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UNIT MusicEngine;{ Version 1.0 of Dec 11, 1994 }{ Update 1.0.1, 5 Mar 1995: Coretto per aggiornare agli Universal Headers 2.0a3 }{ Version 2.0, 17 ottobre 1995.Interamente rivisto eliminando gli inline, per compatibilitˆ con powerPC e per Dream II. Eliminato ogni riferimento alla finta unit di interfaccia"Music.c" }INTERFACEUSES Types, QuickDraw;FUNCTION QTMusicInit: Boolean;{ Call this first, if it returns true, then music playing is possible }FUNCTION QTMusicPlay (ID: Integer): Integer;{ This is the actual routine to play a 'Musi' resource generated from }{ Midi2Musi. If it returns 0, music play has started.-1: then the resource was not found-2: music could not be played because of memory constraints }PROCEDURE QTMusicStop;{ Call this to stop playback of the current music and release it. }PROCEDURE QTMusicSuspend;{ Should be called on suspend events }FUNCTION QTMusicResume: Integer;{ Same API as QTMusicPlay }{ Should be called on resume events }PROCEDURE QTMusicQuit;{ This will clean up everything, release components, etc... }PROCEDURE QTMusicIdle;{ Call this routine during your idle proc - it checks to see if the }{ music is done playing, and if so, causes it to repeat (don't call }{ this if you don't want your background music to repeat) }FUNCTION GetTP: Longint;{ Quick hack per midi2music }IMPLEMENTATIONUSES Components, GestaltEqu, Memory, Movies, Resources, QuickTimeComponents, QuickTimeMusic; CONST kMusicComponentType = 'musi'; TYPE (** FORMATO DELLE RISORSE musi ***) MusicDescription = RECORD size: LongInt; { including header } musicType: LongInt; { 'musi' } resvd1: LongInt; { 0 } resvd2: Integer;{ 0 } dataRefIndex: Integer; { 1 } musicFlags: LongInt; { 0 } headerData: ARRAY[1..1] OF LongInt; { actually, some sort of tone descriptions } END; MusicDescriptionPtr = ^MusicDescription; MusicDescriptionHandle = ^MusicDescriptionPtr; VAR tp: TunePlayer; theTuneData: MusicDescriptionHandle; inited: Boolean;{$S UtilInit}FUNCTION QTMusicInit: Boolean;VAR gestResponse: longint; err: OSErr; result: ComponentResult;BEGIN tp := NIL; theTuneData := NIL; inited := FALSE; err := Gestalt (gestaltQuickTimeVersion, gestResponse); IF (err = noErr) & (gestResponse>= $02000000) THEN err := EnterMovies; IF (err = noErr) & (gestResponse>= $02000000) THEN BEGIN { C' QuickTime 2.0 } { open the default tune player } tp := OpenDefaultComponent(kTunePlayerType, ResType(LongInt(kAnyComponentType))); IF tp <> NIL THEN BEGIN { tell that we have 600 units per second } result := TuneSetTimeScale(tp, 600); { known bug. If I can't set the time to 600 the component stays loaded. } inited := (result = noErr) END END; { Return result } QTMusicInit := initedEND;{$S UtilMain}FUNCTION GetTP: Longint;BEGIN GetTP := Longint (tp)END;{$S UtilMain}FUNCTION QTMusicPlay (ID: Integer): Integer;CONST rMidiResource = 'Musi';BEGIN { sanity check } IF inited THEN BEGIN { no other music is playing, right? } IF theTuneData <> NIL THEN QTMusicStop; { load it } Handle (theTuneData) := GetResource(rMidiResource,ID); IF theTuneData = NIL THEN BEGIN QTMusicPlay := -1; Exit (QTMusicPlay) END; { prendi nota della handle } HUnlock (Handle (theTuneData)); { Just in case some fool locked it down } MoveHHi (Handle (theTuneData)); HLock(Handle(theTuneData)); { Start playing } QTMusicPlay := QTMusicResume ENDEND;{$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE QTMusicQuit; VAR err: OSErr;BEGIN IF inited THEN BEGIN IF tp <> NIL THEN QTMusicStop; IF tp <> NIL THEN err := CloseComponent(tp); tp := NIL; ExitMovies; inited := FALSE END;END;{$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE QTMusicStop;BEGIN IF inited THEN BEGIN QTMusicSuspend; IF theTuneData <> NIL THEN BEGIN ReleaseResource (Handle (theTuneData)); theTuneData := NIL END; ENDEND;{$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE QTMusicSuspend;VAR result: ComponentResult;BEGIN IF inited THEN BEGIN result := TuneStop(tp, 0); result := TuneUnroll (tp) ENDEND;{$S UtilMain}FUNCTION QTMusicResume: Integer;LABEL 1;VAR result: ComponentResult; success: OSErr; l: LongintPtr;BEGIN success := noErr; IF inited THEN BEGIN { Set the header, to tell what instruments are used } result := TuneSetHeader(tp, theTuneData^^.headerData[1]); IF result <> noErr THEN BEGIN success := -2; GOTO 1 END; { Have it allocate whatever resources are needed } result := TunePreRoll(tp); IF result <> noErr THEN BEGIN success := -2; GOTO 1 END; { We want to play at normal volume } result := TuneSetVolume(tp, $10000); IF result <> noErr THEN BEGIN success := -3; GOTO 1 END; { Queue up the music, normal tempo, play everything now } l := LongintPtr (Ord4(theTuneData^) + theTuneData^^.size); result := TuneQueue(tp, l^, $10000, 0, $7FFFFFFF, kTuneStartNow, NIL, 0); IF result <> noErr THEN success := -4; 1: IF success <> noErr THEN QTMusicQuit; QTMusicResume := success ENDEND;{$S UtilMain}PROCEDURE QTMusicIdle; VAR result: ComponentResult; theTuneStatus: TuneStatus; l: LongintPtr;BEGIN IF inited and (theTuneData <> NIL) THEN BEGIN result := TuneGetStatus(tp, theTuneStatus); WITH theTuneStatus DO { If finishedÉÊ} IF (result = noErr) & (queueCount = 0) & (tunePtr <> NIL) THEN BEGIN { É restart } l := LongintPtr (Ord4(theTuneData^) + theTuneData^^.size); result := TuneQueue(tp, l^, $10000, 0, $7FFFFFFF, kTuneStartNow, NIL, 0); END; ENDEND;END.