispose an asyncpg connection engine:

from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncEngine, create_async_engine

pg_engine = web.AppKey("pg_engine", AsyncEngine)

async def create_pg(app):
    app[pg_engine] = await create_async_engine(

async def dispose_pg(app):
    await app[pg_engine].dispose()


Signal handlers should not return a value but may modify incoming mutable parameters.

Signal handlers will be run sequentially, in order they were added. All handlers must be asynchronous since aiohttp 3.0.

Cleanup Context

Bare :attr:`Application.on_startup` / :attr:`Application.on_cleanup` pair still has a pitfall: signals handlers are independent on each other.

E.g. we have [create_pg, create_redis] in startup signal and [dispose_pg, dispose_redis] in cleanup.

If, for example, create_pg(app) call fails create_redis(app) is not called. But on application cleanup both dispose_pg(app) and dispose_redis(app) are still called: cleanup signal has no knowledge about startup/cleanup pairs and their execution state.

The solution is :attr:`Application.cleanup_ctx` usage:

async def pg_engine(app: web.Application):
    app[pg_engine] = await create_async_engine(
    await app[pg_engine].dispose()


The attribute is a list of asynchronous generators, a code before yield is an initialization stage (called on startup), a code after yield is executed on cleanup. The generator must have only one yield.

aiohttp guarantees that cleanup code is called if and only if startup code was successfully finished.

.. versionadded:: 3.1

Nested applications

Sub applications are designed for solving the problem of the big monolithic code base. Let's assume we have a project with own business logic and tools like administration panel and debug toolbar.

Administration panel is a separate application by its own nature but all toolbar URLs are served by prefix like /admin.

Thus we'll create a totally separate application named admin and connect it to main app with prefix by :meth:`Application.add_subapp`:

admin = web.Application()
# setup admin routes, signals and middlewares

app.add_subapp('/admin/', admin)

Middlewares and signals from app and admin are chained.

It means that if URL is '/admin/something' middlewares from app are applied first and admin.middlewares are the next in the call chain.

The same is going for :attr:`Application.on_response_prepare` signal -- the signal is delivered to both top level app and admin if processing URL is routed to admin sub-application.

Common signals like :attr:`Application.on_startup`, :attr:`Application.on_shutdown` and :attr:`Application.on_cleanup` are delivered to all registered sub-applications. The passed parameter is sub-application instance, not top-level application.

Third level sub-applications can be nested into second level ones -- there are no limitation for nesting level.

Url reversing for sub-applications should generate urls with proper prefix.

But for getting URL sub-application's router should be used:

admin = web.Application()
admin.add_routes([web.get('/resource', handler, name='name')])

app.add_subapp('/admin/', admin)

url = admin.router['name'].url_for()

The generated url from example will have a value URL('/admin/resource').

If main application should do URL reversing for sub-application it could use the following explicit technique:

admin = web.Application()
admin_key = web.AppKey('admin_key', web.Application)
admin.add_routes([web.get('/resource', handler, name='name')])

app.add_subapp('/admin/', admin)
app[admin_key] = admin

async def handler(request: web.Request):  # main application's handler
    admin =[admin_key]
    url = admin.router['name'].url_for()

Expect Header

:mod:`aiohttp.web` supports Expect header. By default it sends HTTP/1.1 100 Continue line to client, or raises :exc:`HTTPExpectationFailed` if header value is not equal to "100-continue". It is possible to specify custom Expect header handler on per route basis. This handler gets called if Expect header exist in request after receiving all headers and before processing application's :ref:`aiohttp-web-middlewares` and route handler. Handler can return None, in that case the request processing continues as usual. If handler returns an instance of class :class:`StreamResponse`, request handler uses it as response. Also handler can raise a subclass of :exc:`HTTPException`. In this case all further processing will not happen and client will receive appropriate http response.


A server that does not understand or is unable to comply with any of the expectation values in the Expect field of a request MUST respond with appropriate error status. The server MUST respond with a 417 (Expectation Failed) status if any of the expectations cannot be met or, if there are other problems with the request, some other 4xx status.

If all checks pass, the custom handler must write a HTTP/1.1 100 Continue status code before returning.

The following example shows how to setup a custom handler for the Expect header:

async def check_auth(request):
    if request.version != aiohttp.HttpVersion11:

    if request.headers.get('EXPECT') != '100-continue':
        raise HTTPExpectationFailed(text="Unknown Expect: %s" % expect)

    if request.headers.get('AUTHORIZATION') is None:
        raise HTTPForbidden()

    request.transport.write(b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")

async def hello(request):
    return web.Response(body=b"Hello, world")

app = web.Application()
app.add_routes([web.add_get('/', hello, expect_handler=check_auth)])

Custom resource implementation

To register custom resource use :meth:`~aiohttp.web.UrlDispatcher.register_resource`. Resource instance must implement AbstractResource interface.

Application runners

:func:`run_app` provides a simple blocking API for running an :class:`Application`.

For starting the application asynchronously or serving on multiple HOST/PORT :class:`AppRunner` exists.

The simple startup code for serving HTTP site on 'localhost', port 8080 looks like:

runner = web.AppRunner(app)
await runner.setup()
site = web.TCPSite(runner, 'localhost', 8080)
await site.start()

while True:
    await asyncio.sleep(3600)  # sleep forever

To stop serving call :meth:`AppRunner.cleanup`:

await runner.cleanup()
.. versionadded:: 3.0

Graceful shutdown

Stopping aiohttp web server by just closing all connections is not always satisfactory.

When aiohttp is run with :func:`run_app`, it will attempt a graceful shutdown by following these steps (if using a :ref:`runner <aiohttp-web-app-runners>`, then calling :meth:`AppRunner.cleanup` will perform these steps, excluding step 7).

  1. Stop each site listening on sockets, so new connections will be rejected.
  2. Close idle keep-alive connections (and set active ones to close upon completion).
  3. Call the :attr:`Application.on_shutdown` signal. This should be used to shutdown long-lived connections, such as websockets (see below).
  4. Wait a short time for running handlers to complete. This allows any pending handlers to complete successfully. The timeout can be adjusted with shutdown_timeout in :func:`run_app`.
  5. Close any remaining connections and cancel their handlers. It will wait on the canceling handlers for a short time, again adjustable with shutdown_timeout.
  6. Call the :attr:`Application.on_cleanup` signal. This should be used to cleanup any resources (such as DB connections). This includes completing the :ref:`cleanup contexts<aiohttp-web-cleanup-ctx>` which may be used to ensure background tasks are completed successfully (see :ref:`handler cancellation<web-handler-cancellation>` or aiojobs for examples).
  7. Cancel any remaining tasks and wait on them to complete.

Websocket shutdown

One problem is if the application supports :term:`websockets <websocket>` or data streaming it most likely has open connections at server shutdown time.

The library has no knowledge how to close them gracefully but a developer can help by registering an :attr:`Application.on_shutdown` signal handler.

A developer should keep a list of opened connections (:class:`Application` is a good candidate).

The following :term:`websocket` snippet shows an example of a websocket handler:

from aiohttp import web
import weakref

app = web.Application()
websockets = web.AppKey("websockets", weakref.WeakSet)
app[websockets] = weakref.WeakSet()

async def websocket_handler(request):
    ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
    await ws.prepare(request)[websockets].add(ws)
        async for msg in ws:

    return ws

Then the signal handler may look like:

from aiohttp import WSCloseCode

async def on_shutdown(app):
    for ws in set(app[websockets]):
        await ws.close(code=WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY, message="Server shutdown")


Ceil of absolute timeout value

aiohttp ceils internal timeout values if the value is equal or greater than 5 seconds. The timeout expires at the next integer second greater than current_time + timeout.

More details about ceiling absolute timeout values is available here :ref:`aiohttp-client-timeouts`.

The default threshold can be configured at :class:`aiohttp.web.Application` level using the handler_args parameter.

app = web.Application(handler_args={"timeout_ceil_threshold": 1})

Background tasks

Sometimes there's a need to perform some asynchronous operations just after application start-up.

Even more, in some sophisticated systems there could be a need to run some background tasks in the event loop along with the application's request handler. Such as listening to message queue or other network message/event sources (e.g. ZeroMQ, Redis Pub/Sub, AMQP, etc.) to react to received messages within the application.

For example the background task could listen to ZeroMQ on zmq.SUB socket, process and forward retrieved messages to clients connected via WebSocket that are stored somewhere in the application (e.g. in the application['websockets'] list).

To run such short and long running background tasks aiohttp provides an ability to register :attr:`Application.on_startup` signal handler(s) that will run along with the application's request handler.

For example there's a need to run one quick task and two long running tasks that will live till the application is alive. The appropriate background tasks could be registered as an :attr:`Application.on_startup` signal handler or :attr:`Application.cleanup_ctx` as shown in the example below:

async def listen_to_redis(app: web.Application):
    client = redis.from_url("redis://localhost:6379")
    channel = "news"
    async with client.pubsub() as pubsub:
        await pubsub.subscribe(channel)
        while True:
            msg = await pubsub.get_message(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
            if msg is not None:
                for ws in app["websockets"]:
                    await ws.send_str("{}: {}".format(channel, msg))

async def background_tasks(app):
    app[redis_listener] = asyncio.create_task(listen_to_redis(app))


    with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
        await app[redis_listener]

app = web.Application()
redis_listener = web.AppKey("redis_listener", asyncio.Task[None])

The task listen_to_redis will run forever. To shut it down correctly :attr:`Application.on_cleanup` signal handler may be used to send a cancellation to it.

Complex Applications

Sometimes aiohttp is not the sole part of an application and additional tasks/processes may need to be run alongside the aiohttp :class:`Application`.

Generally, the best way to achieve this is to use :func:`aiohttp.web.run_app` as the entry point for the program. Other tasks can then be run via :attr:`Application.startup` and :attr:`Application.on_cleanup`. By having the :class:`Application` control the lifecycle of the entire program, the code will be more robust and ensure that the tasks are started and stopped along with the application.

For example, running a long-lived task alongside the :class:`Application` can be done with a :ref:`aiohttp-web-cleanup-ctx` function like:

async def run_other_task(_app):
    task = asyncio.create_task(other_long_task())


    with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
        await task  # Ensure any exceptions etc. are raised.


Or a separate process can be run with something like:

async def run_process(_app):
    proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(path)


    if proc.returncode is None:
    await proc.wait()


Handling error pages

Pages like 404 Not Found and 500 Internal Error could be handled by custom middleware, see :ref:`polls demo <aiohttpdemos:aiohttp-demos-polls-middlewares>` for example.

Deploying behind a Proxy

As discussed in :ref:`aiohttp-deployment` the preferable way is deploying aiohttp web server behind a Reverse Proxy Server like :term:`nginx` for production usage.

In this way properties like :attr:`BaseRequest.scheme` :attr:`` and :attr:`BaseRequest.remote` are incorrect.

Real values should be given from proxy server, usually either Forwarded or old-fashion X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP headers are used.

aiohttp does not take forwarded headers into account by default because it produces security issue: HTTP client might add these headers too, pushing non-trusted data values.

That's why aiohttp server should setup forwarded headers in custom middleware in tight conjunction with reverse proxy configuration.

For changing :attr:`BaseRequest.scheme` :attr:`` :attr:`BaseRequest.remote` and :attr:`BaseRequest.client_max_size` the middleware might use :meth:`BaseRequest.clone`.

.. seealso:: provides secure helpers
   for modifying *scheme*, *host* and *remote* attributes according
   to ``Forwarded`` and ``X-Forwarded-*`` HTTP headers.

Swagger support

aiohttp-swagger is a library that allow to add Swagger documentation and embed the Swagger-UI into your :mod:`aiohttp.web` project.

CORS support

:mod:`aiohttp.web` itself does not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, but there is an aiohttp plugin for it: aiohttp_cors.

Debug Toolbar

aiohttp-debugtoolbar is a very useful library that provides a debugging toolbar while you're developing an :mod:`aiohttp.web` application.

Install it with pip:

$ pip install aiohttp_debugtoolbar

Just call :func:`aiohttp_debugtoolbar.setup`:

import aiohttp_debugtoolbar
from aiohttp_debugtoolbar import toolbar_middleware_factory

app = web.Application()

The toolbar is ready to use. Enjoy!!!

Dev Tools

aiohttp-devtools provides a couple of tools to simplify development of :mod:`aiohttp.web` applications.

Install with pip:

$ pip install aiohttp-devtools
  • runserver provides a development server with auto-reload, live-reload, static file serving.
  • start is a cookiecutter command which does the donkey work of creating new :mod:`aiohttp.web Applications.

Documentation and a complete tutorial of creating and running an app locally are available at aiohttp-devtools.