- Start Vim:
vim filename
- Save and Quit:
- Quit Without Saving:
- Save Without Quitting:
- Save As:
:w newfilename
- Normal Mode: Press
- Insert Mode:
(before cursor),a
(after cursor),o
(new line below) - Visual Mode:
(block) - Command-Line Mode:
(enter commands like saving or quitting)
- Arrow Keys: Move cursor
- h, j, k, l: Left, Down, Up, Right
- w, b, e: Next word, Back word, End of word
- 0, ^, $: Start of line, First non-blank, End of line
- gg, G: Start of file, End of file
- Ctrl-d, Ctrl-u: Half-page down, Half-page up
- Ctrl-f, Ctrl-b: Full-page down, Full-page up
- x: Delete character
- dd: Delete line
- dw: Delete word
- cw: Change word
- yy: Yank (copy) line
- p: Paste after cursor
- u: Undo
- Ctrl-r: Redo
- H, M, L: Top, Middle, Bottom of screen
- :number: Go to line number
- /pattern: Search for pattern
- n, N: Repeat search forward, backward
- %: Go to matching parenthesis/bracket
- v, V, Ctrl-v: Enter visual modes
- d, y, c: Delete, Yank, Change selection
- >: Indent selection
- <: Unindent selection
- :e filename: Edit a new file
- :bnext, :bprev: Next, Previous buffer
- :split, :vsplit: Horizontal, Vertical split
- Ctrl-w w: Switch windows
- Ctrl-w q: Quit window
- "ayw: Yank word to register
- "ap: Paste from register
- q[a-z]: Start recording macro in register
- @a: Play macro from register
- :%s/old/new/g: Replace all occurrences in file
- :n,m s/old/new/g: Replace all occurrences between lines
- :noh: Clear search highlighting
- Ctrl-o, Ctrl-i: Go to older, newer cursor positions
- zt, zz, zb: Scroll line to top, center, bottom of screen
- :g/pattern/d: Delete all lines matching pattern
- :sort: Sort lines
- Example Function:
function! HelloWorld() echo "Hello, World!" endfunction