description |
Describes the list of changes present in Version 2 of MauiReactor |
MauiReactor 2 is the new version of MauiReactor targeting .NET 8. It contains some good improvements, many of which are under the hood.
If you're coming from version 1 there is good news: your code is mostly working as it is. There are just a couple of breaking changes you need to be aware of.
Source code:
License: MIT (i.e. you can use it for your closed-source commercial projects)
Let's start with what is new.
In Version 1, components are generally written with code like this:
class CounterPageState
public int Counter { get; set; }
class CounterPage : Component<CounterPageState>
public override VisualNode Render()
return new ContentPage("Counter Sample")
new VStack(spacing: 10)
new Label($"Counter: {State.Counter}")
new Button("Click To Increment", () =>
SetState(s => s.Counter++))
In Version 2, you can use the new format that is less verbose and more easy to read
class CounterPageState
public int Counter { get; set; }
class CounterPage : Component<CounterPageState>
public override VisualNode Render()
=> ContentPage("Counter Sample",
VStack(spacing: 10,
Label($"Counter: {State.Counter}")
Button("Click To Increment", () =>
SetState(s => s.Counter++))
{% hint style="info" %} The new code style is optional. You can use the other way to write your component or leave the code you may have already written as it will work in Version 2+. {% endhint %}
Version 2 provides a few convenient source generators that should remove some boilerplate code in your components.
The PropAttribute lets specify a component prop without writing the method.
class BusyComponent : Component
string _message;
bool _isBusy;
public BusyComponent Message(string message)
_message = message;
return this;
public BusyComponent IsBusy(bool isBusy)
_isBusy = isBusy;
return this;
After (version 2+):
partial class BusyComponent : Component
string _message;
bool _isBusy;
Please note that the component class must be partial to use the new feature.
The ParamAttribute
allows you to specify a parameter that is inherited from the parent component without the boilerplate code Create/GetParameter
class CustomParameter
public int Numeric { get; set; }
class ParametersPage: Component
IParameter<CustomParameter> _customParameter;
public ParametersPage()
_customParameter = CreateParameter<CustomParameter>();
class ParameterChildComponent: Component
IParameter<CustomParameter> _customParameter;
public ParameterChildComponent()
_customParameter = GetParameter<CustomParameter>();
After (version 2+):
class CustomParameter
public int Numeric { get; set; }
partial class ParametersPage: Component
IParameter<CustomParameter> _customParameter;
class ParameterChildComponent: Component
IParameter<CustomParameter> _customParameter;
Finally, you may also find useful the InjectAttribute that lets you remove some repetitive code to inject services from the DI container
class MyComponent : Component
IMyService _service;
public MyComponent()
_service = Services.GetRequiredService<IMyService>();
After (version 2+):
partial class MyComponent : Component
IMyService _service;
{% hint style="info" %} All the new attributes are optional and require the component class to be partial. {% endhint %}
Version 2 provides a more straightforward method for creating Inline Components that is easier to read requiring less boiler code.
{% hint style="warning" %} Version 2+ doesn't support the old way of creating Inline Component, modifying old code to the new format should be a matter of changing a few lines of code. {% endhint %}
static VisualNode RenderMudEntry(string label, Action<string> textChangedAction)
=> Component.Render(context =>
MauiControls.Entry _entryRef = null;
var state = context.UseState<(bool IsFocused, bool IsFilled)>();
return new Grid("Auto", "*")
new Entry(entryRef => _entryRef = entryRef)
.OnAfterTextChanged(text =>
state.Set(s => (s.IsFocused, IsFilled: !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)));
.OnFocused(()=>state.Set(s => (IsFocused: true, s.IsFilled)))
.OnUnfocused(()=>state.Set(s => (IsFocused: false, s.IsFilled))),
new Label(label)
.OnTapped(() =>_entryRef?.Focus())
.TranslationY(state.Value.IsFocused || state.Value.IsFilled ? -20 : 0)
.ScaleX(state.Value.IsFocused || state.Value.IsFilled ? 0.8 : 1.0)
.TextColor(!state.Value.IsFocused || !state.Value.IsFilled ? Colors.Gray : Colors.Red)
.WithAnimation(duration: 200),
After (version 2+):
static VisualNode RenderMudEntry(string label, Action<string> textChangedAction)
=> Render<(bool IsFocused, bool IsFilled)>(state =>
MauiControls.Entry _entryRef = null;
return Grid("Auto", "*",
Entry(entryRef => _entryRef = entryRef)
.OnAfterTextChanged(text =>
state.Set(s => (s.IsFocused, IsFilled: !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)));
.OnFocused(()=>state.Set(s => (IsFocused: true, s.IsFilled)))
.OnUnfocused(()=>state.Set(s => (IsFocused: false, s.IsFilled))),
.OnTapped(() =>_entryRef?.Focus())
.TranslationY(state.Value.IsFocused || state.Value.IsFilled ? -20 : 0)
.ScaleX(state.Value.IsFocused || state.Value.IsFilled ? 0.8 : 1.0)
.TextColor(!state.Value.IsFocused || !state.Value.IsFilled ? Colors.Gray : Colors.Red)
.WithAnimation(duration: 200),
When you authored components wrapping native controls coming from external libraries you were required to install an additional packaged Reactor.Maui.ScaffoldGenerator.
This is no longer required as the source generators library is now directly linked by the main package Reactor.Maui.