Changelog associated with changes to data (see commits for associated code changes)
- 2024-05-xx : Correct precision for features (project IDs changed from precise to adm level: 41783, 31, 66759, 67077, 65267, 72646, 66047, 66141, 62273; project IDs removed due to insufficient precision: 66012) (release tag v3.0.1)
- 2023-10-23 : Finalized v3.0.0 (release tag v3.0.0)
- 2021-09-29 : Corrected OSM links for project IDs 63906 and 36707 (release tag v1.0.1)
- 2021-09-14 : Dataset finalized for launch of GeoGCDF v2.0 (release tag v1.0.0)