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PyProf: PyTorch Profiling tool for GPUs

PyProf profiles and analyzes the GPU performance of PyTorch models. It aggregates the following information from Nsight Systems or NvProf for every GPU kernel.

  • Kernel name e.g. turing_fp16_s884gemm_fp16_64x128_ldg8_f2f_tn.
  • Kernel duration.
  • Device id, stream id.
  • Grid dimensions, block dimensions.
  • Thread id.

In addition it provides the following information for almost every GPU kernel.

  • PyTorch module and op name e.g. torch.nn.functional, linear.
  • Tensor shape and data type of all input arguments e.g. [32,3,224,224]fp16;[64,3,7,7]fp16.
  • Total data movement (bytes) and floating point operations (flops).
  • Tensor Core usage.
  • Call stack e.g.,, apex/amp/, /home/ubuntu/dlperf/NCF/
  • Direction i.e. forward or backward.
  • Forward-backward correlation. The tool correlates the GPU kernels invoked during back propagation to the corresponding kernels during forward propagation.

With additional user annotation (advanced mode):

  • Associate layer names e.g. BERT:Encoder_2:FFN:LayerNorm to a GPU kernel.


# clone
$ git clone

# install
$ pip3 install . --user

# verify
$ pip3 list | grep pyprof


There are four steps to the tool flow.

  1. Import library and annotate code.

Import and initialize the tool. Run the training / inference loop within the PyTorch NVTX context manager as shown below. In addition, you can use profiler.start() and profiler.stop() to pick an iteration(s) for which you would like to capture data.

import torch.cuda.profiler as profiler

# Import and initialize PyProf
import pyprof

iters = 500
iter_to_capture = 100

# Define network, loss function, optimizer etc.

# PyTorch NVTX context manager
with torch.autograd.profiler.emit_nvtx():

    for iter in range(iters):

        if iter == iter_to_capture:

        output = net(images)
        loss = criterion(output, labels)

        if iter == iter_to_capture:
  1. Profile using Nsight Systems or NVProf to obtain a SQLite3 database.

NVProf is currently being phased out, and it is recommended to use Nsight Systems.

Profile with Nsight Systems

Generate a SQLite database as follows.

$ nsys profile 
    -f true                  # Overwrite existing files
    -o net                   # Create net.qdrep (used by Nsys viewer)
    -c cudaProfilerApi       # Optional argument required for profiler start/stop
    --stop-on-range-end true # Optional argument required for profiler start/stop
    --export sqlite          # Export net.sql (similar to NVProf) 

If using profiler.start() and profiler.stop() in, the options -c cudaProfilerApi --stop-on-range-end true are required.

If you experience slow profiling, nsys contains an option -s none which disables CPU sampling and significantly speeds up profiling.

Profile with NVProf

Generate a SQL (NVVP) file. This file can also be opened with Nvidia Visual Profiler (NVVP).

If you used profiler.start() and profiler.stop(), then do

$ nvprof 
    -o net.sql 
    --profile-from-start off  # Profiling start/stop inside

If you did not use profiler.start() and profiler.stop(), then do

$ nvprof
    -f            # Overwrite existing file
    -o net.sql    # Create net.sql

If you get a message such as ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM The user running <tool_name/application_name> does not have permission to access NVIDIA GPU Performance Counters on the target device, follow the steps here.

  1. Parse the SQL file.

Run parser on the SQL file. The output is an ASCII file. Each line is a python dictionary which contains information about the kernel name, duration, parameters etc. This file can be used as input to other custom scripts as well. Nsys will create a file called net.sqlite.

$ python -m pyprof.parse net.sqlite > net.dict
  1. Run the prof script.

Using the python dictionary created in step 3 as the input, PyProf can produce a CSV output, a columnated output (similar to column -t for terminal readability) and a space separated output (for post processing by AWK for instance). It produces 20 columns of information for every GPU kernel and you can select a subset of columns using the -c flag. Note that a few columns might have the value na implying either its a work in progress or the tool was unable to extract that information.

Output columns

Column Description
idx Index
seq PyTorch Sequence Id
altseq PyTorch Alternate Sequence Id
tid Thread Id
layer User annotated NVTX string (can be nested)
trace Function Call Trace
dir Direction
sub Sub Sequence Id
mod PyTorch Module
op Operation
kernel Kernel Name
params Parameters
sil Silicon Time (in ns)
tc Tensor Core Usage
device GPU Device Id
stream Stream Id
grid Grid Dimensions
block Block Dimensions
flops Floating point ops (FMA = 2 FLOPs)
bytes Number of bytes in and out of DRAM

Here are a few examples of how to use prof.

# Print usage and help. Lists all available output columns.
$ python -m -h

# Columnated output of width 150 with default columns.
# The default options are "idx,dir,sub,mod,op,kernel,params,sil".
$ python -m -w 150 net.dict

# CSV output.
$ python -m --csv net.dict

# Space seperated output.
$ python -m net.dict

# Columnated output of width 130 with columns index,direction,kernel name,parameters,silicon time.
$ python -m -w 130 -c idx,dir,kernel,params,sil net.dict

# CSV output with columns index,direction,kernel name,parameters,silicon time.
$ python -m --csv -c idx,dir,kernel,params,sil net.dict

# Space separated output with columns index,direction,kernel name,parameters,silicon time.
$ python -m -c idx,dir,kernel,params,sil net.dict

# Input redirection.
$ python -m < net.dict

Advanced Usage

With some additional annotations in the model code, you can get even richer profiling information e.g. the name of the layer, say BERT:Encoder_2:FFN:LayerNorm, associated with every GPU kernel. It is also easy to enable profiling of modules and functions with custom forward and backward methods. One can also extend the tool to add bytes and flops calculations for such custom functions. See here for instructions.

Slides and Recorded Talks

  • Nvidia GPU Technology Conference (GTC), 2020: Slides, Video.


If you use PyProf and would like to cite us, we suggest the following.

  author = {Agrawal, Aditya and Kolodziej, Marek},
  title = {"PyProf"},
  year = {2019},
  publisher = {"Nvidia Corporation"},
  howpublished = {\url{}}

Contributing and Reporting Issues

Contributions are more than welcome. To contribute make a pull request and follow the guidelines here.