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User Defined Functions
To define new functions for SQL simply add it to alasql.fn
variable, like below:
alasql.fn.cube = function(x) { return x*x*x; }
alasql(‘SELECT cube(x) FROM ?’,[data]);
alasql.fn.double = function(x){return x*2};
alasql.fn.sum10 = function(x,y) { return x+y*10; }
alasql('SELECT a, double(a) AS b, sum10(a,b) FROM test1');
You can use alasql inside alasql functions, like below:
alasql.fn.myfilter = function(phase) {
return alasql('SELECT VALUE COUNT(*) FROM ? WHERE Phase = ?',[data,phase]) == 2;
var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM ? WHERE myfilter(Phase)',[data]);
See the working example in jsFiddle
From 3.8 functions can be set via a SQL statement with the following syntax:
CREATE FUNCTION cubic AS ``function(x) { return x*x*x; }``;
To make your own user defined aggregators please follow this example:
// How to implement the SUM() aggregator
alasql.aggr.MYAGGR = function(value, accumulator, stage) {
if(stage == 1) {
// first call of aggregator - for first line
var newAccumulator = value;
return newAccumulator;
} else if(stage == 2) {
// for every line in the group
accumulator = accumulator + value;
return accumulator;
} else if(stage == 3) {
// Post production - please nota that value Will be undefined
return accumulator;
See more examples here:
From 3.8 aggretating functions can be set via a async SQL statement with the following syntaxes:
CREATE (AGGREATE|AGGREGATOR) MyAggr AS ``function(value, accumulator, stage) { ... }``;
You can create custom FROM function like here:
alasql.from.DB = function(dbtype, opts, cb, idx, query) {
var res = [];
async_read_data_from_mysql_function(dbtype, opts.dbname, opts.tablename, function(data) {
res = data;
res = cb(res, idx, query);
return null;
function async_read_data_from_mysql_function(dbtype, dbname, tablename, cb) {
// put your code here
Then you can use it like:
SELECT * FROM DB("mysql",{dbname:"one", tablename:"two"})
Also, you can save data to MYSQL with alasql.into.DB()
custom function.
alasql('SELECT * INTO DB("mysql",{dbname:"one", tablename:"two"}) FROM ?',[data]);
You can see the examples of FROM and INTO functions at src/84from.js
and src/830into.js
© 2014-2024, Andrey Gershun & Mathias Rangel Wulff
Please help improve the documentation by opening a PR on the wiki repo