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File metadata and controls

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Filters of redc-nf

Filters are named criteria that can be used for selection of the subset of reads or reporting the statistics. you can specify your filters in project.yml file.

There are three types of filters in redc-nf: - filter for canonical chromosomes (the field called filters.canonical_chromosomes) - restriction filters (filters.restriction) - additional filters (filters.additional_filters)

Filter for canonical chromosomes is a regular expression to retain only chromosomes of interest. It should correspond to :ref:`python re module syntax <>`_ for regular expressions.

Other redc-nf filters are strings with Python syntax. These strings are expressions that operate with variables. Each expression will be evaluated for each read in the dataset. The variables are the columns of redc-nf output hdf5 file.

Functions in expressions of filters

You can use any builtin functions of Python or numpy functions (assuming numpy is loaded as np).

Variables in expressions of filters

Sources of variables As a result of redc-nf run, the data on oligos alignment, RNA and DNA mapping, etc. are collected in a single hdf5 file, where each column is stored as numpy vector. You can use any of these columns as variables in the filter's expression. Note that some of the columns have string data type, some are integers and some are boolean.

Restriction of the DNA/RNA segments is a separated step. You specify the list of restirction enzymes in protocol.renz with short names (or keys) and actual names of these restiriction enzymes. Then, redc-nf uses these enzyme names for detection of restriction enzymes recognition sites around RNA and DNA segments (with BioPython). Not all the combinations of restriction enzymes and segments are meaningful, thus you specify only the annotations that you want in run.restriction_check.

Also, if you specify some filter in the beginning of the list, its name can be used in downstream filters.

List of variables loaded by default, without restriction

  • id numpy S100: read ID
  • seqR1, seqR2 numpy S250: forward and reverse read sequences
  • seqR1_len, seqR2_len numpy int: length of forward and reverse read
  • is_notPCRdup bool: flag if read is not PCR duplication
  • trimF, trimR int: position of trimming on forward and reverse read
  • has_nobridge bool: flag if read has no bridge in it
  • has_GA bool: flag if bridge has appropriate GA in it
  • bridge_nmm numpy int: number or mismatches in bridge in forward read
  • bridge_start, bridge_end numpy int: start and end position of bridge in forward read
  • has_noggg bool: flag if reverse read does not start with GGG
  • ggg_start, ggg_end numpy int: start and end position of GGG in reverse read
  • dna_R1_start, dna_R1_end, dna_R1_end_trim, dna_R1_len_notrim, dna_R1_len_trim numpy int: DNA segment start, end in forward read and length, before and after trimming
  • rna1_R1_start, rna1_R1_end, rna1_R1_end_trim, rna1_R1_len_notrim, rna1_R1_len_trim numpy int: rna1 segment start, end in forward read and length, before and after trimming
  • rna2_R1_start, rna2_R1_end, rna2_R1_end_trim, rna2_R1_len_notrim, rna2_R1_len_trim numpy int: rna2 segment start, end in forward read and length, before and after trimming
  • dna_is_mapped, dna_nonextended_is_mapped, rna1_is_mapped, rna2_is_mapped bool: flag if DNA with extension / DNA / RNA1 / RNA2 mapped (to all possible chromosomes in index file)
  • dna_is_not_multi, dna_nonextended_is_not_multi, rna1_is_not_multi, rna2_is_not_multi bool: flag if DNA with extension / DNA / RNA1 / RNA2 are not multimappers
  • dna_chr numpy S8; dna_start, dna_end int; dna_strand bool; dna_cigar numpy S10 : information on mapping of DNA with extension
  • dna_nonextended_chr numpy S8; dna_nonextended_start, dna_nonextended_end int; dna_nonextended_strand bool; dna_nonextended_cigar numpy S10 : information on mapping of DNA without extension
  • rna1_chr numpy S8; rna1_start, rna1_end int; rna1_strand bool; rna1_cigar numpy S10 : information on mapping of RNA1 segment
  • rna2_chr numpy S8; rna2_start, rna2_end int; rna2_strand bool; rna2_cigar numpy S10 : information on mapping of RNA2 segment
  • dna_chr_canonical, rna1_chr_canonical, rna2_chr_canonical * flags if segments are mapped to canonical chromosomes

List of variables loaded after annotation of restriction

#. If the restriction enzyme with name nla appeared for rna1 fragment in run.restriction_check, and it corresponds to enzyme with palindromic recognition site (e.g. NlaIII), the following columns will be added (integer type):

rna1_end_nla_left, rna1_end_nla_right, rna1_start_nla_left, rna1_start_nla_right

#. If the restriction enzyme is not palindromic, then the DNA strand matters, and we hit + (p) and - (n) strands separately. These columns will be added:

rna1_start_mmep_left, rna1_start_mmep_right, rna1_start_mmen_left, rna1_start_mmen_right,
rna1_end_mmep_left, rna1_end_mmep_right, rna1_end_mmen_left, rna1_end_mmen_right

Examples of filters

In project.yml file we provide the filters used in :ref:`original paper on RedC<>`_.

If you want to run custom output of redc-nf, you can design your own filters.

Simple indicator filters

Read is mapped to the canonical chromosomes:

dna_chr_canonical & rna1_chr_canonical & rna2_chr_canonical

Restriction filters passed successfully (thus all individual restriction filters have not failed):

~rna1_nla_failed & ~rna2_nla_failed & ~rna2_mme_failed

Complex conitions

Length of DNA segment after trimming is between 14 and 21 basepairs:


Distance between RNA1 and RNA2 segments mapping positions is small enough and can be considered a single molecule:


Reporting the filters

You can use filters in the file with final statistics. Specify the filters of interest in report_stats field of project.yml.

Also, you can report the outcome of evaluation of each filter for each read. For that, specify the filter name in the header of table in final_table.tables field.