Here lies the examples that will aid you on your Okta Terraform journey. PLEASE NOTE not all resources are yet outlined here. Just some really common ones! We will stand up a wiki soon.
- Okta and Cognito Example of using Okta OIDC application with a Cognito ID Provider to provide a serverless SPA access to AWS resources.
Anything that lies underneath a resource directory is config we use as fixtures to our tests. We use the special trigger replace_with_uuid
to trigger the fixture manager to insert a unique id. Eventually we will stand up a wiki for the provider, but we don't quite have the manpower yet to do so.
- okta_app_auto_login Supports the management of Okta Auto Login Applications.
- okta_app_bookmark Supports the management Okta Bookmark Application.
- okta_app_metadata_saml Data source for SAML app metadata.
- okta_app_oauth Supports the management of Okta OIDC Applications.
- okta_app_saml Supports the management of Okta SAML Applications.
- okta_app_secure_password_store Supports the management of Okta Secure Password Store Applications.
- okta_app_swa Supports the management of Okta SWA Applications.
- okta_app_three_field Supports the management of Okta Three Field Applications.
- okta_app Generic Application data source.
- okta_auth_server_claim Supports the management of Okta Authorization servers claims.
- okta_auth_server_policy_rule Supports the management of Okta Authorization servers policy rules.
- okta_auth_server_policy Supports the management of Okta Authorization servers policies.
- okta_auth_server_scope Supports the management of Okta Authorization servers scopes.
- okta_auth_server Supports the management of Okta Authorization servers.
- okta_group_roles Supports the management of Okta Group Administrator Roles.
- okta_group_rule Supports the management of Okta Group Rules.
- okta_group Supports the management of Okta Groups.
- okta_event_hook Supports the management of Okta Event Hooks.
- okta_idp_metadata_saml Data source for SAML IdP metadata.
- okta_idp_saml Supports the management of Okta SAML Identity Providers.
- okta_idp_social Supports the management of Okta Social Identity Providers. Such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and LinkedIn.
- okta_inline_hook Supports the management of Okta Inline Hooks EA feature.
- okta_network_zone Supports the management of Okta Network Zones for whitelisting IPs or countries dynamically.
- okta_policy_mfa Supports the management of MFA policies.
- okta_policy_password Supports the management of password policies.
- okta_policy_rule_signon Supports the management of sign-on policy rules.
- okta_policy_signon Supports the management of sign-on policies.
- okta_template_email Supports the management of custom email templates.
- okta_trusted_origin Supports the management of Okta Trusted Sources and Origins.
- okta_user_base_schema_property Supports the management of Okta User Profile Attribute Schemas.
- okta_user_schema_property Supports the management of Okta defined User Profile Attribute Schemas.
- okta_user Supports the management of Okta Users.
- okta_users Data source to retrieve a group of users.
- okta_app_oauth_redirect_uri Supports decentralizing redirect uri config. Due to Okta's API not allowing this field to be null, you must set a redirect uri in your app, and ignore changes to this attribute. We follow TF best practices and detect config drift. The best case scenario is Okta makes this field nullable, and we can not detect config drift when this attr is not present.
- okta_identity_provider -- See okta_idp, okta_idp_social, and okta_idp_saml.
- okta_user_schema_propertys -- See okta_user_schema_property.
As resource fixtures are added, please be sure to only put a VALID config in each resource sub-directory. Intentionally invalid config for testing should stay in the test file.