# actinia gdi You can run actinia-gdi as standalone app with gunicorn, connected with a running actinia-core instance. ## Installation For installation or DEV setup, see docker/README.md. ## DEV notes: #### Versioning: https://semver.org/ (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) #### Logging: in any module, import `from actinia_gdi.resources.logging import log` and call logger with `log.info("my info i want to log")` #### requests library when using requests.post, make sure your postbody is of type 'bytes'. requests automatically counts to set the content-length and might count wrong for strings! `data=bytes(postbody, 'utf-8')` to debug, use ``` import curlify log.debug(curlify.to_curl(gnosresp.request)) log.debug(gnosresp.request.headers) log.debug(gnosresp.content) ```