Actinia-gdi can be run as standalone app with gunicorn, connected with a running actinia-core instance. A running postgres instance is needed.
First, build an actinia-gdi image with source-2-image. Install source-to-image binary (here v1.1.9 was used) and run:
git clone
cd actinia-gdi
docker build docker/s2i-actinia-gdi-builder -t s2i-actinia-gdi-builder
To build actinia-gdi, run:
s2i build s2i-actinia-gdi-builder actinia-gdi -e APP_CONFIG=/gunicorn.cfg -c
# or if you have local actinia-gdi changes, run
s2i build . s2i-actinia-gdi-builder actinia-gdi -e APP_CONFIG=/gunicorn.cfg -c
To run actinia-gdi, run
docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
For actinia-gdi development, run and enter the running container:
docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml up -d postgis
docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml run --rm \
--service-ports -w /opt/app-root/src --entrypoint bash \
-v $HOME/repos/actinia/actinia-gdi/actinia_gdi:/opt/app-root/src/actinia_gdi actinia-gdi
Inside the container, run the actinia-gdi server with mounted source code:
python3 install
python3 test
# python3 -m actinia_gdi.main
gunicorn -b -w 1 --access-logfile=- -k gthread actinia_gdi.wsgi
And test from outside with API calls, e.g.:
curl ''
build actinia-gdi from checked out s2i image
cd docker/s2i-actinia-gdi-builder/
git clone
cd s2i-python-container
make build TARGET=centos7 VERSIONS=3.6
docker build docker/s2i-actinia-gdi-builder/s2i-python-container/3.6 -t s2i-python-container
sudo apt install \
- a running PostgreSQL instance
For local developments outside of docker, it is preferred to run actinia-gdi in a virtual python environment.
Clone repository, create virtual environment and activate it:
git clone
cd actinia-gdi
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
Change configuration in config/mount
Install required Python packages into the virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
Run tests:
python test
Run the server for development:
python -m actinia_gdi.main
Or for production use actinia_gdi.wsgi as WSGI callable:
gunicorn -b :5000 -w 1 --access-logfile=- -k gthread actinia_gdi.wsgi
If all done, leave environment
wget -O /tmp/actinia-gdi.json
Run spectacle docker image to generate the HTML documentation
docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -t sourcey/spectacle \
spectacle /tmp/actinia-gdi.json -t /tmp
# or if you have spectacle installed (npm install -g spectacle-docs), run
cd actinia_gdi/static
spectacle /tmp/actinia-gdi.json -t .
# to build all in one file:
spectacle -1 /tmp/actinia-gdi.json -t .
beautify css
sed -i 's+<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/spectacle.min.css" />+<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/spectacle.min.css" />\n <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/actinia.css" />+g' index.html