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File metadata and controls

181 lines (141 loc) · 5.05 KB


Suggested Reading

Covert from Protocol Buffer

In the case where you have a protocol buffer and want to create a GraphQL type to expose the data to our users you can take a short cut. The script proto2graphql.go found in the scripts folder will make a basic conversion of the file.

go run scripts/proto2graphql/proto2graphql.go ./types/user.proto ./backend/apid/graphql/schema

It's important to note that the script is only meant to be run once for each protocol buffer; if run multiple times it will overwrite any changes that were made to the target file.

Basic Usage

  1. Add new type / field definition(s).

    # ./backend/apid/graphql/schema/dog.graphql
    A Dog are the best pets.
    type Dog implements Named {
      name: String!
      profilePicture(size: Size): String
      friends: [Pet]!
    interface Named {
      name: String!
    type Rabbit implements Named {
      name: String!
      friends: [Pet]!
      isFluffy: Boolean!
    input Size {
      width: Int
      height: Int
      density: float
    union Pet = Dog | Rabbit
  2. Next you'll want to generate the Go code for these new types. To do this we use the gengraphql script.

    From the project root, run:

    go run ./scripts/gengraphql/gengraphql.go ./backend/apid/graphql/schema
  3. Next we need to tell our service how the types themselves are implemented. To give an example, when a user selects a dog's friends, the service needs to know how to retrieve those details so that it can be display them to the user.

    An example implementation:

    // backend/apid/graphql/dog.go
    type dogFieldResolvers struct {
      // the autogenerated "aliases" use reflection under the hood to implement most
      // most the field resolvers; this allows us to write a bit less code with a
      // small runtime cost.
      controller FriendsController
      logger     logrus.Entry
    // Use controller to retrieve our dog's friends.
    func (fr *dogFieldResolvers) Friends(p graphql.ResolveParams) (interface{}, error) {
      dog := p.Source.(*types.Dog)
      ctx := p.Context
      friends, err := fr.controller.ListFriendos(ctx, dog)
      return friends, err
    // IsTypeOf is used to determine if a given value is associated with the Dog type
    func (fr *dogFieldResolvers) IsTypeOf(s interface{}, p graphql.IsTypeOfParams) bool {
      _, ok := s.(*types.Dog)
      return ok
  4. Finally we need to register the new type(s) and any of the implementation details with our service.

    // backend/apid/graphql/service.go
    fund NewService(c Config) *Service {
      // ...
      dogImpl := dogFieldResolvers{controller: ..., logger: ...}
      // ...
      // ...
      schema.RegisterDog(svc, dogImpl) // include fieldresolvers.
      schema.RegisterSize(svc)         // unlike object type's inputs do not require any additonal implemtation details.
      // ...
      // configures registered types and implementations so that service is ready to
      // accept queries.
      return service


Mutations are how the client modifies the server-side data.

  • Reference

  • Sensu follow's Relay's mutation conventions. Each mutation should consist of three elements. An input object type that describes the parameters to the mutation, an object type that describes the return values, and finally a field on the Mutation to be used as the entry point.

    # mutations.graphql
    type Mutation {
      # ...
      addRole(inputs: AddRoleInput) AddRolePayload
      # ...
    input AddRoleInput {
      # Used by a client to keep track of in-flight mutations
      clientMutationId: String!
      userId: ID!
      roleId: ID!
    type AddRolePayload {
      clientMutationId: String!
      user: User!
      role: Role!


  • Fields should not be removed until we can be confident that no clients are using the field.

  • GraphQL supports @deprecated directive for marking a field as deprecated.

    type MyType {
      one: String! @deprecated
      two: String! @deprecated(reason: "Two is bad number.")
      three: String!

File Conventions

  • Type Definitions live in the schema package, and use the file extension .graphql.
    • When the type(s) they match an internal type defined in the types package the filenames should ideally match. (Eg. entity.go entity.graphql.)
    • Ideally all types and fields are
  • FieldResolvers live in the graphql package.
    • Filenames should match the same name of the graphql file it is implementing.