########## How to set up OntoQuery for another ontology? ##########
- Copy the OWL/OBO file to resources directory.
- Else you can point it directly to a FTP site. Set the name of the file/ Url pointing to FTP in Ontology.java .
- Set ID post-processing. If you are using an OBO file, you might need to precess the returned IDs, if they contain special characters not allowed in URLs. A common example is ":", which the OWL API converts to underscore. If you use OWL and no changes are made, just remove [.replaceAll("CHEBI_", "CHEBI:")] from DLQueryTool_modified.java or adjust it according to your ontology.
- Set custom variables in the first part of globalVariables.js as described in the file.
- Set up memory to at least 2GB and density limit as described "-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -DentityExpansionLimit=1000000".
- While deploying, the ontology will loaded automatically (it takes a while depending upon the ontology)
Note: without DensityExpansionLimit, the RDFXML parser will fail to parse the owl/obo file.