#PnP JavaScript Core# ##Contribution Guide##
This is a work in progress and very much dependent on community input. To have your voice heard please join us in the Yammer group!
- We are currently targeting es5 for the largest compatibility possible.
- Leave tslint on - any pull requests that don't pass tslint will not be accepted as-is. If there is a setting causing you frustration please let's discuss. We would rather not have tslint be a hindrance, rather a guide to help our code remain consistent in form.
- Write tests - if you create a new class/module/function please add test coverage along side. This is usually done by creating a *.test.ts file in the same directory. So if you create foo.ts we would expect a corresponding foo.test.ts.
- “use strict”; - include this directive at the top of all your files. This helps catch some common issues and throws errors in situations that would otherwise be allowed.
Please check the issues list and look for the label "JS-SIG" which will be used in conjunction with the standard labels.