Releases: adobe/alloy
Releases · adobe/alloy
What's Changed
- Fixing flickering in Activities of type redirect by @ninaceban in #1219
- Allow the getIdentity command to read ECID from the kndctr cookie by @carterworks in #1230
Full Changelog: v2.25.0...v2.26.0-beta.0
What's Changed
- Added option validation to the setDebug command. by @shammowla in #1209
- Implement Fallback for Blocked Requests by @shammowla in #1210
- Click Collection Configuration Validation by @shammowla in #1216
- Fixed an issue where rendered propositions were not included in display notifications. by @carterworks in #1225
- Implement Fallback for Blocked Requests by @shammowla in #1215
Full Changelog: v2.24.0...v2.25.0
Full Changelog: v2.25.0-beta.0...v2.25.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- Added option validation to the setDebug command. by @shammowla in #1209
- Implement Fallback for Blocked Requests by @shammowla in #1210
- Click Collection Configuration Validation by @shammowla in #1216
- Fixed an issue where rendered propositions were not included in display notifications. by @carterworks in #1225
- Implement Fallback for Blocked Requests by @shammowla in #1215
Full Changelog: v2.24.0...v2.25.0-beta.0
What's Changed
- Update @adobe/aep-rules-engine to require a minimum of v2.0.3 by @carterworks in #1222
Full Changelog: v2.24.0...v2.24.1-beta.0
What's Changed
- Update the privacy component so it can be excluded from a custom build by @jonsnyder in #1179
- Removed the machineLearning key from sendEvent responses. by @carterworks in #1192
- Added support for Adobe Target response tokens in the rendering succeeded monitoring hook by @ninaceban in #1186
- Empty datastream overrides are no longer sent to the Edge Network, reducing potential conflicts with server side routing configurations by @ninaceban in #1199
- Datastream overrides are now supported when starting media sessions by @ninaceban in #1200
- Renamed message component names to align with other Adobe SDKs by @dompuiu in #1202
- When multiple in-app messages are returned, only the one with the highest priority is shown. The others are recorded as suppressed by @dompuiu in #1194
- Fixed an error that occurred when default content items were rendered via applyPropositions by @ninaceban in #1203
- Fixed a CSS error in Adobe Target move and resize actions by @dpopescu in #1207
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.23.0...v2.24.0
Full Changelog: v2.24.0-beta.0...v2.24.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- Update the privacy component so it can be excluded from a custom build by @jonsnyder in #1179
- Fix dev workflow unit and functional test settings by @shammowla in #1187
- Improve E2E Test Failure Handling and Reporting by @shammowla in #1191
- Fix artifact issue with pre-edge workflow. by @shammowla in #1197
- Return response tokens into "rendering-succeeded" hook by @ninaceban in #1186
- Centralized SonarQube instance provisioned for AEP by @shammowla in #1201
- PLATIR-44580 - Do not send empty meta.configOverrides as it invalidates server side config overrides by @ninaceban in #1199
- Edge Config overrides for Streaming Media by @ninaceban in #1200
- PDCL-12692 Rename Web SDK Components. by @dompuiu in #1202
- PDCL-12483 Add conflict resolution support for In-App messages. by @dompuiu in #1194
- Web SDK Error in applyPropositions due to Default Content or Tracking Event by @ninaceban in #1203
- Fix tests for edgeConfigOverrides and Streaming Media by @ninaceban in #1205
Full Changelog: v2.23.0...v2.24.0-beta.0
What's Changed
- Fixed an issue where cookies were not included when running on localhost by @jonsnyder in #1172
- Added support for requesting the CORE id in the getIdentity command by @jonsnyder in #1175
Full Changelog: v2.22.0...v2.23.0