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661 lines (469 loc) · 14.1 KB

File metadata and controls

661 lines (469 loc) · 14.1 KB
                __  __                      __    __  __            __
   ____  ____ _/ /_/ /_  ____ _____        / /_  / /_/ /_____  ____/ /
  / __ \/ __ `/ __/ __ \/ __ `/ __ \______/ __ \/ __/ __/ __ \/ __  / 
 / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ / / / /_____/ / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ / /_/ /  
/_/ /_/\__,_/\__/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/     /_/ /_/\__/\__/ .___/\__,_/   

nathan-httpd exposes a http based REST-like interface to nathan.

Quick Example

  1. Create bucket test

    PUT /test/ HTTP/1.0
    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
    Location: /test
    Date: <date>
  2. Insert root context for document

    POST /test/_root HTTP/1.0
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: <length>
    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Location: /test/_1
    Date: <date>
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: <length>
  3. Insert paragraphs to document

    POST /test/_1 HTTP/1.0
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: <length>
    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Location: /test/_1
    Date: <date>
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: <length>
  4. Get keywords of document 1

    POST /test/_1/keywords HTTP/1.0
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: <length>
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: <date>
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: <length>


  • Add /:bucket/:fetch?handles=handle0,handle1,... ressource for fetching multiple contexts based on handles
  • Evaluate some kind of master-slave synchronization facility to strengthen availability and data safety.
  • Add description for analysis response format.
  • Discuss more complex query functionality (batch processing, complex selections, association trees, etc.).


Bellow you find the different ressources the API has and the verbs that can be executed. You are looking at version 1 of the API.


[GET] List buckets


Lists existing buckets.


[POST] Query bucket



[GET] Download dataspace


Download the dataspace at /:bucket.

[PUT] Create or replace dataspace


Replace the dataspace at /:bucket.

[DELETE] Delete dataspace


Deletes bucket /:bucket.


A handle uniqly identifies a context in the bucket. It has the form _HEX, where HEX is a hexadecimal number. Special handle _root identifies the root node of the bucket.

[POST] Insert context(s)


Inserts context(s) as children of /:bucket/_root or /:bucket/:handle.


  • Append single root context:

     POST /test/_root HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 201 Created
     Location: /test/_1
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
  • Append single child context:

     POST /test/2b HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 201 Created
     Location: /test/_2d
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
  • Bulk append child contexts:

     POST /test/_2b HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 201 Created
     Location: /test/fetch?handles=_2d,_2f
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>


  • Add line delimited JSON stream instead of arrays for multi insert (

     POST /test/2b HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/x-ldjson
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 201 Created
     Location: /test/fetch?handles=_2d,_2f
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/x-ldjson
     Content-Length: <length>
  • Allow insert of more complex contexts (e.g. objects, etc.)

[GET] Fetch Context


Fetches context of /:bucket/:handle.

See also

To bulk fetch multiple context see /:bucket/fetch.


  • Fetch context _1c:

     GET /test/_1c HTTP/1.0
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
  • Fetch root (returns bucket name):

     GET /test/_root HTTP/1.0
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>

[PUT] Replace context


Replaces context at /:bucket/:handle.


Not allowed on /:bucket/_root.


  • Replace context _2b:

     PUT /test/_2b HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
     Date: <date>

[DELETE] Remove context


Removes context at /:bucket/:handle.


Not allowed on /:bucket/_root.


  • Delete context _2b:

     DELETE /test/_2b HTTP/1.0
     HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
     Date: <date>


Find allows to query child contexts of either the _root handle or another context handle.

[POST] Query children


Queries children contexts of /:bucket/:handle or of root /:bucket.



{								// default values:
	"filter": <query>,			// <query> = undefined
	"take": <num>,				// <num> = 128
	"skip": <num>,				// <num> = 0
	"fetchContext": true|false	// <fetchContext> = false


  • filter — Filters children by their context, possible queries: {"$and": ["foo", "bar"]} (Match all), {"$or": ["foo", "bar"]} (Match some), {"$match": ["foo", "bar"]} (Match exactly).
  • take — Only return <num> results. Default is 128.
  • skip — Skip first <num> results. Default is 0.
  • fetchContext — enables/disables fetch of child contexts, default is false.


  • Query all root contexts:

     POST /test/_root/find HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     ["_1", "_3", "_f"]
  • Query all children of _2b:

     POST /test/_2b/find HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     ["_3a", "_3c", "_12"]
  • Query and fetch 10 children of _2b where context contains "hello" and "bar":

     POST /test/_2b/find HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     {"filter": {"$and": ["hello", "bar"]}, "take": 10}
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>


Keywords allows to retrieve a sorted list of the most important terms of a context and its subcontexts.

[POST] Query keywords


Retrieves a list of keywords of /:bucket/:handle.


Not allowed on /:bucket/_root.



{								// default values:
	"scope": <handles>,			// <handles> = undefined (all)
	"sort": <order>,			// <order> = [-1,-1]
	"cutoff": <threshold>		// <threshold> = [0,0]
	"take": <num>,				// <num> = 128
	"skip": <num>,				// <num> = 0


  • scope — Optional. Sets the scope of the command to the specified child (e.g. [ "_10c", "_2b", "_f4" ]).
  • sort — Optional. Sort result according specified : 1 = ascending, -1 = descending. Order can be set with [<p>,<v>] where <p> specifies order of vicinity value and v specifies order of vicinity value. To change order of sort key use [{"v": <v>},{"p": <p>}].
  • cutoff — Optional. Sets [<p>,<v>] (<p> = vicinity cut-off, v = plausibility cut-off). Default is [0,0].
  • take — Optional. Only return <num> results. Default is 128.
  • skip — Optional. Skip first <num> results. Default is 0.


  • Query keywords of _2c with default parameters:

     POST /test/_2c/keywords HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
  • Query keywords of _4c with scope set to ["_4f", "_5d"] and cut-off on plaubility set to 10:

     POST /test/_4c/keywords HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>


[POST] Query assocations


Finds associations to the search terms.



{								// default values:
	"terms": <quants>			// <quants> required. No default value.
	"direction": <dir>			// <dir> = 0 (forward)
	"scope": <handles>,			// <handles> = undefined (all)
	"sort": <order>,			// <order> = [-1,-1]
	"cutoff": <threshold>		// <threshold> = [0,0]
	"take": <num>,				// <num> = 128
	"skip": <num>,				// <num> = 0


  • terms - Required. Specifies the search terms, e.g. ["green", "smooth"].
  • direction - Optional. Specifies the direction of the associations whereas 0 = forward and 1 = reverse.
  • scope — Optional. Sets the scope of the command to the specified child (e.g. [ "_10c", "_2b", "_f4" ]).
  • sort — Optional. Sort result according specified : 1 = ascending, -1 = descending. Order can be set with [<p>,<v>] where <p> specifies order of vicinity value and v specifies order of vicinity value. To change order of sort key use [{"v": <v>},{"p": <p>}].
  • cutoff — Optional. Sets [<p>,<v>] (<p> = vicinity cut-off, v = plausibility cut-off). Default is [0,0].
  • take — Optional. Only return <num> results. Default is 128.
  • skip — Optional. Skip first <num> results. Default is 0.


  • Query associations for ["green", "smooth"]:

     POST /test/associations HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     {"terms":["green", "smooth"]}
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>


[POST] Query phonetic similarities


Finds similar terms for the search term.



{								// default values:
	"term": <quant>				// <quant> required. No default value.
	"scope": <handles>,			// <handles> = undefined (all)
	"sort": <order>,			// <order> = [-1,-1]
	"cutoff": <threshold>		// <threshold> = [0,0]
	"take": <num>,				// <num> = 128
	"skip": <num>,				// <num> = 0


  • term - Required. Specifies the search term, e.g. "aple".
  • scope — Optional. Sets the scope of the command to the specified child (e.g. [ "_10c", "_2b", "_ff4" ]).
  • sort — Optional. Sort result according specified : 1 = ascending, -1 = descending. Order can be set with [<p>,<v>] where <p> specifies order of vicinity value and v specifies order of vicinity value. To change order of sort key use [{"v": <v>},{"p": <p>}].
  • cutoff — Optional. Sets [<p>,<v>] (<p> = vicinity cut-off, v = plausibility cut-off). Default is [0,0].
  • take — Optional. Only return <num> results. Default is 128.
  • skip — Optional. Skip first <num> results. Default is 0.


  • Query similar terms for "aple" take 5 results:

     POST /test/phonetic HTTP/1.0
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: <date>
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: <length>