diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/6-deprecate-sgid-dataset.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/6-deprecate-sgid-dataset.md index ef2ebb8..c60df23 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/6-deprecate-sgid-dataset.md +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/6-deprecate-sgid-dataset.md @@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ _The purpose of the soft delete is to ensure that all of our users and applicati Note: If this dataset is being replaced, then wait until the new data is publicly available before completing these steps: -- [ ] Soft delete start date (name, set: `2024/00/00`) - [ ] Append "(Mature Support)" to the end of the item title in the `SGID.META.AGOLItems` table (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) - [ ] Remove all tags other than "Deprecated" in the SDE metadata (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) - [ ] Add note to SDE description noting when layer will be deleted and any replacement layer (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) -- [ ] Update the [SGID Index](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ASS7LnxgpnD0jN4utzklREgMf1pcvYjcXcIcESHweQ/edit#gid=1024261148) row as deprecated by pasting the related Porter issue URL in the "porterUrl" field and setting the value of the "ugrcStatus" field as "deprecated" (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) +- [ ] Update the [SGID Index](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ASS7LnxgpnD0jN4utzklREgMf1pcvYjcXcIcESHweQ/edit#gid=1024261148) row as deprecated by pasting the related Porter issue URL in the "porterUrl" field and setting the value of the "ugrcStatus" field as "removed". Also update the "refreshCycle" field (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) - [ ] Change `Authoritative` field to `d` in `SGID.META.AGOLItems` to automatically set the `Deprecated` AGOL flag. Allow the `d` to persist through one run of [Auditor](https://github.com/agrc/auditor) - currently, Auditor runs daily at 5:00am (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) - After at least one successful run of Auditor: - [ ] Remove the row from the `SGID.META.AGOLItems` table. This will trigger the removal of this item in Open SGID (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) @@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ Note: If this dataset is being replaced, then wait until the new data is publicl _Hard deletes are final. It is recommended to complete the soft delete process before moving on to these steps. If you decide to skip the soft delete, note that you will need to incorporate some of those steps here._ -- [ ] Hard delete target date (name, set: `2024/00/00`) - [ ] Manually remove data from the Internal SGID (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) - [ ] Deprecated database layers should be backed up on Google Drive > AGRC Projects > SGID > deprecated layers > [internal_db_sgid_layers](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/10Fk8NI2UpEUnAbgvhjlN18pyvSFDWyIq) (name, completed: `2024/00/00`). - [ ] Remove ArcGIS Online item: (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) @@ -65,6 +63,7 @@ _Hard deletes are final. It is recommended to complete the soft delete process b - Shelve the data by copying the row from `SGID.META.AGOLItems` to the `AGOLItems_shelved` table in AGOL and changing the `AGOL_ITEM_ID` field in `SGID.META.AGOLItems` to `shelved` or some other note. - Deprecated AGOL items can be backed up on Google Drive > AGRC Projects > SGID > deprecated layers > [agol_sgid_layers](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1xwSxiDNIH-9Hhmn6I7NfKBhm4SbYonX5). - [ ] Remove Farm from AGOL connection (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) +- [ ] Update the [SGID Index](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ASS7LnxgpnD0jN4utzklREgMf1pcvYjcXcIcESHweQ/edit#gid=1024261148) fields: "arcGisOnline", "openSgid", "openSgidTableName" - [ ] Update relevant [gis.utah.gov](https://gis.utah.gov/data) data pages (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) - [ ] Update `SGID.META.AGOLItems` table (name, completed: `2024/00/00`) - cut and paste row to `AGOLItems_shelved` table if shelving (see below)