Announcements |
The macOS 10.15 Actions runner image will begin deprecation on 5/31/22 and will be fully unsupported by 12/1/22 for GitHub and ADO |
- System Version: macOS 12.5.1 (21G83)
- Kernel Version: Darwin 21.6.0
- Image Version: 20220904.1
- .NET SDK 3.1.101 3.1.201 3.1.302 3.1.422 5.0.102 5.0.202 5.0.302 5.0.408 6.0.400
- Bash 3.2.57(1)-release
- Clang/LLVM 13.1.6 is default
- Clang/LLVM 14.0.6 is available on
'$(brew --prefix llvm@14)/bin/clang'
- gcc-11 (Homebrew GCC 11.3.0) 11.3.0 - available by
alias - GNU Fortran (Homebrew GCC 11.3.0) 11.3.0 - available by
alias - Go 1.17.13
- julia 1.8.0
- Kotlin 1.7.10-release-333
- MSBuild (from /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/MSBuild.dll)
- Node.js v16.17.0
- NVM 0.39.1
- NVM - Cached node versions: v12.22.12 v14.20.0 v16.17.0
- Perl 5.34.0
- PHP 8.1.10
- Python 2.7.18
- Python 3.10.6
- R 4.2.1
- Ruby 3.0.4p208
- Bundler version 2.3.21
- Carthage 0.38.0
- CocoaPods 1.11.3
- Composer 2.4.1
- Homebrew 3.5.10
- Miniconda 4.12.0
- NPM 8.15.0
- NuGet
- Pip 20.3.4 (python 2.7)
- Pip 22.2.2 (python 3.10)
- Pipx 1.1.0
- RubyGems 3.3.21
- Vcpkg 2022 (build from master <927006b24>)
- Yarn 1.22.19
Name | Value |
CONDA | /usr/local/miniconda |
VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT | /usr/local/share/vcpkg |
- Apache Ant(TM) 1.10.12
- Apache Maven 3.8.6
- Gradle 7.5.1
- Sbt 1.7.1
- 7-Zip 17.04
- aria2 1.36.0
- azcopy 10.16.0
- bazel 5.3.0
- bazelisk 1.13.0
- bsdtar 3.5.1 - available by 'tar' alias
- Curl 7.85.0
- Git 2.37.3
- Git LFS: 3.2.0
- GitHub CLI: 2.14.7
- GNU Tar 1.34 - available by 'gtar' alias
- GNU Wget 1.21.3
- gpg (GnuPG) 2.3.7
- Hub CLI: 2.14.2
- ImageMagick 7.1.0-47
- jq 1.6
- mongo v5.0.11
- mongod v5.0.11
- OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022
(/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1 -> ../Cellar/openssl@1.1/1.1.1q)
- Packer 1.8.3
- PostgreSQL 14.5 (Homebrew)
- psql (PostgreSQL) 14.5 (Homebrew)
- Sox 14.4.2
- Subversion (SVN) 1.14.2
- Switchaudio-osx 1.1.0
- Vagrant 2.3.0
- VirtualBox 6.1.38r153438
- yq ( version 4.27.3
- zstd 1.5.2
- App Center CLI 2.11.0
- AWS CLI 2.7.29
- AWS SAM CLI 1.56.0
- AWS Session Manager CLI 1.2.339.0
- Azure CLI (azure-devops) 0.25.0
- Azure CLI 2.39.0
- Bicep CLI 0.9.1
- Cabal
- Cmake 3.24.1
- CodeQL Action Bundle 2.10.4
- Fastlane 2.209.1
- GHC 9.4.2
- GHCup
- Jazzy 0.14.2
- Stack 2.7.5
- SwiftFormat 0.49.18
- Swig 4.0.2
- Xcode Command Line Tools
- SwiftLint 0.49.1
- yamllint 1.27.1
- Safari 15.6.1 (17613.
- SafariDriver 15.6.1 (17613.
- Google Chrome 105.0.5195.102
- ChromeDriver 105.0.5195.52
- Microsoft Edge 105.0.1343.27
- Microsoft Edge WebDriver 105.0.1343.27
- Mozilla Firefox 104.0.1
- geckodriver 0.31.0
- Selenium server 4.4.0
Name | Value |
CHROMEWEBDRIVER | /usr/local/Caskroom/chromedriver/105.0.5195.52 |
EDGEWEBDRIVER | /usr/local/share/edge_driver |
GECKOWEBDRIVER | /usr/local/opt/geckodriver/bin |
Version | Vendor | Environment Variable |
8.0.345+1 (default) | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_8_X64 |
11.0.16+101 | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_11_X64 |
17.0.4+101 | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_17_X64 |
Version | Environment variables |
CE 22.2.0 | GRAALVM_11_ROOT |
- 2.7.6
- 3.0.4
- 3.1.2
- 3.7.13
- 3.8.13
- 3.9.13
- 3.10.6
- 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.9]
- 3.7.13 [PyPy 7.3.9]
- 3.8.13 [PyPy 7.3.9]
- 3.9.12 [PyPy 7.3.9]
- 12.22.12
- 14.20.0
- 16.17.0
Version | Architecture | Environment Variable |
1.17.13 (Default) | x64 | GOROOT_1_17_X64 |
1.18.5 | x64 | GOROOT_1_18_X64 |
1.19.0 | x64 | GOROOT_1_19_X64 |
- Cargo 1.63.0
- Rust 1.63.0
- Rustdoc 1.63.0
- Rustup 1.25.1
- Bindgen 0.60.1
- Cargo-audit 0.17.0
- Cargo-outdated 0.11.1
- Cbindgen 0.24.3
- Clippy 0.1.63
- Rustfmt 1.5.1-stable
- PowerShell 7.2.6
Module | Version |
Az | 8.2.0 |
MarkdownPS | 1.9 |
Pester | 5.3.3 |
PSScriptAnalyzer | 1.20.0 |
Name | Version | ConfigFile | ServiceStatus | ListenPort |
httpd | 2.4.54_1 | /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf | none | 80 |
nginx | 1.23.1 | /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf | none | 80 |
Version | Build | Path |
2019 | | /Applications/Visual Studio |
2022 (default) | | /Applications/Visual |
To use Visual Studio 2019 by default rename the app:
mv "/Applications/Visual" "/Applications/Visual Studio"
mv "/Applications/Visual Studio" "/Applications/Visual"
symlink | Xamarin.Mono | Xamarin.iOS | Xamarin.Mac | Xamarin.Android |
6_12_19 (default) | 6.12 | 15.12 | 8.12 | 13.0 |
6_12_18 | 6.12 | 15.10 | 8.10 | 12.3 |
6_12_17 | 6.12 | 15.10 | 8.10 | 12.2 |
6_12_16 | 6.12 | 15.8 | 8.8 | 12.2 |
6_12_15 | 6.12 | 15.8 | 8.8 | 12.1 |
6_12_14 | 6.12 | 15.8 | 8.8 | 12.0 |
6_12_13 | 6.12 | 15.6 | 8.6 | 12.0 |
6_12_12 | 6.12 | 15.4 | 8.4 | 12.0 |
6_12_11 | 6.12 | 15.2 | 8.2 | 12.0 |
6_12_10 | 6.12 | 15.0 | 7.14 | 11.3 |
- NUnit 3.6.1
Version | Build | Path |
14.0 (beta) | 14A5294g | /Applications/ |
13.4.1 (default) | 13F100 | /Applications/ |
13.4 | 13F17a | /Applications/ |
13.3.1 | 13E500a | /Applications/ |
13.2.1 | 13C100 | /Applications/ |
13.1 | 13A1030d | /Applications/ |
- xcpretty 0.3.0
- xcversion 2.8.1
SDK | SDK Name | Xcode Version |
macOS 12.0 | macosx12.0 | 13.1 |
macOS 12.1 | macosx12.1 | 13.2.1 |
macOS 12.3 | macosx12.3 | 13.3.1, 13.4, 13.4.1 |
macOS 13.0 | macosx13.0 | 14.0 |
iOS 15.0 | iphoneos15.0 | 13.1 |
iOS 15.2 | iphoneos15.2 | 13.2.1 |
iOS 15.4 | iphoneos15.4 | 13.3.1 |
iOS 15.5 | iphoneos15.5 | 13.4, 13.4.1 |
iOS 16.0 | iphoneos16.0 | 14.0 |
Simulator - iOS 15.0 | iphonesimulator15.0 | 13.1 |
Simulator - iOS 15.2 | iphonesimulator15.2 | 13.2.1 |
Simulator - iOS 15.4 | iphonesimulator15.4 | 13.3.1 |
Simulator - iOS 15.5 | iphonesimulator15.5 | 13.4, 13.4.1 |
Simulator - iOS 16.0 | iphonesimulator16.0 | 14.0 |
tvOS 15.0 | appletvos15.0 | 13.1 |
tvOS 15.2 | appletvos15.2 | 13.2.1 |
tvOS 15.4 | appletvos15.4 | 13.3.1, 13.4, 13.4.1 |
tvOS 16.0 | appletvos16.0 | 14.0 |
Simulator - tvOS 15.0 | appletvsimulator15.0 | 13.1 |
Simulator - tvOS 15.2 | appletvsimulator15.2 | 13.2.1 |
Simulator - tvOS 15.4 | appletvsimulator15.4 | 13.3.1, 13.4, 13.4.1 |
Simulator - tvOS 16.0 | appletvsimulator16.0 | 14.0 |
watchOS 8.0 | watchos8.0 | 13.1 |
watchOS 8.3 | watchos8.3 | 13.2.1 |
watchOS 8.5 | watchos8.5 | 13.3.1, 13.4, 13.4.1 |
watchOS 9.0 | watchos9.0 | 14.0 |
Simulator - watchOS 8.0 | watchsimulator8.0 | 13.1 |
Simulator - watchOS 8.3 | watchsimulator8.3 | 13.2.1 |
Simulator - watchOS 8.5 | watchsimulator8.5 | 13.3.1, 13.4, 13.4.1 |
Simulator - watchOS 9.0 | watchsimulator9.0 | 14.0 |
DriverKit 21.0.1 | driverkit21.0.1 | 13.1 |
DriverKit 21.2 | driverkit21.2 | 13.2.1 |
DriverKit 21.4 | driverkit21.4 | 13.3.1, 13.4, 13.4.1 |
DriverKit 22.0 | driverkit22.0 | 14.0 |
OS | Xcode Version | Simulators |
iOS 15.0 | 13.1 | iPod touch (7th generation) iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 12 iPhone 12 mini iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone SE (2nd generation) iPad (9th generation) iPad Air (4th generation) iPad mini (6th generation) iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) iPad Pro (9.7-inch) |
iOS 15.2 | 13.2.1 | iPod touch (7th generation) iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 12 iPhone 12 mini iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone SE (2nd generation) iPad (9th generation) iPad Air (4th generation) iPad mini (6th generation) iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) iPad Pro (9.7-inch) |
iOS 15.4 | 13.3.1 | iPod touch (7th generation) iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 12 iPhone 12 mini iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone SE (2nd generation) iPhone SE (3rd generation) iPad (9th generation) iPad Air (4th generation) iPad Air (5th generation) iPad mini (6th generation) iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) iPad Pro (9.7-inch) |
iOS 15.5 | 13.4 13.4.1 |
iPod touch (7th generation) iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 12 iPhone 12 mini iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone SE (2nd generation) iPhone SE (3rd generation) iPad (9th generation) iPad Air (4th generation) iPad Air (5th generation) iPad mini (6th generation) iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) iPad Pro (9.7-inch) |
iOS 16.0 | 14.0 | iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 12 iPhone 12 mini iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone SE (2nd generation) iPhone SE (3rd generation) iPad (9th generation) iPad Air (4th generation) iPad Air (5th generation) iPad mini (6th generation) iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) iPad Pro (9.7-inch) |
tvOS 15.0 | 13.1 | Apple TV Apple TV 4K (2nd generation) Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (2nd generation) |
tvOS 15.2 | 13.2.1 | Apple TV Apple TV 4K (2nd generation) Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (2nd generation) |
tvOS 15.4 | 13.3.1 13.4 13.4.1 |
Apple TV Apple TV 4K (2nd generation) Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (2nd generation) |
tvOS 16.0 | 13.1 13.2.1 13.3.1 13.4 13.4.1 14.0 |
Apple TV Apple TV 4K (2nd generation) Apple TV 4K (at 1080p) (2nd generation) |
watchOS 8.0 | 13.1 | Apple Watch Series 5 - 40mm Apple Watch Series 5 - 44mm Apple Watch Series 6 - 40mm Apple Watch Series 6 - 44mm Apple Watch Series 7 - 41mm Apple Watch Series 7 - 45mm |
watchOS 8.3 | 13.2.1 | Apple Watch Series 5 - 40mm Apple Watch Series 5 - 44mm Apple Watch Series 6 - 40mm Apple Watch Series 6 - 44mm Apple Watch Series 7 - 41mm Apple Watch Series 7 - 45mm |
watchOS 8.5 | 13.3.1 13.4 13.4.1 |
Apple Watch Series 5 - 40mm Apple Watch Series 5 - 44mm Apple Watch Series 6 - 40mm Apple Watch Series 6 - 44mm Apple Watch Series 7 - 41mm Apple Watch Series 7 - 45mm |
watchOS 9.0 | 13.1 13.2.1 13.3.1 13.4 13.4.1 14.0 |
Apple Watch Series 5 - 40mm Apple Watch Series 5 - 44mm Apple Watch Series 6 - 40mm Apple Watch Series 6 - 44mm Apple Watch Series 7 - 41mm Apple Watch Series 7 - 45mm |
Package Name | Version |
Android Command Line Tools | 7.0 |
Android Emulator | 31.3.10 |
Android SDK Build-tools | 33.0.0 32.0.0 31.0.0 30.0.0 30.0.1 30.0.2 30.0.3 29.0.0 29.0.1 29.0.2 29.0.3 28.0.0 28.0.1 28.0.2 28.0.3 27.0.0 27.0.1 27.0.2 27.0.3 |
Android SDK Platforms | android-33 (rev 2) android-32 (rev 1) android-31 (rev 1) android-30 (rev 3) android-29 (rev 5) android-28 (rev 6) android-27 (rev 3) |
Android SDK Platform-Tools | 33.0.3 |
Android Support Repository | 47.0.0 |
CMake | 3.18.1 3.22.1 |
Google Play services | 49 |
Google Repository | 58 |
NDK | 23.2.8568313 24.0.8215888 25.1.8937393 (default) |
SDK Patch Applier v4 | 1 |
Name | Value |
ANDROID_HOME | /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk |
ANDROID_NDK | /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393 |
ANDROID_NDK_HOME | /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393 |
ANDROID_NDK_LATEST_HOME | /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393 |
ANDROID_NDK_ROOT | /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393 |
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT | /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk |
- libXext 1.3.4
- libXft 2.3.4
- Tcl/Tk 8.6.12_1
- Zlib 1.2.12